KCEN-TV is reporting (via Drudge) that a group of US soldiers from Fort Hood are preparing to deploy to Egypt in a riot control capacity and to "protect" Egypt's border with Israel. The brief report raises far more questions than it answers, such as why the US...
Peace and Prosperity Blog
Government’s Gun Law Ruse to Access Mental Health Records
by Adam Dick | Jun 19, 2013 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
photo: grover_netYour appointment with a psychiatrist or admission to a mental health facility may now be included in United States and state government databases. What happened to the protection of medical privacy? The United States government and some state...
New Tourism Opportunities in Egypt
by Daniel McAdams | Jun 18, 2013 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
Post Arab Spring Egypt is a barrel of laughs. Just over two years ago the president glowingly praised the US-assisted Arab Spring, claiming a triumph of US-style values. He reaffirmed American exceptionalism and his "firm belief that America’s interests are not...
Who is Ben Rhodes?
by Daniel McAdams | Jun 17, 2013 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
photo: U.S. Embassy Jakarta, IndonesiaEveryone is wondering who is Ben Rhodes, a 30-something who ascended from literally nowhere to be what seems a main driving force behind Obama's foreign policy. He is credited with convincing the president to embrace the Arab...
Chemical Weapons ‘Discovery’ in Syria Opens Door for US Bombs
by Daniel McAdams | Jun 13, 2013 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
Barely a week after President Obama announced the ascendance of the left-neocon, humanitarian interventionist cultists Susan Rice and Samantha Power to the top of his foreign policy team, and in a time of choking scandal, alas a light at the end of the tunnel has...
Are Internal Passports Next?
by Adam Dick | Jun 11, 2013 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
J.D. Tuccille relates at reason.com the sad history of dramatic deterioration in the United States government's respect for the freedom to travel. Tucille begins: Last week, my vacationing family was stopped at not one, but two, internal checkpoints along Interstate 8...
RPI Director on Traces of Reality Radio
by Daniel McAdams | Jun 10, 2013 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
RPI's Executive Director was interviewed yesterday on the Traces of Reality radio program by host Guillermo Jimenez. As the website explains: "During the second hour of the program, Daniel McAdams, The Executive Director of The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and...
US Government Spying: Constructing a ‘Turnkey Totalitarian State’?
by Adam Dick | Jun 9, 2013 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
photo: The U.S. Military Academy at West PointThe Washington Post reports that the ranking minority member of the US Senate Select Committee on Intelligence seems not too concerned about the United States government collecting information about our phone...
Smoke Begins to Clear in Turkey
by Daniel McAdams | Jun 5, 2013 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
Turkey is fascinating and confusing. What is happening? A protest over a new shopping mall turns into the spark of a revolution? Is Taksim Square the new Tahrir Square? As ever it is complicated and there are many lines and strains and competing interest groups....
What if They Did it to Us?
by Peter Hitchens | Jun 2, 2013 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
Peter Hitchens writing at the Daily Mail poses a question that most supporters of interventionism -- be it of the liberal "humanitarian" variety or the imperialist variety -- never ask themselves: What if they did it to us?In Hitchens scenario, the question is posed...
Who Likes the Ron Paul Institute?
by RPI Staff | Jun 1, 2013 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
Here are the top ten RPI cities according to Facebook "likes": 1) Los Angeles, CA2) Houston, TX3) New York, NY4) Austin, TX5) Las Vegas, NV6) Chicago, IL7) Washington, DC8) San Antonio, TX9) Orlando, FL10) Phoenix, AZGet your city on the map! Like the Ron Paul...
What Might Have Been…and What Is!
by Daniel McAdams | May 31, 2013 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
Writing in The Hill newspaper, Bernie Quigley points out what could have been, had RPI Chairman Ron Paul been successful in his 2012 run for the presidency. He also points out that the original Tea Party was a very different animal from what it became after being...
Orwell Reigns Over Raw Milk Trial
by Daniel McAdams | May 24, 2013 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
The trial of Vernon Hershberger for the crime of selling healthy, unprocessed milk to informed and willing customers is sadly a damning commentary on the times in which we currently live. This humble yet learned Amish farmer faces the ruin of his farm, his family, and...
Senate Votes Unanimously Toward War Against Iran
by Daniel McAdams | May 23, 2013 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
Today the US Senate voted unanimously in favor of a Lindsey Graham resolution, S.Res.65, which "[s]trongly support(s) the full implementation of United States and international sanctions on Iran and urg[es] the President to continue to strengthen enforcement of...
Another Lying Rice in the White House
by Daniel McAdams | May 16, 2013 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
Obama's UN Ambassador Susan Rice, one of the architects of the Left-neocon favorite regime change tool, the "humanitarian intervention," appears slated for a promotion to become the president's National Security Advisor.Rice's pro-intervention colleagues on the Right...
RPI CEO Dr. Paul on the Drug War
by Daniel McAdams | May 10, 2013 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
Listen here to RPI Chairman Ron Paul's latest podcase with Charles Goyette on one of the most fundamental foreign policy and civil liberties issues of our time: the war on drugs. Billions of dollars spent, people put in prison, US interventionism abroad -- the war on...
RPI Advisor WIlkerson: Syria Evidence ‘Pretty Flaky’
by Daniel McAdams | May 6, 2013 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
Ron Paul Institute Advisor Col. Lawrence Wilkerson appeared on the Young Turks program late last week to reveal that the "varying degrees of confidence" with which Defense Secretary Hagel proclaimed that the Syrian government had used chemical weapons was in fact...
UN Commission Investigator: It Was The Syrian Rebels Who Used Sarin
by Daniel McAdams | May 6, 2013 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
After investigating the alleged use of chemical weapons in Syria, UN Human Rights commission member Carla Del Ponte says that testimony from victims and medical staff indicate that it was rebel forces and not the Syrian government that had used sarin gas. Said Del...
More Israeli Bombs Over Syria
by Daniel McAdams | May 5, 2013 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
For the second day in a row, the Israeli government is reported to have bombed Syria -- this time near Damascus -- according to reporting by the Washington Post. As the Washington Post -- itself deeply in the ideological pockets of the left-neocons -- concludes, this...
Syria’s Drone Future
by Daniel McAdams | May 2, 2013 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
Over at the American Conservative, Phil Giraldi alerts us to the US administration's plans for the "day after" in Syria, if US assistance to the Syrian insurgents finds them victorious over the Syrian government. According to Giraldi's analysis, a strategy of sorts is...
Recent Posts
- Some New Tales from the Darksideby Philip Giraldi
- Who Gives Two Hoots About the Houthis!by David Stockman
- Making Our Rights Disappear: The Authoritarian War on Due Processby John W. And Nisha Whitehead
- A Brief History of the Freedom of Speechby Andrew P. Napolitano
- The High Price of War with Iran: $10 Gas and the Collapse of the US Economyby Dennis J. Kucinich
- It Wasn’t a Leak, It was a Devious ‘Charlie Foxtrot’by Larry C. Johnson
- Trump and Putin Begin Addressing Cumulated Geo-strategic Debris… Amidst Trump’s Ultimatum to Iranby Alastair Crooke
- Scorch Marks in the Sandby William Schryver
- Shut Down the Department of Education!by Ron Paul
- Does the US military even know why it’s bombing Yemen?by Kelley B. Vlahos
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