The Liberty Report

Does The Government Make Us Safe?

The police brutality evident in the recent shooting of the unarmed Walter Scott is a symptom of a bigger problem, which is blind trust that the government exists to make us safer. After 9/11, Americans were told they must give up their liberty at home and endorse endless wars abroad in order for the government to save them from terrorism. But instead of safety Americans have gotten in return a government that is increasingly brutal toward them and increasingly sees them as the enemy. Watch the Ron Paul Liberty Report for more on this disturbing phenomenon:

What Was US Defense Secretary Doing in Japan?

The Obama Administration’s “pivot to Asia” seems to only have a military component. Unfortunately it is not a pivot toward more trade or more peaceful exchanges. This past week US Defense Secretary Ashton Carter went to Tokyo to celebrate a shift in Japan’s defense policy that would allow them to engage militarily should their friends and allies come under attack. It is a slippery slope toward involvement in Washington’s regime change operations worldwide. What Carter did not count on, however, was that the opposition to the 70 year US occupation of Okinawa to take center stage. Ron Paul takes on this Asian pivot in his latest Liberty Report:

More Weapons for the Yemen War

Washington announced this week that it is getting much more involved in the Saudi bombing of Yemen. The Saudis want to re-install ousted Yemeni president Hadi, who himself had taken power in a coup. US Deputy Secretary of State Anthony Blinken announced yesterday that the US would be expediting its shipments of bombs to Saudi Arabia where they would be used to blow up more of that country’s citizens and infrastructure. Meanwhile Iran has sent a couple of naval vessels to the increasingly volatile area. Can anyone say why exactly the US is rapidly becoming involved in yet another war in the Middle East? Tune in to the Ron Paul Liberty Report for more:

Yemen: The Stage is Set

As the US-backed Saudi attack on neighboring Yemen continues to expand, the biggest question is why and to what purpose? Is one of the least democratic countries on earth, Saudi Arabia, claiming to restore democracy in Yemen, where the president was elected with 99 percent of the vote? “Well there are dictators and there are dictators,” says Ron Paul as his Liberty Report takes a look at the incredibly dangerous situation in Yemen:

Ron Paul: Why Can’t the US Let Go of Iranian Sanctions?

With the P5+1 talks extending beyond the March 31st deadline, it appears the main impediment to a deal is the refusal to lift sanctions on Iran even if Iran begins implementing its part of the agreement. Some on the other side are holding out for a delay of up to several years before Iran sees substantial sanctions relief. What are the origins of the sanctions on Iran? The 1979 revolution that overthrew a dictator. Unfortunately for Iran, it was the US’s dictator so instead of praise they got sanctions. Ron Paul takes a look at the very important Iran discussions and gives his take on what to expect. Tune in to his latest Liberty Report:

Ron Paul: Is Indiana Law a Good Answer?

Looking to define “rights” has pitted those who seek special rights for sexual and other minorities against those who seek them for those of certain religious persuasions. Legislation forcing politically correct outcomes and that carve out special exemptions for matters of religious beliefs both miss the real point, says Ron Paul in his latest Liberty Report:

Ron Paul: Is Yemen the Next Big War?

According to Washington, al-Qaeda and ISIS are the biggest danger facing the US. But in Yemen, the US has backed Saudi Arabia’s bombing of the Houthis, who are bitterly opposed to al-Qaeda and ISIS? The neocons are all behind the bombing because they are dedicated to giving Iran a black eye in the hopes that any Iranian response will finally scuttle any nuclear deal with the country. The stakes are high so tune in to the Ron Paul Liberty Report for analysis and commentary:

Ron Paul: Another Letter on Iran? House Sends Message to President…

Some 367 Members of the US House of Representatives sent a letter to President Obama warning him that the talks with Iran must “constrain Iran’s nuclear infrastructure” so that Iran has no “pathway to a bomb.” In his Liberty Report, Ron Paul argues that although Congress has the Constitutional right to communicate with the president on such issues, the House greatly errs in attempting to scuttle the P5+1 talks. Watch the report below:

Will the US and Israel Send a ‘Thank You’ Note to Iran?

One would think news this week that the Iranians are helping defeat ISIS in Iraq would be greeted enthusiastically by those who insist we must fight the Islamist extremists. However, neocons like John McCain are furious that the US is not on the ground doing the fighting. Tune in to the Ron Paul Liberty Report to see what Ron Paul and RPI’s Daniel McAdams have to say about it:

Ron Paul: Why is Libya Going to ISIS?

The US/NATO invasion of Libya was supposed to be another cakewalk, the interventionists promised. But just like Iraq, it turned out just like Iraq! Now, after “liberation,” Islamic radicals like ISIS and al-Qaeda have a strong foothold there. Join Ron Paul and Co-Host Daniel McAdams for another edition of the Ron Paul Liberty Report:

Ron Paul: ‘Netanyahu’s US Trip is All About Politics’

Why did Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu come to Congress? To bolster his electoral chances back home and to thrill the neocons in Washington D.C. His trip may not have been as successful as he might have liked. As Dr. Paul notes in his newest Liberty Report, there is a growing movement of mothers in Israel — Muslim and Jew — who are telling their children to resist the military draft. This is the debate inside Israel that the mainstream media does not report on in the US. Watch the Ron Paul Liberty Report below:

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