Despite the 14 year US “war on terror,” last year saw more terrorist attacks than ever. And most of these attacks have taken place in countries with US military presence or where US intervention was creating instability. The Ron Paul Liberty Report is joined by former CIA bin Laden Unit Chief Michael Scheuer to look at why more war on terror is creating more terror:
The Liberty Report
Free Speech, Property, and Provocations
by Daniel McAdams | May 11, 2015 | The Liberty Report
After the recent shootings in Garland, TX, what are the limits of free speech and what does the First Amendment of the US Constitution really mean when it prohibits Congress from making any law restricting speech? Most of these problems could be cleared up through respect for property rights. Today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report takes on the issue of free speech and its limits:
NSA Spying: Not ‘Authorized’ or Not Constitutional?
by Daniel McAdams | May 8, 2015 | The Liberty Report
Yesterday’s ruling by the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals that the NSA’s bulk telephone collection program is illegal is a boost for liberty. But as the deadline to extend the PATRIOT Act looms at the end of this month, watch for Congress to actually make matters worse while calling it “reform.” Tune in to the Ron Paul Liberty Report for more on the ruling and what it means:
Is NATO Looking For a New War?
by Daniel McAdams | May 6, 2015 | The Liberty Report
With NATO launching its largest ever war games in the Baltic Sea this week, it is worth pondering why we see such a dramatically increased tempo of NATO military exercises so close to the Russian border. One estimate has NATO increasing its activities near Russia some 80 percent last year. And this year looks to be even more active. This week there are also NATO war games taking place in Estonia, and big exercises are scheduled this summer. NATO’s rapid reaction force is set to double this year, to 30,000 troops. Is NATO looking to repeat its disastrous 2011 war on Libya with a much larger and more dangerous target? What, beyond the need to justify its own existence a quarter century past the Cold War, is diving NATO to such an aggressive posture? The Ron Paul Liberty Report takes a look:
ISIS in Texas?
by harley | May 5, 2015 | The Liberty Report
Media headlines this morning were stark and shocking: ISIS behind Texas attacks! But how credible is this claim and how credible is the organization making the claim? Also, how is it that at least one of the perpetrators has been under FBI surveillance since 2006 yet he was not stopped? How close was he to the FBI? Tune in to the Ron Paul Liberty Report for a deeper view than the mainstream media:
Who Lost Iraq and Syria?
by harley | May 4, 2015 | The Liberty Report
ISIS is nearly in control of Iraq’s largest oil refinery and a newly-branded al-Qaeda in Syria has taken Idlib and other significant cities. If ever there were an example of intervention gone wrong, these two countries are it. The US Iraq invasion was supposed to bring democracy to the Middle East, but instead it has brought ISIS. US “regime change” efforts were supposed to bring Western democracy to Syria but instead al-Qaeda — backed by Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Turkey, is remaking the country into an extremist nightmare. Today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report looks at the bad news:
Patriot Act Reform: A Hoax
by harley | May 1, 2015 | The Liberty Report
With key provisions of the PATRIOT Act expiring at the end of this month, Congress is scrambling to keep these provisions on the books while making it seem like they are reforming the original Act to better protect our civil liberties. The USA FREEDOM Act is being advertised as a compromise between those who want to keep the PATRIOT Act in tact and those who want to repeal it. It is not a compromise. It is a fig leaf. The Ron Paul Liberty Report is joined by Dr. Paul’s former legislative director, Norman Singleton, to get to the bottom of the smoke and mirrors called “reform.”
Jade Helm: A Military Takeover?
by harley | Apr 30, 2015 | The Liberty Report
Why are US special forces holding a massive exercise in the US southwest this summer? Is it something civil libertarians should be worried about? The Texas governor announced that the Texas State Guard would be monitoring US military moves in Texas. Was it a smart move? Tune in to the Ron Paul Liberty Report:
Who's Starving Yemen's Children?
by harley | Apr 29, 2015 | The Liberty Report
This week Saudi Arabia bombed an airfield in Yemen to prevent an Iranian aid plane from landing. Yemen’s population is suffering severe food and water shortages after five weeks of US-backed Saudi bombing. As Ron Paul says in his latest Liberty Report below, this is reminiscent of the terrible civilian toll taken by US sanctions against Iraq before the US attack:
Ron Paul: Why Are US Special Forces in 81 Countries?
by harley | Apr 27, 2015 | The Liberty Report
US special operations forces are operating in 81 countries according to the Wall Street Journal. Their budget has increased five-fold since 2001 and their personnel have doubled. They operate in secret, most often without Congressional oversight or even knowledge. Is it dangerous for the president to have what is de facto a personal army like this? Tune in to the Ron Paul Liberty Report:
Morsi Jailed: Another Mission Accomplished
by harley | Apr 26, 2015 | The Liberty Report
In 2011 the US backed the “Arab Spring” which overthrew military dictator Hosni Mubarak in Egypt, in the name of democracy. But US officials soon soured on the democratically-elected Muhammad Morsi so they supported a military dictator who overthrew him, al-Sisi. Now the elected Morsi is going to jail for arresting some protestors, while Sisi retains US support after killing more than a thousand of his political opponents. As usual, the Ron Paul Liberty Report brings a different perspective:
Libya Migrant Crisis: Whose Fault?
by harley | Apr 24, 2015 | The Liberty Report
Thousands are desperate to escape from a Libya that is increasingly in the hands of ISIS and other murderous gangs. This past week more than a thousand drowned in the Mediterranean on rickety boats. The mainstream media will never report the real cause of this mass exodus, the 2011 NATO attack on Libya. As usual, the case to bomb the country was largely manufactured by special interests. Today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report takes a look at who is really at fault for this crisis:
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