RPI Event Alert: America in the Age of Trump 2.0. Click for Details.

Whether you are at the edge of your chair or pulling your hair out in despair, Trump 2.0 is disrupting the status quo.

Date and time: Saturday, March 22 · 8:30am – 1pm CDT

Location: Dow Academic Center, 500 College Boulevard Lake Jackson, TX 77566

Click Here For Ticket Information

The Liberty Report

Catalonia Vote – Will They Secede?

Voters in Spain’s Catalonia region will go to the polls on Sunday to elect a new parliament. Parties favoring secession from the Spanish state appear poised to make significant gains or even end up in majority. EU officialdom is furious at the move, and both German and British leaders have openly condemned any secessionist impulse among Catalans. Why so much fear over self-determination, which is after all a basic human right? What does it mean if an individual or even a group cannot determine for itself with whom or what it prefers to associate? Today’s special edition of the Ron Paul Liberty Report takes a look at tomorrow’s vote with an eye on real human rights:

Draft Ron Paul – A Modest Proposal


Writes Lew Rockwell on his Political Theater blog:

Draft Ron Paul! He doesn’t need to be a Member of Congress to be Speaker of the House, points out expert Daniel McAdams, and he could do most of it from Texas and his TV studio. The real outsider, the authentic anti-establishment candidate, the man everyone can trust. Ron Paul for Speaker!

Think of the money that would be saved having a Speaker based in Clute, TX, instead of the corrupt halls of Washington! What high-powered lobbyist would dream of making the journey down to what they view as fly-over country? And if they did arrive, guess what kind of welcome they would receive. Would they try to bribe Speaker Paul with the delectable selections from DJ’s Barbecue across the street from the Liberty Report studio? Fat chance!

The House Floor agenda would no longer be secret, sprung on Members at the last minute in order to coerce them to vote one way or the other. No more having Members vote on bills they were not even able to read. Dr. Paul has his Liberty Report which could take a good look at legislation well before it appears before the House. All Americans could tune in and get an idea of what is coming down the pipe!

And the Floor schedule would be so light under Speaker Paul that even more taxpayer money could be saved by making Membership in Congress a part-time job. That could save 50 percent off the top on Member salaries, not to mention the reduced staffing needs that a scaled-back schedule would produce. Billions!

Reform Congress? Speaker Paul!

Note: This suggestion is presented in jest and is not intended to endorse anyone for Speaker of the House.

Saving Syria

Are the Russians coming to Syria to save the day? After more than a year of US bombing, ISIS seems to not have suffered much. Meanwhile the US maintains that it officially still demands regime change in Syria, even as US Secretary of State John Kerry hinted last week that it might accept Assad in power as part of a transitional government. In Washington’s corridors of foreign policy power, the neocons and left-interventionist political appointees are in full battle with more seasoned diplomats. The Obama Administration seems at war with itself. RPI Director Daniel McAdams joins RT’s Crosstalk to discuss latest developments in Syria:

Good News: Gallup Finds Half of US Fears Government

What is the greatest threat to the American people? In a new poll taken by the Gallup organization we learn that half the country sees its own government as most threatening to life and liberty. Another poll taken last year showed strong libertarian leanings among the young people of this country. Might this signal a turning point for the warfare-welfare state? Today’s Liberty Report takes a look at the trends:

In Syria, More Lies Brings More Chaos

Why is the US government bringing back old, discredited claims like “Assad gassed his own people”? And why are its representatives like US Ambassador to the UN Samantha Power trying to propagandize the American people with cooked up tales of Russian military action in Syria? Today’s Liberty Report takes a look at the possible shifting sands of US policy in Syria:

Should Tweeting Be A Capital Offense?

The US government has assassinated at least one British citizen over his pro-ISIS Tweets, and we know they killed Al-Awlaki over his pro-al Qaeda propaganda. Currently the US Administration is discussing whether to accelerate its use of drones against those who Tweet the wrong things. More today on the Liberty Report:

UK Assassinates British Citizens In Syria

British Prime Minister David Cameron announced that his government had used drone strikes to kill two British citizens suspected of membership in ISIS in Syria. This is a major escalation for a country whose parliament voted against British bombing of Syria in 2013. Cameron claimed he had no other choice but to bomb, as there was “no government to work with” in Syria — after the past four years of US/UK “regime change” policy toward Syria had nothing to do with this! More today on the Liberty Report:

Prisoner Of Conscience? The Case Of The Kentucky Clerk

Civil liberties, civil disobedience, judicial supremacism, state’s rights, rule of law, natural rights, etc. The case of Kentucky’s county clerk Kim Davis is much more complicated and nuanced than proponents or opponents of her actions would have us believe. As she currently remains in jail for refusing to sign marriage certificates for same-sex couples, the Ron Paul Liberty Report takes a look at the many ways of looking at this very difficult issue:

War Drums Beating – Real Or Imagined?

Chinese ships are near Alaska, US Predator drones are near Russia in Latvia. Are the Russians going into Syria or is that just disinformation? Everywhere it seems little brushfires threaten to become conflagrations. Are we in great danger of a major war, or might things cool down? Tune in to today’s Liberty Report:

Refugee Crisis – Demise Of The EU?

Thousands of refugees and migrants are streaming into Europe — mostly Hungary — on a daily basis. Transportation has ground to a halt in Hungary as they are swarming the trains in attempt to get to Austria and Germany. Where are they escaping from? Countries like Syria and Libya where the US and EU have bombed and promoted violent regime change. Will the media blame the interventionists for creating this mass-scale human tragedy? Don’t count on it. More on the crisis and what it means for Europe in today’s Liberty Report:

The War on Cash

Governments across the globe seek ways to more effectively consolidate their power over those they govern. One of the most effective and insidious ways of gaining control of citizens and their habits is to forbid the use of cash in commercial transactions. Forcing all transactions to be electronic allows the government to know everything you purchase — and how much of it. It allows the government to better manipulate your spending habits through negative interest rates. It is also a war on the poor and those with fixed incomes. The war on cash is a war on liberty. Today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report is joined by Mises Institute Academic Vice President Joseph Salerno, a well-known expert on the implications of the war on cash:

ISIS Gold Standard: Will it Work?

A bizarre new video purportedly released by ISIS features archival clips from several prominent Austrian and free-market economics thinkers, including Ron Paul, discussing the Federal Reserve and the end of the dollar. Is this some sort of anti-gold propaganda, meant to suggest that anyone questioning the current Federal Reserve central banking system is on board with ISIS? Or is ISIS looking at the collapse of the dollar as a “second 9/11” as is said in the video. More on this very strange development in today’s Liberty Report:

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