The Liberty Report

Protests Break Out In Europe: Cold Winter Coming

Earlier this week in Germany and the Czech Republic, tens of thousands took to the streets to demand an end to Russia sanctions and the start of the NordStream II pipeline. Then someone blew it up. With better EU/Russia commercial ties no longer an option, how much stronger will protests become? Also today, Kamala Harris tries her hand at foreign policy at the Korea DMZ…with predictable result. Watch today’s Liberty Report:

Who Blew Up The Pipeline? The Plot Thickens!

Former Polish Defense Minister Radek Sikorski (husband of US neocon Anne Applebaum) publicly thanked the US government for blowing up NordStream I and II on Twitter yesterday, a move that made even his own fellow countrymen feel awkward. The seeming terrorist attack was less a move against Russia than against Germany. So who did it? Why? Also today, Sen. McConnell rolls over on even more billions to Ukraine. And…is Elon turning his eyes toward Rumble? Watch today’s Liberty Report:

Sabotage? Both NordStream Pipelines Blown Up!

It appears as if some kind of explosion blew three huge holes in the NordStream I and II pipelines near Danish waters. Massive leaks are showing up on the surface of the Baltic Sea. Whodunnit? Would Washington blow up Russia’s pipeline? Germany? Russia? Also today, the Democrats have become the party of war. Finally: Another $12 billion for Ukraine snuck into “must-pass” spending bill. Watch today’s Liberty Report:

Revolution in Italy? Voters 'Threw The Bums Out!'

A political tidal wave broke over Italy over the weekend, as voters by a large majority elected a right-wing government. European Union officials warned Italians not to vote the “wrong” way…but they did anyway. What is the bigger picture? Also today, a vote in Ukraine’s eastern provinces promises escalation. And…guess who’s got covid…again? Watch today’s Liberty Report:

Scandal At Vanderbilt: Mutilating Children…For Profit!

Thanks to excellent investigative work by conservative journalist Matt Walsh, we have a full view of the horrors of Vanderbilt University Medical Center program to sterilize, drug, and mutilate children…for profit! Also today, yesterday President Biden told the UN that countries cannot seize the territories of other countries by force…yet that’s just what he’s advocated the US do for most of his career! Watch today’s Liberty Report:

WWIII? Russia Announces Partial Mobilization For Ukraine War

Russian president Vladimir Putin announced this morning that Russia would partially mobilize its military forces in the ongoing Ukraine conflict, stating that it is NATO that is pulling the strings and sending the weapons to Kiev. The Russia/NATO proxy war has been long ongoing…but will the conflict take a turn to a direct clash? Also today, Pentagon announces a review of its psychological warfare conduct as scores of fake social identities are revealed. Today on the Liberty Report:

Biden: 'Pandemic Is Over' (Just In Time For Elections!)

In an interview full of shocking statements, President Biden told 60 Minutes last night that the Covid pandemic is now over. It may sound good this close to the election, but such an announcement has enormous implications for those still being fired and harassed. Also today: blockbuster NY Post article claims Facebook spied on (conservative) users PRIVATE msgs and sent them to the FBI. Watch today’s Liberty Report:

Washington Neocons To Send Taiwan Billions In Weapons

A Bipartisan group of Congressional warmongers is pushing a multi-billion dollar military assistance package for Taiwan. The measure will include new language designating Taiwan a de-facto “major non-NATO ally.” Clearly the Ukraine model is being applied to Taiwan: fighting mainland China down to the last Taiwanese. Watch today’s Liberty Report:

Homeland Security Chief: Americans Who Don't Trust Government Are Biggest Terror Threat

The head of the Department of Homeland Security has identified the latest terrorist threat to the United States…and it is us. People who do not trust the government and who question government narratives on social media have not surpassed foreign terrorists as the biggest threat to America. Also today: Was Steele Dossier an FBI op? And – Lindell the pillow guy has his phone stolen by the FBI. Today on the Liberty Report:

Beltway Conservative Groups Begin to Oppose Endless Ukraine Gravy Train

After tens of billions have been shoveled into the black hole of Ukraine, known as the most corrupt country in Europe, Beltway conservative groups are belatedly waking up to the dollar hemorrhage. With a new $14 billion dollar giveaway on the table, groups such as Heritage Action and Center for Renewing America are screaming “enough!” Also today: one astrophysicist shocks the world. Watch today’s Liberty Report:

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