RPI Event Alert: America in the Age of Trump 2.0. Click for Details.

Whether you are at the edge of your chair or pulling your hair out in despair, Trump 2.0 is disrupting the status quo.

Date and time: Saturday, March 22 · 8:30am – 1pm CDT

Location: Dow Academic Center, 500 College Boulevard Lake Jackson, TX 77566

Click Here For Ticket Information

The Liberty Report

Trump To End Unconstitutional Syria War – Washington Heads Are Exploding

The warmongering Left has joined forces with the neocons to demand that President Trump reverse course in his recent decision to pull US troops from Syria. Neocons claim that ISIS will increase with the US absence, but it was the very US intervention in the region – that they supported – that led to the rise of extremist and terrorist groups. Meanwhile, some principled progressives are putting politics aside to praise the president’s move. More on the war over war in Washington in today’s Liberty Report:

Playing The Blame Game: The Political Farce Of The Government Shutdown

Washington is playing the “shutdown” game again. When it comes to big issues – like the US war in Yemen – the politicos and mainstream media couldn’t care less. But when it comes to political theater like a “government shutdown,” the headlines are big and bold and the scare tactics begin. What will happen this year, as President Trump threatens a shutdown over funding of his wall? There will be a reprieve, as usual. Shutdown farce in today’s Liberty Report:

Saudis Tell US Senate ‘Where To Go’ – Time To Leave?

The Saudi government has condemned a US Senate resolution accusing the Saudi Crown Prince of being responsible for the murder of Jamal Khashoggi. But bigger trouble for the Saudis might be on the horizon, as an historic Senate vote to end the US participation in the Saudi war on Yemen passed on the same day. Though the House is being prohibited by its leadership from voting on its own version of the resolution, the Senate move has raised awareness of the brutal Saudi war and has increased the momentum. What next? Watch today’s Liberty Report:

Why Christians Should Embrace Free Markets, With Guest Fr. Robert Sirico

Why are there so many anti-free market attitudes among Christians? What about the role of the state, as it takes for itself more and more the traditional roles of religious charities? Are we doing better with health care, poverty, homeless now with the state in charge than we did with religious charities being involved? Acton Institute founder Fr. Robert Sirico joins today’s Liberty Report to discuss why free markets and Christianity are a very good match:

Three Dangerous Syria Powder Kegs – Will US Light The Match?

Al-Tanf, Idlib, Kurdish areas in the northeast. Three Syria powder kegs and the US is holding a handful of matches. The continued US occupation of a large chunk of Syrian territory is not providing stability. It is illegal and it is emboldening terrorist organizations. Now some senior military figures are saying we must stay in Syria to protect against “pro-regime” forces. Does this make any sense? We are back to “Assad must go”? Tune in to today’s Liberty Report:

Foreign Policy Arrogance Undermines Our National Security

Pride goeth before the fall, we are told in the Bible. Unfortunately pride and arrogance are the lynchpins of our foreign policy. From the refusal to end the 17 year war on Afghanistan to the ever-growing military budgets to a new Joint Chiefs Chairman who promises to destroy our “enemies,” it is an excess pride and arrogance among the US foreign policy and political establishment more than anything else that is undermining our national security. More in today’s Liberty Report:

Global Cops: Will US Jail Chinese Tech Exec?

Did President Trump really have no idea that a top Chinese businesswoman and member of the country’s political elite was going to be arrested in Canada just as the US president was having dinner with Chinese leader Xi Jinping? If so, did the neocons surrounding him knowingly keep him in the dark? The implications of this arrest are incalculable, as the Huawei CFO, Weng Wanzhou faces 30 years in US prison for allegedly violating US sanctions on Iran! What to expect? Tune in to today’s Liberty Report:

Pompeo Promises New Liberal World Order – New Wine In Old Bottles?

Secretary of State Pompeo told the German Marshall Fund (which is funded by the US government and the military-industrial complex) that the Trump Administration is seeking to creat a “new liberal world order” where US military might – “engagement” – would create peace and prosperity across the globe. Does this sound a bit – or a lot – like the nonsense the neocons have been spewing for decades since the end of the Cold War? And where has that gotten us? Tune in to today’s Liberty Report:

Why Are We Talking About Khashoggi Murder When US Drones Kill Thousands?

Democrats and neocons in Washington screaming about Trump’s apparent lack of concern over the Saudi crown prince’s alleged murder of a journalist are themselves silent over the not one, but thousands of civilians killed by US drone strikes. It is not war or savagery that they are opposing. For them, it’s all about politics. More on the hypocrisy in today’s Liberty Report:

Trade War On Hold? Trump, Xi, And The G20 Summit

With the G20 Summit in the bag, what are the top takeaways? A missed opportunity for Trump to pursue diplomacy with his Russian counterpart. Trump’s successful dinner visit with Chinese leader Xi. But will we be better off after the very expensive Argentina junket? Tune in to the Liberty Report:

Pompeo: US/Saudi Partnership ‘Vital’ – American Taxpayers May Disagree!

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has published a bizarre op-ed in the Wall Street Journal claiming that Saudi Arabia has been a guarantor of stability in the Middle East and a bulwark against “expansionist” Iran. Perhaps he forgot about Saudi support for jihadists in Syria and the Saudi destruction of Yemen? Is carrying water for the murderous Saudi kingdom in the Middle East really the best way to demonstrate “American values,” as Pompeo claims? We break down Pompeo’s neocon screed in today’s Liberty Report:

Black Sea Face Off: Is Ukraine Provoking War With Russia?

Why does it seem like each time Presidents Trump and Putin look like they might start communicating there is a “crisis” that threatens war? Are the neocons manipulating things? The latest dust-up between Ukrainian gunships and the Russian military in the Kerch Strait comes just as Trump and Putin are set to meet on the sidelines of the upcoming G-20 Summit meeting. Coincidence? Tune in to today’s Liberty Report:

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