When government promises you something for free, it’s a good idea to look that gift horse in the mouth. Now that the free government facemasks have arrived in stores, this advice is doubly important. Rep. Massie has Tweeted a hilarious photo of your “free” masks. Also today: Republican Party old-liners are freaking out over Tucker Carlson’s refusal to get on board with war on Russia. Watch today’s Liberty Report:
The Liberty Report
White House To Spotify: Kneecap Rogan!
by Daniel McAdams | Feb 2, 2022 | The Liberty Report
White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said yesterday that the Administration approved of Spotify’s initial steps of adding warning labels to programs like Joe Rogan’s, but she insisted that Spotify and other platforms must “do more” to fight “misinformation.” A US Administration at war with the First Amendment? Also today: Justin Trudeau again steps in poo, Illinois state senator wants to send millions to a gulag, and a new Johns Hopkins study devastates the pro-lockdown narrative once and for all. Watch today’s Liberty Report:
Canada's Trudeau Refuses To Meet With 'Nazi' Truckers
by Daniel McAdams | Feb 1, 2022 | The Liberty Report
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau emerged from hiding yesterday to viciously attack the Freedom Convoy participants, tarring them as racists and even “Nazis.” Law enforcement on the scene, however, reports nothing of the sort. Also today: US Surgeon General blames unvaccinated adults for the continued forced masking of children at school. Watch today’s Liberty Report:
Canada's Freedom Convoy Is A Worldwide Political Tsunami
by Daniel McAdams | Jan 31, 2022 | The Liberty Report
Millions of Canadians, led by working class truckers, have put their foot down on the political class that has kept them hostage for the past two years. The media hacks scream “extremism” but the movement is going worldwide. Also today – Fauci says three jabs for your kids; Malone disagrees – who do you trust? And UK health workers see the end of the vax mandate. Watch today’s Liberty Report:
US Surgeon General: Silence Joe Rogan!
by Daniel McAdams | Jan 27, 2022 | The Liberty Report
Biden’s Surgeon General Vivek Murthy went on MSNBC to join the pile-on on the world’s most popular podcaster, Joe Rogan. According to the bureaucrat, Rogan must be silenced because he expresses opinions not endorsed by him or his bosses in the Administration. Meanwhile, Sen. Warren is being sued for trying to get a book she doesn’t like censored. Also today: Biden’s curious Supreme Court criteria and…why is the media ignoring the largest truck convoy in history? Watch today’s Liberty Report:
Pentagon Vs. State: Biden Team At War With Itself Over Russia-Ukraine Invasion Narrative
by Daniel McAdams | Jan 26, 2022 | The Liberty Report
While the US Embassy in Kiev released a statement urging Americans to leave Ukraine due to the threat of a Russian invasion, the Pentagon continues to back down from the scare stories. The government of Ukraine continues to pour cold water on Biden Admin scare stories. Is this whole thing a dangerous propaganda play? Also today: Most expensive US Naval ship can’t even defend itself, which countries are most corrupt, and Fairfax County Schools declare war on new Republican governor (and parents) over masks. Today on the Liberty Report:
Pentagon on Russia Invasion: 'Just Kidding'
by Daniel McAdams | Jan 25, 2022 | The Liberty Report
After weeks of hysterically hyping the story that Russia is poised to invade Ukraine, Pentagon Spokesman John Kirby walked way back as Ukraine’s own government officials called nonsense on the narrative. Was the whole thing just bluster for ratings? Also today: Capitol Hill Cops spying on social media of staff and visitors for no reason? Don’t miss today’s Liberty Report:
Biden Administration's Ukraine Freak-Out: Pretense For War?
by Daniel McAdams | Jan 24, 2022 | The Liberty Report
The Biden Administration, followed by lapdog UK, appears determined to ratchet up tensions in Ukraine to the point where war is inevitable. From the publicity stunt of evacuating the US Embassy in Kiev to – laughably – accusing Moscow of planning a Ukraine coup, a Biden Administration sinking in public opinion quicksand appears to be grasping for the war option. But…even Ukraine is putting on the brakes! Watch today’s Liberty Report:
State Dept. to Americans: Only Watch Pro-War News!
by Daniel McAdams | Jan 21, 2022 | The Liberty Report
(This article is from an update to Ron Paul Institute subscribers. Subscribe for free here).
I just finished doing an interview on RT International about a new US State Department report on “Russia’s Disinformation and Propaganda Ecosystem.” I expect the black SUVs to be rolling into my driveway here in Lake Jackson any minute. I wish that were a joke, but these days you never know. An American foreign policy expert friend of mine who for many years wrote a column in a publication that the US government deemed “Russia-connected” got a visit from the FBI (in black cars) warning him of serious consequences should he continue to share his views on that particular outlet. So much for that old US embrace of the free press and media pluralism!
So tonight, as is par for the course, on the eve of renewed US/Russia talks in Geneva the US side feels compelled to drop a stink bomb on the party, like a dog marking his territory. This one comes in the form of a new report on how evil and dangerous are RT and Sputnik, two Russia-affiliated alternative news outlets.
I had a half hour to plow through the 30-ish page report before I went live, so I tried to hone in on any legitimate criticism. Had RT and Sputnik been making up false stories? Nope. No mention of that. Are they reporting in any manner outside of accepted journalistic practices? Nope. Have they been peddling disproven conspiracy theories, like four years of US mainstream media fake conspiracies about Russiagate? Nope.
So, as our older readers might remember that old ad slogan, “where’s the beef”?
Well…Antony Blinken’s State Department is furious because according to one study Americans who watch RT don’t seem as susceptible to US government’s pro-interventionist propaganda.
As the State Department report puts it:
One recent study reported that American consumers exposed to RT content are more likely than those not exposed to prefer that the United States withdraw from its global leadership position, even when the consumers are aware that RT is funded by the Russian government.
Oh noes! Some Americans dare to not prefer a “global leadership position” for the US government! Some Americans may not prefer the largest military budget on the planet, troops in 150 foreign countries, endless US-backed color revolutions, the murder of foreign leaders, and 20 year occupations in wars that are lost by everyone except the US military-industrial-Congressional-think tank-complex!
But if the State Department thinks it is dealing with just a handful of Ron Paul supporters, they are victims of their own circular thinking and mirror-imaging. As I said in the interview, according to a December, 2021 YouGov/Koch Institute poll, some 73 percent of Americans actually prefer that the US government “withdraw from its global leadership position.”
Are 73 percent of Americans “anti-American” as defined by the State Department? Maybe the State Department is wrong instead of the 73 percent of Americans who pay their salaries!
The other big beef the State Department has with RT and Sputnik is that they accuse the networks of taking a position in favor of Russian government positions on foreign policy. Whoa, they got me there. Good thing the US media is always out there opposing Washington’s endless interventionism! If we non-interventionists didn’t have the mainstream media – and especially US government-funded VOA and RFE/RL – on our side, I don’t know what we’d do!
Of course all US mainstream media networks – including those catering to conservatives like Fox News – take the US government position on foreign policy, with extremely few exceptions. Even the otherwise very watchable Tucker Carlson will criticize US government aggressive policies toward Russia not because they are dumb policies…but because that aggression should be focused on China!!!!
The American media, like the US government it serves, is obsessed with enemies. Enemies sell. Enemies get views and clicks. That’s all that counts. They condition Americans to think of the entire rest of the world as desperate to destroy our way of life and drain our precious bodily fluids.
As Ron Paul said in his latest column, “It’s all fun and games until the missiles start flying.”
The State Department report also points to the close ties between Russian media figures and the Russian government. Seriously? Have they watched the US mainstream media lately? As Australian writer Caitlin Johnstone put it not long ago, “The CIA Used To Infiltrate The Media. Now The CIA Is The Media.” Additionally, US journalist Matt Taibbi gives us a partial list of US intelligence agents who went on to serve their masters in the US mainstream media.
Has the State Department not noticed how many senior US Administration officials of both parties went on to senior and high-paid positions with US mainstream media outlets? Surely they need to get out more.
As with everything coming out of the US Administration (and the ones before it), US foreign policy is best defined as one of projection. They claim that others are doing precisely that which they themselves are doing. This report is no different.
But we should all reserve some righteous anger for our own government believing us to be so stupid and ignorant that a few minutes of watching RT – or maybe even reading Caitlin Johnstone or Matt Taibbi or Glenn Greenwald – will turn us into Manchurian candidates out to do the bidding of a 1950s era global menace waiting to turn us all into slithering communist salamanders. Shame on them!
Is Biden Admin Provoking Russian Attack On Ukraine For Political Gain?
by Daniel McAdams | Jan 20, 2022 | The Liberty Report
There’s nothing like a nice little war to rescue sagging popularity ratings and Biden’s approval is deep underwater. So is the plan to urge Ukraine to provoke Russia to attack? Republicans will cheer and Democrats will cheer. Only the dead will fail to cheer. Also today: Czech drops vax mandate, Starbucks drops vax mandate, Carhartt…insists on Vax mandate! Watch today’s Liberty Report:
Narrative Collapse! From England To Israel, Governments Race To Abandon Vaccine Passports!
by Daniel McAdams | Jan 19, 2022 | The Liberty Report
Facing a fight for his political life, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson has announced an abrupt end to England’s vaccine passport, mask mandates including in schools, and work-from-home orders as the Omicron “scare” fizzles. In Israel, Finance Minister Avigdor Liberman is demanding an end to that country’s vax pass. The bricks are falling from this Berlin Wall. Also today: New footage of Ashli Babbitt will NOT please the Jan 6th Committee and a new study out of Brazil will not please Fauci. Watch today’s Liberty Report:
Israeli Bombshell: Fourth Shot 'Not Good Enough'
by Daniel McAdams | Jan 18, 2022 | The Liberty Report
Israel’s hyper-vaccine policy has hit the skids with a new study showing that the fourth booster is “not good enough” against current covid. Suddenly the vax mandate makes no sense – which has just been admitted by Israel’s vaccine chief. Also today: the political war on Novak Djokovic. Finally: shot and boosted chairman of the joint chiefs…comes down with covid! What about those military mandates? Watch today’s Liberty Report:
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