RPI Event Alert: America in the Age of Trump 2.0. Click for Details.

Whether you are at the edge of your chair or pulling your hair out in despair, Trump 2.0 is disrupting the status quo.

Date and time: Saturday, March 22 · 8:30am – 1pm CDT

Location: Dow Academic Center, 500 College Boulevard Lake Jackson, TX 77566

Click Here For Ticket Information

The Liberty Report

Pelosi's Reckless Taiwan Junket

US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi made good on her threat to be the first US House Speaker to visit Taiwan in a quarter of a century. The Chinese government is furious and threatening retaliation. Are there any benefits to the US of Pelosi’s provoking China? Watch today’s Liberty Report:

Vietnam Anyone? US Lawmakers Call For Military Advisors To Ukraine!

A bipartisan group from the US Congress on a junket to Kiev have called for the Biden Administration to begin sending US military “advisors” to Ukraine. Not to the frontline (right away) they say. What could go wrong? Also today: Hungary’s Orban delivers a blistering speech on Europe’s failed Ukraine policy. And…in North Carolina the whole police force quits. You’ll never believe why. Watch today’s Liberty Report:

Narrative Fail? Quad Vaxxed Biden…Has Covid!

One year ago today President Biden told Americans if they get the Covid shot they won’t get Covid. Today the quadruple vaccinated Biden has announced that…he has Covid. Has the narrative failed? Also today – dueling narratives: Pelosi demands Blinken designate Russia as a terrorist state while NPR runs article about Ukraine corruption. Watch today’s Liberty Report:

US Transportation Secretary: The More Gas Price Pain…The More Benefit!

First up today a HUGE announcement from the Ron Paul Liberty Report!! Then on today’s program: Biden’s Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg believes Americans suffering at the gas pumps is actually a very good thing because it will force them to purchase electric vehicles. US Rep Massie hammers this delusional view. Also today: Ukraine threatens to smash Crimea and the Black Sea Fleet. WWIII? Today on the Liberty Report:

Shock CNN Poll: Most Americans OPPOSE Biden's Ukraine Policy!

Watch politicians begin to change their tune as a brand new CNN/SSRS poll shows the majority of Americans opposing Biden’s Ukraine policy. With out of control inflation and a lurking economic catastrophe, blaming everything on “Putin’s price hike” is backfiring on the Administration. Also today: A new Gallup poll shows historic lows in Americans’ confidence in media. And: Mexico’s president calls Assange the best journalist of our time. Watch today’s Liberty Report:

Covid Lies: Dr Birx 'Confesses' In Self-Serving New Book

Dr. Deborah Birx was the real power behind President Trump’s disastrous Covid policy. She was the lockdown fanatic who admits in a new book that she subverted the hapless Trump Admin and pushed falsehoods to get what she wanted. Millions of lives were ruined. Also today: Washington freaks out as Ukrainian-born US Rep accuses “Saint” Zelensky of corruption. Watch today’s Liberty Report:

Terror Threat? US Supremes 'Should Never Know Peace Again'

An instructor at the Harvard Law School has Tweeted a threat against the US Supreme Court over its recent overturning of Roe v. Wade: the Justices should “never know peace again.” Twitter has taken no action against the threat. Why? Also today: As the US Army faces unprecedented recruitment challenges, today it kicks out 60,000 soldiers…for refusing the Covid shot! Finally: Newsom presides over the worst schools in the nation…so he goes to Washington for an education award! Make sense? Watch today’s Liberty Report:

Biden To Spend $1.7 Billion For Healthcare…In Ukraine!

The Biden Administration has announced an additional $1.7 billion in aid to Ukraine to pay its healthcare sector. As the seemingly endless US money spigot to Ukraine seems to be left open, how long until Americans without healthcare begin to object? Also today: new CPI numbers are out…and they’re devastating! Also: John Bolton casually admits plotting coups overseas while in government. Watch today’s Liberty Report:

Biden Goes Begging: To Offer Saudis Bombs For Oil

President Biden’s trip next week to a Saudi Arabia that not long ago he referred to as a “pariah state” demonstrates just how desperate his Administration is to save the sinking ship of the US economy. Officials are now floating the idea of approving “offensive” weapons to the Saudis as Biden prepares to grovel for more oil. Also today: Iran sending drones to Russia? Really Jake? Finally: Congress adds a few billion to Biden’s military funding request. Business as usual for the Beltway bandits. Today on the Liberty Report:

Bloodbath: Biden Chewed Up By Former Mainstream Media Protectors

CNN, NY Times, WaPo, etc – after years of carrying water for Joe Biden, the mainstream media is turning against him. All of a sudden his age and seeming cognitive decline are fair game. Is it a Dem-led desperation move to salvage something from expected big November losses? Where does the party go if Biden doesn’t run…or doesn’t finish this term? Also today: Europeans are fed up with Ukraine as European governments begin to fall. And US attacks Hungary…for lowering its taxes!! Watch today’s Liberty Report:

Uprising! BoJo Dumped In UK As Farmers Dump Manure On Dutch Government!

As UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson finally had his stiff white knuckles pried from power yesterday, the rest of Europe – starting with Holland – is erupting in massive protests. Is this the beginning of the end for Europe’s Covid-lockdowning, Ukraine-obsessed, WEF-hob-nobbing elite? Mises Institute President Jeff Deist joins today’s Liberty Report. Watch today’s Liberty Report:

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