RPI Event Alert: America in the Age of Trump 2.0. Click for Details.

Whether you are at the edge of your chair or pulling your hair out in despair, Trump 2.0 is disrupting the status quo.

Date and time: Saturday, March 22 · 8:30am – 1pm CDT

Location: Dow Academic Center, 500 College Boulevard Lake Jackson, TX 77566

Click Here For Ticket Information

The Liberty Report

Lab Leak Theory Goes Mainstream

From, most recently, the Wall Street Journal to the Daily Mail to Fauci’s own newly-revealed emails, the once-“conspiratorial” theory that the Covid virus may have leaked from a lab has now gone fully mainstream. What might it mean…and why is the Pentagon so deeply involved? Also today: fake news on kids in the ER. California county cuts Covid death count by a whopping 25 percent. Watch today’s Liberty Report:

Fauci Cashes In – Juicy Book Deal Signed!

It looks like Fauci may have found his golden parachute. As criticism mounts over his incessant flip-flopping and his ties to gain-of-function research in a Chinese lab, Fauci has signed a big book deal. Is this to be his swan song? Also today, another case against a January 6th “insurrectionist” falls apart. Watch today’s Liberty Report:

Dr. Fauci…On The Ropes?

This has not been a very good week for President Biden’s chief Covid advisor, Dr. Anthony Fauci. After ridiculing the theory for months that the virus may have escaped from a Chinese lab, Fauci admitted it was possible. After adamantly denying funding “gain-of-function” experiments in China, he was forced to admit that he funded them indirectly, through a cut-out. As his possible culpability looms large, is Fauci about to exit the stage? Also today, a new study confirms antibodies generated by a Covid infection may last a lifetime. Watch today’s Liberty Report:

CDC’s Walensky To Kids: ‘Put Yer Masks On!’

Despite overwhelming evidence that the vast majority of children do not become seriously ill or pass on the virus, CDC Director Rochelle Walensky testified before Congress yesterday that they must continue to wear their masks! Even as everyone else is taking masks off. Is this science…or a power trip? Or child abuse? Today on the Liberty Report:

Equal Justice? Jan. 6 ‘Insurrectionists’ Rot In US Gulag

Why are the people who trespassed in the US Capitol Building on January 6th being detained for months in solitary confinement? Why have they been denied bail for mostly minor crimes? Why are they being held in particularly inhuman conditions despite for the vast majority no previous criminal charges? Is this justice…or political revenge? Also today: Press hypocrisy on Wuhan lab “conspiracy theory.” And…some justice for Newsom’s victims. Watch today’s Liberty Report:

Sen. Paul Attacked Again…Left Wing Twitter Encourages Violence

Just a day after a formerly famous singer sent a Tweet encouraging more violence on Sen. Rand Paul, a package with a suspicious substance and a death threat was delivered to the Senator’s house. Twitter has not banned or even restricted the violent Tweet…or others that followed it. Also today: AOC is in therapy – you’ll never guess why. BLM flags to hang at US Embassies overseas. Hypocrisy over Belarus forcing down plane over its airspace. Watch today’s Liberty Report:

The Dogs Of Covid: Canines Better Than PCR Test At Sniffing Out Virus

A new study has suggested that man’s best friend is 90 percent accurate in sniffing out people infected with the coronavirus. The New York Times reported last year that the PCR test widely used currently may be reporting 90 percent false positives! So why aren’t dogs being used? Is it because they cannot be manipulated like the tests can be? Also today, Fauci does another flip-flop – this time on the origin of the virus. And more from the hypocrite hall of shame. Watch today’s Liberty Report:

Pre-Crime: Is The Pentagon Spying On Soldiers?

The Pentagon is denying reports in The Intercept from earlier this week that it is contracting with outside firms to monitor the social media postings of US soldiers to weed out “extremism” in the ranks. Is “white nationalism” really a problem in the military, or is this an attempt to purge those not adhering to the emerging cultural Marxism and “woke-ism” that is plaguing the country? Also today: Uniformed US soldiers giving the covid jab at bars? Mayor Lori “Racist” Lightfoot. And Ted Cruz goes “Russiagate” conspiracy theorist. Watch today’s Liberty Report:

Do We Need A ‘9/11 Commission’ To Investigate The Fake ‘Insurrection’?

Partisan calls for a 9/11-type commission to look into what Democrats still claim was an “insurrection” on January 6th are being resisted by Republicans in Congress. Is it partisan theater? Would any investigation actually get to the bottom of the farce? Also today: Fauci admits Rand was right – his mask-wearing was theater. TX Gov Abbott says “no masks!” And…another insurrection on the House Floor??? Watch today’s Liberty Report:

How The US Can Bring Peace To Israel/Palestine

As the death toll mounts in the latest Israel/Palestine flare-up, Americans find themselves taking sides on whether Israel is really “defending” itself or whether the Palestinian “militants” are again up to their old tricks. Today we present another view; one that could actually help diminish the violence. Also today: Whitmer getting her due? Cultural Marxism in NoVa. What’s up with OSHA covid vax guidelines. And some fun with Thomas Massie’s Tweets. Today on the Liberty Report:

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