RPI Event Alert: America in the Age of Trump 2.0. Click for Details.

Whether you are at the edge of your chair or pulling your hair out in despair, Trump 2.0 is disrupting the status quo.

Date and time: Saturday, March 22 · 8:30am – 1pm CDT

Location: Dow Academic Center, 500 College Boulevard Lake Jackson, TX 77566

Click Here For Ticket Information

The Liberty Report

Shock Poll: Half Of Dems Support Prison For Questioning Shots

A shocking recent Rasmussen poll result highlights just how divided the US is after two years of covid lockdowns, restrictions, and propaganda. Nearly 50 percent of Democrats polled support fines or imprisonment for anyone questioning efficacy of covid shots on social media! This comes after several of the top “experts” have themselves radically scaled back early promises of shot virus protection. Also today, dissident doc forced to take psych exam and Virginia’s new governor hits the ground running! Plus – what’s up with new restrictions on Ron Paul’s Facebook? Watch today’s Liberty Report:


Are You A 'Domestic Extremist'? It's Easier Than You Think!

The Biden Justice Department has announced that it is setting up a new “domestic terrorism” division to monitor Americans for “extremism.” How do they define it? Among other things, it’s being “anti-authority.” What could go wrong? Also today, voting reform…or election fixing? Bernie Sanders wants to give you a new face mask! And…major Danish newspaper apologizes to its readers for printing government covid lies. Watch today’s Liberty Report:


Sparks Fly In Latest Rand/Fauci Face-Off

Sen. Paul was prepared as Anthony Fauci returned to the Senate to face questioning. Previous chapters of this saga have been heated – and revealing – but yesterday’s cage match was loaded with truth bombs. Also today – the World Health Organization and the EU’s FDA are seemingly backing off boosters – why? Finally, the Project Veritas document dump from DARPA has a few shocking tid-bits about covid treatments. Watch today’s Liberty Report:


In defying the COVID regime, Novak Djokovic is the new 'People’s Champ'


I wanted to take a moment to recognize Novak Djokovic and his heroic defiance of the COVID regime, lending his enormous platform and status to the millions of people around the world who have been denied their unalienable rights in the name of a virus.

You would never know it by his disposition, but “Djoker” has an amazing rags to richer story, and he’s well aware of how governments can cause great human suffering. Growing up in war-torn Belgrade, Djokovic had to learn to play tennis in between bombing raids. Far from a silver spooned prodigy, he had to defy incredible odds to just achieve a modicum of success, and yet he has become one of the greatest athletes of all time.

What separates Djokovic from other pro athletes on the COVID Mania issue is both his status as the world’s greatest and his consistency in been speaking out against the COVID regime. Since day one, this man has been fighting the good fight, but the news hasn’t reached consistent international attention until now. 

Djokovic has remained defiant in his public opposition to government force in the form of draconian COVID restrictions and injection mandates. He has done so in the face of incredible scrutiny on all levels. 

As early as April 2020, several months before the mass distribution of COVID shots, Djokovic was already speaking out about the future prospect of vaccine mandates.


Now, with the Australian Open just days away, the 20 time grand slam champion (and 9 time Australian Open champion) has turned up the heat. He continues his fight Down Under, squaring off against the forces of a society that has transformed into something akin to a Police State. 

On Tuesday, the most Australian Open champ ever made it a point to show that he wasn’t going to bow down to Australia’s COVID regime, which discriminates against the “unvaccinated,” in creating a two tiered Safety Society.

Djokovic is facing ridicule from the media, from powerful governments, and even from his own pro colleagues.

Though he is not without defenders. The man’s family has raised incredible awareness about the punitive conditions through which he is being exposed to by the Australian government.

He reminds us of one particular legendary sportsman of the past, a man who shares his status as one of the greatest professional athletes of all time. Of course, there are no perfect parallels, but there was one man who not so long ago took a hugely important — but deeply unpopular in his time — public stance in the fight for humanity.

That man is the late Muhammad Ali, “The People’s Champ,” who, in his time exiled from the sport of boxing, faced tremendous hostility from all levels of society. Ali’s refusal to enter the armed services and outright protest of the draft drew immense scrutiny and outright insanity. His outspoken rejection of the war in Vietnam, and his explicit challenging of the American civil rights status quo, further infuriated these forces. The media turned him into a monster. The US government persecuted him. He was labeled as ethically depraved. He was robbed of his ability to make a living during a large portion of the prime of his athletic career. In the face of endless cruelty and hate, Ali never wavered.

It wasn’t until years, or really, decades later that Ali’s struggle against the system was universally recognized as a noble endeavor. 

Props to Novak Djokovic for fighting the good fight and carrying the torch. For using his platform to fight for the rights of every individual against the forces of government tyranny, he’s the new People’s Champ.

Reprinted with permission from The Dossier.
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Pfizer CEO's Covid Bombshell: Two Shots 'Offers Very Limited Protection, If Any'

Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla dropped a bombshell in a CNBC interview yesterday, admitting that his company’s Covid “vaccine” offers limited if any protection! He went on to say that a third shot of the same formula does offer some protection. The Biden Administration is in full panic mode as its Covid response lies in tatters. Also today: LA Times columnist believes it’s a great idea to mock unvaxxed people who die of covid. Watch today’s Liberty Report:

Credibility In Shreds: CDC's Shocking Admission On Covid Deaths

The director of the embattled CDC, Rochelle Walensky, made a shock admission over the weekend: a vast majority of “covid deaths” were among those with FOUR existing co-morbidities! After refusing to even consider the co-morbidity factor when ramping up the fear for two years, suddenly the public health “experts” are falling all over themselves to embrace it. What gives? Politics? Also today – Biden’s cruel punishment of Florida for its successful covid strategy. And…AOC has covid! (How is that possible?). Watch today’s Liberty Report:


Where Was The REAL Insurrection?

The battle today over how to categorize events of Jan. 6th, 2020 will fall along predictable lines, whether one watches CNN or Fox etc. But beyond the contrived talk of “insurrection” or “not insurrection” are plenty of good examples of actual subversion and insurrection over the past several years. Don’t expect to see them covered in the MSM…only on the Liberty Report:


Mega-Vaxxed Israel Sees Record Cases: What Went Wrong?

Israel is on its fourth covid shot now and just today the country reported a new covid case record. Cases are going through the roof despite all vax efforts. What does this mean, particularly as Fauci yesterday suggested that the US was soon to go down Israel’s path of endless “boosters” every few months. Also today, France’s Macon says non-vaxxed in France are “not citizens.” Sound familiar? Watch today’s Liberty Report:


Dr. McCullough Bombshell: Covid Outpatient Treatments Being Suppressed!

In a recent interview with the Epoch Times, Dr. Peter McCullough claimed that the US government is actively working to suppress any investigation of outpatient Covid treatments. As the Omicron variant appears to be infecting the vaccinated as well as the unvaccinated, the question increasingly being asked is why after two years are there no treatments? Also today, an insurance company CEO blows the whistle on a shocking increase in working-age deaths last year. Finally – a victory for Navy Seals suing for medical freedom. Todayon the Liberty Report:


Narrative Implosion: German Authorities Report Most Omicron Cases Among Vaccinated

Germany’s official government health authority reported last week that 90 plus percent of new Omicron variant cases are among vaccinated individuals, obliterating the long-repeated claim that this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated. Other narratives are also crumbling – former FDA head Scott Gottlieb says cloth masks are useless. What will the covid authoritarians do next? Watch today’s Liberty Report:


Killjoy Fauci: ‘No Hugging Or Kissing On New Year’s!’

Fauci is again in front of the camera, hectoring people to stay home on New Year’s – and whatever they do, DON’T hug each other to greet the New Year. What’s wrong with this guy? Also today – is Biden purposely withholding a proven Covid treatment? Florida’s Surgeon General says so. And…is a massive purge of Marines who have religious objections to the vaccine a way to “honor the troops”? Every single request has been denied. Fraud? Watch today’s Liberty Report:

Fauci’s Amazing Golden Parachute – Will He Jump?

Thanks to a FOIA request we now know that Biden’s covid czar Anthony Fauci will, when he retires, enjoy the highest pension in US history! He will be pulling in more than $350K for his 50+ years of “public service.” But according to Fauci he has no plans of leaving: in a recent interview he said that him retiring now, before covid is defeated, would be like the US leaving in the middle of World War II. How’s that for megalomania? Also today: lockdowns were the worst policy failure in history and even a government-funded study proves it. Watch today’s Liberty Report:

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