The Liberty Report

US/North Korea Summit: Will Trump Win Nobel Peace Prize?

Tomorrow President Trump will meet for the second time with North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un. They meet in Hanoi, Vietnam, where some 50 years ago a bitter and futile war was fought. While Trump’s enemies in the US are creating unrealistic expectations in hopes of making Trump look bad if he does not achieve a full surrender of North Korean nuclear capabilities, what would a successful summit look like to reasonable people? Can Trump pull it off? Tune in to today’s Liberty Report:

Half-A-Cheer For Supremes’ Civil Asset Forfeiture Ruling

Yesterday’s Supreme Court ruling on civil asset forfeiture – that states are bound by the Eighth Amendment – may be a step in the right direction, but it’s only a baby step. Police are still free to steal from individuals not even accused of a crime, let alone convicted of a crime. They are just now told to not steal too much. The real issue that needs to be addressed is that the government should not be able to steal from the people. It’s that simple. A break down of the ruling and what it means in today’s Liberty Report:

Iraq Lies Redux: Trump Admin Claims Iran/al-Qaeda Alliance

In an astonishing Washington Times article this week, unnamed Trump Administration officials (who may or may not be called “John Bolton”) are claiming that Iran, which has been battling al-Qaeda in Syria for nearly four years, is actually secretly allied with al-Qaeda and therefore Iran can be attacked with no further Congressional authorization. Are we seeing the old “babies thrown from incubators” lies resurrected to gin up a war with Iran? Warning lights in today’s Liberty Report:

Whistling Past NATO’s Graveyard, With Special Guest Tom Luongo

The recent Warsaw and Munich summits have proven disastrous to Trump’s foreign policy as pursued by his neocon top advisors. They were supposed to line up for war on Iran and further isolation of Russia and China, yet none of the war bugles sounded. Have the Europeans had enough of “US global dominance”? Geopolitical analyst Tom Luongo joins today’s Liberty Report:

Medium Is The Message: Ilhan Omar, Social Media, And Making News

Democratic US Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) set off a firestorm on Sunday with a one-line Tweet on a third rail topic. The aftermath continues four days later. Canadian philosopher and public intellectual Marshal McLuhan famously observed that “the medium is the message.” How is messaging changing with the advent of such radically different mediums? Is news/reality accelerating? Ludwig von Mises Institute President Jeff Deist joins the discussion…in today’s Liberty Report:

House Yemen Vote Today: What’s Pelosi’s Goal?

Where former Speaker Paul Ryan even broke House rules (and possibly the law) refusing to allow a War Powers challenge to Trump’s alliance with Saudi Arabia to destroy Yemen, current Speaker Nancy Pelosi is allowing the measure to the Floor for a vote today. It is expected to pass by a large margin. Has the House finally turned against such dumb wars? Unfortunately that would not be a correct conclusion to draw. More in today’s Liberty Report:

From Berlin To Baghdad, Trump Foreign Policy In Tatters

The Trump Administration is twisting arms in Europe and in the Middle East in its ongoing determination to crush Iran. It seems a singular obsession. But the push-back is coming from and EU that remains (for now) dedicated to the Iran nuclear deal and from places like Iraq, which is being asked to act against its own interest to please Washington’s Iran goals. Is it all coming apart? Tune in to today’s Liberty Report:

Walter Jones – Hero Of Peace

Rep. Walter Jones (R-NC), who died yesterday, was a towering giant when it came to honesty and integrity. He broke the cardinal rule of Washington: he listened to his conscience, admitted he was wrong about the Iraq war, and dedicated his life to making amends for his vote for the war. He stepped across the aisle to work with Democrats – and with anyone who resisted the lies of the warmongers. We remember the great Walter Jones in today’s Liberty Report:

Senate Forbids Israel Boycott – Is It Constitutional?

The first Senate bill of the year has taken on those who seek to boycott Israel over its treatment of Palestinians. In a complicated maneuver, the Senate has voted to allow states to boycott the boycotters. Is it a free speech/First Amendment issue? Supporters of the bill say no. Many civil libertarians disagree. We weigh both sides of the argument in today’s Liberty Report:

Bolton’s Plan: Starve Venezuela

The Trump Administration, led by President National Security Advisor John Bolton, has announced that it would be sending humanitarian aid to the pro-rebel factions in Venezuela while tightening sanctions on pro-government civilians. The goal is obvious: use hunger to get people to turn against their elected government and for the US-appointed president. Is this a moral approach to foreign policy? Is this “restoring democracy”? Tune in to today’s Liberty Report:

Fearmongering: Senate Chairman Warns ‘Prepare For WWIII With China’

At a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing earlier this week, Committee Chair James Inhofe (R-OK) warned that dealing with China’s activities in the South China Sea is like preparing for World War III. He complains that the US doesn’t even know who its allies are any longer. He warned of a long, protracted struggle. The hearing witnesses consisted of three “experts” from two neoconservative think tanks – all funded by the military industrial complex. Unsurprisingly, they agreed with Inhofe about a long struggle. Profitable. Tune in to today’s Liberty Report:

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