The Liberty Report

With Bolton Out, Will Trump Open Door To Iran?

The last straw that broke Trump’s back with Bolton appears to be the latter’s vehement opposition to any kind of opening toward Iran. Suddenly a French proposal for a way out of the stand-off is being talked about by Trump and Pompeo. Will Trump find a way to ease tensions and open a new chapter with Iran, or will the whole thing fizzle in bluster? Watch today’s Liberty Report:

Will Another John Bolton Replace John Bolton?

Bolton may be gone, but Boltonism lives on. Those believing that the end of Bolton would signal a return to the foreign policy of candidate Donald Trump, however, may be disappointed. President Trump has appointed Charles Kupperman to temporary fill in for John Bolton as National Security Advisor. Kupperman is one of Bolton’s closest friends and allies in Washington. Plus – What have we learned since 9/11? Tune in to today’s Liberty Report:

Is America Doomed? Any Options Left?

Is America incapable of going back to the “good old days” where we understood what it means to live in a constitutional republic and defended our liberties against all enemies, foreign and domestic? A new article from Michael Snyder cites plenty of polling data suggesting a grim future for freedom lovers. But there may be hope for the future after all. Watch today’s Liberty Report:

Bolton And Pompeo Beat Down Trump’s Afghan Peace Deal

Snatching war from the jaws of peace, the long-worked on peace deal negotiated between the US and Taliban leaders has apparently been tossed into the trash can and the US will return to its 18 year losing battle in Afghanistan. The deal’s demise was blamed on an apparent Taliban car bomb, but there may be much more to it than that. Tune in to today’s Liberty Report:

USS Gerald Ford – A $13 Billion Boondoggle

The US Navy’s newest aircraft carrier, the USS Gerald Ford, is so over-budget and riddled with errors that it’s practically useless. Never is it asked whether we need such a ship for the defense of this country. It is about spending and maintaining steady growth in the defense industry. Our own safety and security are completely irrelevant to the military spending juggernaut. And it’s not just this carrier. Tune in to today’s Liberty Report:

Beware (And Prepare): The American Empire Is Collapsing

When empires fall, they do not go down gracefully. The collapse is sudden and the consequences are permanent. Like the schoolyard bully who is finally defeated, his former victims and enemies revel in his fall. The US empire is now teetering on such a collapse. The signs are all around us. Aggressive US foreign policy, self-destructive monetary policy that debases the currency and hides inflation, a monstrous national and individual debt load. The writing is on the wall and the wise are preparing. What can we do? Tune in to today’s Liberty Report:

Trump Administration Wants Permanent Repeal of the 4th Amendment

Departing Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats sent Congress a letter requesting that several features of the misnamed USA FREEDOM Act be made permanent, allowing the US government to spy in Americans in perpetuity. The Trump Administration wants to be able to intercept phone calls and text messages as well as snoop into business records and other violations of the Fourth Amendment. The FREEDOM Act was passed after Ed Snowden revealed that the NSA was illegally spying on American citizens. Falsely advertised as “reform,” the replacement bill only made “legal” the illegality of the PATRIOT Act. Will Americans find the will to oppose this creeping tyranny? Tune in to today’s Liberty Report:

US Sanctions Killing Innocent Iranians…Just ‘Collateral Damage’?

The US government claim that US sanctions do not affect medicines and humanitarian assistance to Iran is a bold-faced lie. They make the manufacture of medicines in Iran nearly impossible and they make the cost of medicines beyond the reach of Iranians by disrupting the supply chain of raw materials. US sanctions policy kills innocents under the guise of being “humanitarian.” Watch today’s Liberty Report:

‘Humanitarianism’? Hillary’s Libya Lies Still Creating Misery

The 2011 US attack on Libya to “save the people” from Gadaffi was an entirely manufactured narrative with Hillary Clinton’s weaponized State Department, a chief author of the lies. Libya’s population continues to suffer endless war and terrorism from a US intervention that only benefited al-Qaeda and gun runners to Syria and beyond. Watch today’s Liberty Report:

Can Trump Get Out Of Afghanistan?

With a peace agreement between the US and the Taliban nearly completed, will President Trump be able to do what his two predecessors were unable to do – end the US military’s 18 year war on Afghanistan? Neocons at home are screaming that we must stay, Trump has promised a departure. And election season is heating up. Watch today’s Liberty Report:

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