The Liberty Report

Americans are Finally Growing Weary of Lockdowns


There are public protests against lockdowns in Denmark, Italy, France, and all over Europe. They are growing in numbers and fury. Why not the US? Scott Atlas suggested in passing that Michigan residents “rise up” against new lockdowns in Michigan, and major media collectively fainted in shock. Preposterously, he was forced to clarify that he didn’t mean violently. 

I came across a Twitter account from one protestor who demanded to know where the Americans are in all of this. Why is this country that once inspired the world with its tenacious love of liberty and a strict Bill of Rights allowing its society and economy to be strangled by some of the tightest stringencies in the world? 

Just look at the chart on our restrictions, as compared with other countries. The US has been stuck since the third week of March at between 62-72% stringencies overall. Some states are open and functioning well but others (especially California and the Northeast) seem unable to loosen restrictions and are thus continuing to crush whole sectors of the economy, in addition to pursuing impositions on liberty without precedent. 

All this time, we’ve wondered how and why Americans are putting up with this. The polls thus far have shown support for lockdowns, as depressing as that sounds to those of us who have been writing against them since January. 

However, these polls have shifted in recent weeks. The shift is substantial. The direction and pace of change is also notable. 

The poll comes from Gallup. The first question concerns compliance with a possible new mandate to shelter in place. At the height of the pandemic, 67% of Americans said they would be compliant with a stay-home order. That is now down to 49%. Fully one third of Americans said they are very or somewhat unlikely to comply with such an order. Back in March, only 15% of Americans told pollsters that. This is some real progress. Another 18% report being “somewhat likely” to comply.


Back in March, at the height of fear, 87% of Americans thought it was better for healthy people to stay home rather than try to live a normal life. That has fallen to 64% – far too high given that living a normal life is precisely what needs to happen to save the country from lockdowns. Still, the shift is notable and promises to continue in that direction. It’s fair to conclude from these two charts that fully one third of Americans are in the fed-up camp. 


There has also been a sharp drop in the number of people reporting that they are doing extreme forms of isolation. 


Here again, given the actual risk factors of severe consequences from Covid – the median infection fatality rate for healthy people under 70 years of age could be as low as 0.05% – it is remarkable how compliant Americans have been with extreme restrictions that take no account of the risk differentials. It’s a feature of nearly all these lockdowns that they are top-down impositions on the whole population and take no account of the need for focused protection for the aged and sick. The models that drove governments around the world to lock down similarly presume homogeneous risk among all population groups – which is a feature of no virus in recorded history. 

The daily bombardment of Covid frenzy by media elites – who seem to be stuck in a single narrative that the lockdowns have to stay in place until everyone is vaccinated – surely has something to do with the amount of support. Given that, it is remarkable that a third of Americans seem to be solidly in the dissenting camp. 

This might also account for the intensification of authoritarianism coming from government, e.g. Anthony Fauci ordering Americans to “do what you are told.”

In 2020, Americans discovered that governments were capable of impositions on private and commercial life that are without precedent. The Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the legislatures, and the courts did not protect us. The fight for a restoration of normal life will come down to public opinion, and that in turn will happen once an alternative view of public health competes with media falsehoods. It is long past time to rise up.

Reprinted with permission from American Institute for Economic Research.

Americans are Finally Growing Weary of Lockdowns


There are public protests against lockdowns in Denmark, Italy, France, and all over Europe. They are growing in numbers and fury. Why not the US? Scott Atlas suggested in passing that Michigan residents “rise up” against new lockdowns in Michigan, and major media collectively fainted in shock. Preposterously, he was forced to clarify that he didn’t mean violently. 

I came across a Twitter account from one protestor who demanded to know where the Americans are in all of this. Why is this country that once inspired the world with its tenacious love of liberty and a strict Bill of Rights allowing its society and economy to be strangled by some of the tightest stringencies in the world? 

Just look at the chart on our restrictions, as compared with other countries. The US has been stuck since the third week of March at between 62-72% stringencies overall. Some states are open and functioning well but others (especially California and the Northeast) seem unable to loosen restrictions and are thus continuing to crush whole sectors of the economy, in addition to pursuing impositions on liberty without precedent. 

All this time, we’ve wondered how and why Americans are putting up with this. The polls thus far have shown support for lockdowns, as depressing as that sounds to those of us who have been writing against them since January. 

However, these polls have shifted in recent weeks. The shift is substantial. The direction and pace of change is also notable. 

The poll comes from Gallup. The first question concerns compliance with a possible new mandate to shelter in place. At the height of the pandemic, 67% of Americans said they would be compliant with a stay-home order. That is now down to 49%. Fully one third of Americans said they are very or somewhat unlikely to comply with such an order. Back in March, only 15% of Americans told pollsters that. This is some real progress. Another 18% report being “somewhat likely” to comply.


Back in March, at the height of fear, 87% of Americans thought it was better for healthy people to stay home rather than try to live a normal life. That has fallen to 64% – far too high given that living a normal life is precisely what needs to happen to save the country from lockdowns. Still, the shift is notable and promises to continue in that direction. It’s fair to conclude from these two charts that fully one third of Americans are in the fed-up camp. 


There has also been a sharp drop in the number of people reporting that they are doing extreme forms of isolation. 


Here again, given the actual risk factors of severe consequences from Covid – the median infection fatality rate for healthy people under 70 years of age could be as low as 0.05% – it is remarkable how compliant Americans have been with extreme restrictions that take no account of the risk differentials. It’s a feature of nearly all these lockdowns that they are top-down impositions on the whole population and take no account of the need for focused protection for the aged and sick. The models that drove governments around the world to lock down similarly presume homogeneous risk among all population groups – which is a feature of no virus in recorded history. 

The daily bombardment of Covid frenzy by media elites – who seem to be stuck in a single narrative that the lockdowns have to stay in place until everyone is vaccinated – surely has something to do with the amount of support. Given that, it is remarkable that a third of Americans seem to be solidly in the dissenting camp. 

This might also account for the intensification of authoritarianism coming from government, e.g. Anthony Fauci ordering Americans to “do what you are told.”

In 2020, Americans discovered that governments were capable of impositions on private and commercial life that are without precedent. The Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the legislatures, and the courts did not protect us. The fight for a restoration of normal life will come down to public opinion, and that in turn will happen once an alternative view of public health competes with media falsehoods. It is long past time to rise up.

Reprinted with permission from American Institute for Economic Research.

Covid Vaccine Controversy Explained. With Guest Bill Sardi.

Health journalist Bill Sardi joins today’s Liberty Report with the results from his extensive reporting on Covid and the rush to a vaccine. Find out why most everything the “experts” are telling us…is wrong! Plus today – the Danish face mask study is FINALLY published in a peer-reviewed medical journal. The results may – or may not – surprise you! Watch today’s Liberty Report:

Are You Going To Cancel Thanksgiving?

Across the country authoritarian governors and local officials are imposing new “guidelines” on Americans as they plan for the Thanksgiving holiday later this month. They are using coronavirus as an excuse to cancel the entire holiday season. But slowly a resistance is forming to these petty tyrants. We’ll highlight some of that resistance. Also today, new Covid testing tricks and the European crackdown. Today on the Liberty Report:

Fauci To America: 'Do What You're Told!'

In a recent interview the newly resurgent Covid guru Dr. Anthony Fauci laid down the iron fist: I know we have an independent spirit in the US, he said, but now’s the time to do what you’re told! That is always the refrain from authoritarians. President Trump’s coronavirus advisor, Dr. Scott Atlas, takes a very different approach. Also today, the unbearable coronavirus hypocrisy of our “leaders.” And…vaccine news: should we cheer? Watch today’s Liberty Report:

How Russiagate Ruined Everything

How did the Russiagate hoax feed into the Covid hoax and then feed into the Election hoax? RPI Director Daniel McAdams ties them all together in this speech to the Mises Institute’s recent Lake Jackson Seminar with Ron Paul. “All of a sudden the tweets are gone, the Facebook is gone, the media is gone. Only crazy people are questioning the most pristine — the most perfect — election of all time.” Watch it here:

'Dark Winter' – Biden's Coming Lockdown

Former vice president Joe Biden has been declared president-elect by the mainstream media and he is wasting no time making good on his promise to lock the country down in the name of fighting Covid. His Covid task force member Dr. Michael Osterholm is recommending a four to six week mandatory national lockdown, paid for by a massive money-printing operation. Will doing the same thing again bring different results? Also today…here’s how they are going to force you to take the Covid vaccine. And…election update: Giuliani claims 650,000 illegal ballots cast in Pennsylvania. Is he just blowing smoke? Watch today’s Liberty Report:

Not Over Till It's Over: Trump Gaining Traction With Legal Vote Challenge?

President Trump’s efforts to ensure a fair election process have been demonized by virtually every mainstream media outlet. Even Republicans have by and large abandoned him. But are the legal challenges in places like Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania starting to gain traction? Also today, globalist Klaus Schwab tells us we can never have normal again. And…what will Biden’s foreign policy look like? Watch today’s Liberty Report:

National Crack-Up: US Attorney General Barr To Investigate Vote Fraud!

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Vaccine Mandate! Did Bill Gates Win The Election?

The markets are euphoric over news that a new Pfizer vaccine might have 90 percent effectiveness. Meanwhile, Joe Biden has doubled down on his threat to instill a nationwide mask mandate if he prevails in the ongoing election dispute. Even as Biden assembles his transition team, serious doubts continue to persist on the accuracy of the November 3rd vote. Will Trump get traction with his swing state vote count challenges? Watch today’s Liberty Report:

Election 2020: Mob Rule Has Arrived

With the election results still in limbo two days after the vote was held, and widespread charges of vote fraud, America faces a crisis of confidence in the electoral system that is on the verge of unleashing the mob onto the streets. A delegitimized occupant in the presidency is not the worst thing from a libertarian perspective, but the mob gathering steam is a danger to all. How will it all play out? Watch today’s Liberty Report:

Chaos! Mystery Votes Cast Doubt On US Election

The introduction and legalization of “ballot harvesting,” where operatives can collect and submit boxes of ballots without proof of identity, has thrown a huge monkey wrench into last night’s presidential vote tally. States are wavering wildly as hundreds of thousands of votes are suddenly “discovered.” Hillary Clinton’s former lawyer is behind the mass legalization of this questionable process. Is this the worst run election in US history? Watch today’s Liberty Report:

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