No wonder the Democrats wanted a really fast House impeachment vote. As more information comes out about the “whistleblower” and the role of House Democratic leadership to husband the gossip into a complaint – and from there to impeachment – the more it looks like another Steele Dossier. Will this farce blow up in their faces, or will their allies in the mainstream media be capable of keeping any counter-evidence from the screens of mainstream media watching America? Tune in to today’s Liberty Report:
The Liberty Report
What Will The US Do When Turkey Invades Syria?
by Daniel McAdams | Oct 2, 2019 | The Liberty Report
Turkey’s Erdogan has again promised to invade Syria and establish a “safe zone” extending 20 miles into Syrian territory along 300 miles of Syria/Turkey border. What will happen to the US-backed Kurds, who Erdogan calls “terrorists,” that live in that area? What about US military installations that may exist in the “safe zone”? For that matter, what will Putin and Rouhani have to say about Erdogan’s threats? Tune in to today’s Liberty Report:
Iraq War 3.0? Israel Attacks…With US Backing!
by Daniel McAdams | Oct 1, 2019 | The Liberty Report
Iraq has formally accused Israel of the spate of attacks on its territory over the past several weeks. Most recently, Israeli drones are said to have taken off from a US-controlled base in the Kurdish region of Syria and attacked Iraqi territory. Again. Iraq is warning of war while the US again pursues an incoherent and counterproductive policy. Will the US continue to back Israeli aggression in the region? Tune in to today’s Liberty Report:
Houthis Rout Saudi Military – End Of The Road For MbS?
by Daniel McAdams | Sep 30, 2019 | The Liberty Report
The Saudi military appears to have suffered an historic defeat with a Houthi trap capturing up to three Saudi brigades. Houthis claim 500 Saudi fighters killed and 2,000 Saudi fighters captured. Houthi footage appears to show Saudi jets bombing long lines of surrendering Saudi forces. Is this latest Saudi loss the end of the road for presumptive heir to the throne, Mohammad bin Salman? Palace coup? Plus – an update on the CIA “whistleblower” trying to take down the president. Tune in to today’s Liberty Report…
Forget The Impeachment Circus…Here’s What Congress Should Really Investigate!
by Daniel McAdams | Sep 26, 2019 | The Liberty Report
While the country is being dragged through the three ring impeachment circus – which is all about politics and nothing about policy, President Trump’s secret wars and interventions across the globe continue. Venezuela, Middle East, Lithuania…the intervention is on overdrive. But Congress has no interest in its Constitutional obligations when it comes to war. Political theater is far more exciting. Watch today’s Liberty Report:
Smoking Gun? Impeachment Blows Up In Democrat Faces…Again!
by Daniel McAdams | Sep 25, 2019 | The Liberty Report
Just as the Democratic Party was gearing up for a good, old-fashioned impeachment – something they’ve been desperate for since Trump was elected – the release of the transcript of the phone call between Trump and the Ukraine president has fizzled their hopes. Again. There is no “there” there and again the Democrats and their allies in the mainstream media are left looking foolish. Tune in to today’s Liberty Report:
Impeachment Hysteria! But Who’s Guilty, Trump Or Biden?
by Daniel McAdams | Sep 24, 2019 | The Liberty Report
The US House is said to have pushed impeachment of President Trump to the front burner after it has been revealed that he discussed a corruption investigation of Joe Biden’s son with the president of Ukraine. Earlier, Biden bragged that he got the prosecutor fired and the investigation was put on ice. Was there a quid pro quo for US military aid? Who was the “whistleblower”? Who is guilty? Both? And what about the foreign aid in the first place? Watch today’s Liberty Report:
Defending Saudi Arabia…Hardly Our Moral Responsibility!
by Daniel McAdams | Sep 23, 2019 | The Liberty Report
President Trump’s decision to deploy more US troops (and more failed Patriot Missile batteries) signals the US Administration’s continuing determination to back Saudi Arabia in its aggressive war against Yemen. But what does it mean that the mighty US air superiority has been defeated by a few cheap drones and missiles? The illusion of dominance. Should we be engaging further in the Middle East…or is it time to come home? Tune in to today’s Liberty Report:
The Moral/Political Corrosion Of Negative Interest Rates, With Guest Jeff Deist
by Daniel McAdams | Sep 19, 2019 | The Liberty Report
The approach of negative interest rates in the US will transport us into a truly bizarro world where up is down and spending is saving. But it’s not only an economic issue – there is a moral and political corrosion of our society that comes with negative interest rates. Mises Institute President Jeff Deist joins today’s Liberty Report:
Trump Names New National Security Advisor – Bolton Without The Mustache?
by Daniel McAdams | Sep 18, 2019 | The Liberty Report
President Trump has named Robert O’Brien, who served as foreign affairs advisor to Mitt Romney’s presidential campaign, as his replacement for fired National Security Advisor John Bolton. O’Brien is cut from the exact same neoconservative cloth as Bolton and represents, at most, change in style and physical appearance. With pressure mounting on Trump to attack Iran after unproven accusations that it was involved in an attack on Saudi oil facilities, the President’s national security team may find itself without allies in the effort. Will O’Brien put the brakes on Trump’s neocons…or will he hit the accelerator? Tune in to today’s Liberty Report:
Credibility Crisis: No One Believes Iran Attacked Saudi Arabia
by Daniel McAdams | Sep 17, 2019 | The Liberty Report
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was sure of who was responsible for the attack on Saudi oil facilities shortly after the attack. Neocons followed suit, one by one blaming Iran and calling for the war they’ve been drooling over for years. But not only are Washington’s European partners skeptical of the claims – even Gulf allies are not outright blaming Iran. Lies grease the wheels of the war machine and with the latest attack the grease is flowing freely. What will Trump do? Tune in to today’s Liberty Report:
‘Locked And Loaded’ – Will Trump Attack Iran?
by Daniel McAdams | Sep 16, 2019 | The Liberty Report
After Saturday’s attacks on Saudi oil facilities, President Trump Tweeted that the US is “locked and loaded” and ready to do whatever Saudi Arabia deems appropriate to whoever the Saudis blame for the attack. Will Trump let the Saudis dictate when and where the United States goes to war? Who did it and why? Evidence? False flag? So many questions. Tune in to today’s Liberty Report:
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