The Liberty Report

‘The Most Important Election Of Our Lifetime!’ – Does It Really Matter?

There was plenty of noise in the run up to today’s mid-term election in the US, but were there any real differences when it comes to substantive issues? Or was it all about manufactured outrages designed to motivate people to support this or that tribe with no real thought? Was there any real debate on war? Privacy? NSA spying? None at all! The most important election in our lifetime? Ha! Tune in to today’s Liberty Report:

Iran Sanctions Back On! Is War On The Way?

The Trump Administration is determined to bring Iran to its knees. With a new round of “crippling” sanctions targeting any country doing business with Iran, is the US just isolating itself from the rest of the world? Is it hastening the end of “dollar hegemony” that US foreign policy has to this point sought to prop up? Is the law of unintended consequences about to bite hard? Today’s Liberty Report was recorded before a live audience at Brazosport College in Lake Jackson, TX:

Feeding The Deep State: Trump’s Big Intel Boost An Attack On Liberty

The 2018 US intelligence community budget saw its biggest increase in ten years and is now higher than it has ever been. President Trump’s backers often claim that he’s in Washington to fight the deep state, but it doesn’t get more “deep state” than the US intelligence community. How to explain this massive increase? Do they think we are safer and more free with an even larger spy network watching us and meddling in the rest of the world’s affairs? Tune in to today’s Liberty Report:

Saudi Massacre In Yemen Worse Than Estimated. Will Congress Finally Speak Up?

According to a new study by the University of Sussex, the 10,000 civilian dead in the Yemen war is hugely understated. The actual number of civilians killed since the Saudi attacks started in 2015 may be as high as 80,000. And on top of that, 50,000 children die each year from preventable illnesses related to the war. Why does the US continue to act as an accomplice in this massacre? Will Congress finally step up and put a stop to it? Tune in to today’s Liberty Report:

‘Hate’ Attacks In America – Is Free Speech To Blame?

Those who work to stifle free speech and particularly anti-establishment speech have rushed to exploit the tragic murders in Pittsburgh to further their agenda. Government officials and ex-government officials are increasingly pressuring social media companies to restrict speech. Is it an attack-by-proxy on the First Amendment? Is social media and free speech to blame for the actions of a deranged murderer? Tune in to today’s Liberty Report:

How Anarchy Can Work – With Guest Luke Rudkowski

What happened when one Mexican town chock-full of drug gangs and corrupt politicians finally had enough? They banded together to kick them both out. It’s not a Hollywood western, it was real life back in Cheran, Mexico in 2011. Independent investigative reporter Luke Rudowski traveled down to see how they were able to ban gangs and politicians and vastly improve the quality of life in this Mexican city of 30,000. He even made a film about it. Luke joins us to talk about this, the bizarre “bomb scare” sweeping the country, and about the struggles of the independent media in today’s Liberty Report:

‘Business As Usual’ – US Desperate To Cover-Up Khoshoggi Murder

Saudi crown prince Mohammed bin Salman is key to the Middle East strategy of both the US and Israel. Keeping focus on regime change for Iran is the main goal of all three countries. That is why we are seeing a push to cover-up the likely complicity of MbS in the crime and instead blame 18 of his closest aides for a “rogue operation.” Will they get away with it? It’s looking likely. Should they? Tune in to today’s Liberty Report:

‘Foreign Invasion’ – Will US Military Confront Migrants At Border?

The media reports that some 14,000 people are marching from Honduras through Guatemala through Mexico to the US. They are supposed to arrive just in time for the US election in early November. Is this a political stunt? A genuine mass migration? What are the factors that may have led to such an event and what should we do about it? Troops on the border? Tune in to today’s Liberty Report:

Bonanza For Weapons Industry: Trump Withdraws From Reagan/Gorbachev Nuke Treaty

President Trump signaled over the weekend that he planned to pull the US out of the 1987 Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty. He claims Russian cheating on the treaty makes it an unfair deal. His National Security Advisor John Bolton is said to claim credit for convincing Trump to pull out, and Bolton is currently in Moscow to inform the Russians of the US president’s decision. What does the end of the INF treaty mean? Tune in to today’s Liberty Report:

Why Did An American Hit Squad Kill Politicians In Yemen?

While Washington is in a frenzy over the apparent Saudi government murder of a Saudi Washington Post journalist, little attention is being paid to news that the United Arab Emirates hired an “guns for hire” company founded by an Israeli-American to assassinate members of a political party in Yemen. Pentagon and CIA trained special operations troops were used to carry out the assassinations, including a plan to blow up the party’s headquarters building. While Russian involvement in our elections has yet to be proven, certainly blowing up a foreign political party headquarters and assassinating its leaders qualifies as election meddling. But it’s Ok if we do it? Tune in to today’s Liberty Report:

The Corporatist War On Free Speech – Are We A Nation Of Sheep?

What do we call it when the government outsources censorship to the private sector? And what about when those “private” companies are in bed with government? The latest social media purge of hundreds of alternative news sites guarantees that we will be less informed. Guarantees that our only inputs will be from the government-approved mainstream media outlets. They want to turn us into a nation of sheep. Will we allow them? Tune in to today’s Liberty Report:

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