RPI Event Alert: America in the Age of Trump 2.0. Click for Details.

Whether you are at the edge of your chair or pulling your hair out in despair, Trump 2.0 is disrupting the status quo.

Date and time: Saturday, March 22 · 8:30am – 1pm CDT

Location: Dow Academic Center, 500 College Boulevard Lake Jackson, TX 77566

Click Here For Ticket Information

The Liberty Report

Irwin Schiff – A ‘Most Dangerous Man’

Tax protester Irwin Schiff was sentenced to 13 years in prison for talking about his book, which the government had banned. He died of cancer on Saturday at age 87, chained to a prison hospital bed. Appeals for him to spend his last days with his family were denied by the government. Today’s Liberty Report pays tribute to Schiff and to all the other truth-tellers and whistleblowers who find themselves in the government’s crosshairs and end up denied life, liberty, and happiness:

Assassinations: Is This ‘American Exceptionalism’?

A new US government whistleblower has come forward to share highly disturbing information about the US worldwide assassination program, deceptively called “targeted killing.” Most of those killed with bombs fired from drones were not the intended targets, we learn, but they were classified as “enemies killed in action” anyway. Today’s Liberty Report takes a look at this major new exposé of the US assassination policy — is America losing its moral compass?

Obama’s New War In Africa: Do We Need It?

The Obama Administration’s disastrous invasion of Libya scattered well-armed jihadists throughout Africa and the Middle East, including to Syria and Cameroon. After emptying out Gaddafi’s arsenals, these groups proceeded to spread their mayhem. Yesterday, President Obama announced that he was sending US troops into Cameroon to help defeat one of the groups who benefitted from the US-led intervention in Libya, the ISIS-affiliated Boko Haram. Today’s Liberty Report look at whether another US intervention can solve the problems created by intervention in the first place:

MH-17 Final Report: Who Shot Down The Plane?

The long-awaited final report of the Dutch Safety Board on the 2014 shoot-down of Malaysia Airlines flight MH-17 over Ukraine came out yesterday, but it offered very little in terms of what actually happened. With the most powerful intelligence apparatus on earth, how is it that the US cannot bring forth evidence to back its claims about Russian responsibility? As Liberty Report guest, former CIA analyst Ray McGovern says today, it’s not that the US does not have the information but rather that the evidence it has does not match the US propaganda line:

Global Freedom Index: We’re Number 20!

The Cato Institute and partners have released a new survey of global economic and civic freedom. The results are not too good for those who adhere to the philosophy of American Exceptionalism: the US is not even in the top 10 when it comes to economic and personal freedom. Despite the many problems with indexes of this kind — we cannot agree with many of the criteria and others are skewed in one or another direction — it is healthy to pause and look at our own deficiencies. Today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report does just that:

Neocons Demand Escalation in Syria

The neocons — and their left-interventionist allies — have been planning regime change in Syria since at least 2006. Last week’s launch of Russian military strikes on ISIS and al-Qaeda at the request of the Syrian government has very quickly changed their plans. Now they are pushing President Obama to escalate, including directly against the Russians! Today’s Liberty Report looks at the increasingly dangerous situation and takes apart some of the media lies:

Gun Violence – More Control Needed?

What do the recent school shooting in Oregon and the US bombing of a hospital in Afghanistan have in common? President Obama is taking advantage of one tragedy to push for more government control of our guns. The other tragedy shows us that what we really need is more control over government guns. More today in the Liberty Report:

On The Ropes: 60 % Don’t Trust Media

According to a recent Gallup Poll survey, the majority of Americans do not trust the mainstream media. Among younger Americans the numbers for the MSM are even worse. According to the Washington Post, this is a “terrible thing” because it means publications like the Washington Post are less able to serve as “referees” guiding us through what we should think about events and what we dare not think. Today in a special edition of the Liberty Report, we look at the declining mainstream media and the alternatives:

Assad Must Go; Assad Must Stay. Who’s Right?

With Russian planes bombing ISIS and al-Qaeda targets this week, the air traffic on a piece of land smaller than the state of Oregon is getting crowded. The danger of a tragic accident that could escalate in unknown directions is ever-greater. The US and its Gulf allies are warning the Russians against bombing the terrorists without also trying to overthrow Assad. Saudi Arabia is warning Russia against civilian casualties in Syria even as the Saudis have killed nearly 3,000 innocent Yemeni civilians over the past five months. US-paid NGOs are pumping out the anti-Russian propaganda. What could possibly go wrong? Today’s Liberty Report is on the Syrian powder keg:

Will Migrant Crisis Kill EU?

The massive wave of migrants flooding Europe is a man-made catastrophe, to be sure. It is the product of US and EU interventionist foreign policy and the obsession with regime change that is particularly pernicious in Washington. Hungary was originally blamed for trying to hold back the floodgates, but as Austria and Germany saw what was coming it appears Hungary was trying to do them a favor. Today’s Liberty Report is joined by UK Independence Party leader Nigel Farage to discuss the impact of the migration crisis on the EU and also whether a UK referendum on EU membership has any chance of passing:

Intel Analysts: US Fixing Facts Around Policy

More than 50 intelligence officers from the Defense Intelligence Agency have formally complained that their work is being altered before it is sent to senior Obama Administration officials — and even to the president himself. Concerns over the effectiveness of the year-long new US war in Iraq and Syria are being covered up and a more rosy picture is being painted. The media has largely ignored this replay of the kind of lies fed the run-up to the 2002 Iraq war and, as could be expected, Congress is totally uninterested. Today’s Liberty Report is not uninterested, however. Ron Paul’s take below:

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