The Liberty Report

Hillary’s Libya: Arab Spring Or Dark Winter?

According to a recent New York Times series of articles, then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was the key Obama Administration figure arguing for a US attack on Libya back in 2011. She promised it would be a triumph of “smart power,” but with billions wasted, tens of thousands killed, and a country in ruins, it looks more like “dumb power.” Now the US and its allies are readying a new military force to go back into Libya to fight an ISIS that was not present before the US “liberation.” Score another defeat for interventionism. The full story today in the Liberty Report:

Hillary’s Emails: Is The End At Hand?

Will Hillary Clinton be indicted for storing classified materials on an unsecure server in her house while Secretary of State? Will President Obama call off the Justice Department and risk making it look like there is a different set of laws for the elites? Or will he allow the investigation to continue and risk the Democrat Party frontrunner in the presidential race facing jail time. The issue is more a political one at this point. But, as Ron Paul says in today’s Liberty Report, why isn’t Hillary facing prosecution for war crimes over her role in the Libya debacle?

FBI 1, Apple 1: Congress To Step In?

This week a judge in New York ruled in a case similar to the San Bernardino case that Apple should not be compelled to do work for the government against its will, in these cases providing a back door to its encrypted products. Both the FBI and Apple were on the Hill this week to present their sides of the case, and Congress will likely soon step in to try and settle the dispute. Does anyone think Congress will come down on the side of privacy over government snooping? Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner (R-IL) has given us a clue which side Congress will come down on when he told Apple’s lawyers, “I warn you, you won’t like what comes out of Congress.” What to expect from Congress? Tune in to the Liberty Report:

Migrant Crisis: The End Of The EU?

Greece is wracked by financial meltdown but is hosting tens of thousands of migrants who are blocked from their intended journey northward. Calais in France is home to makeshift refugee camps where thousands hope to travel to the UK. The EU social welfare system attracts migrants from poorer regions, but Brussels following Washington’s policy of destabilizing the Middle East has resulted in a perfect storm of hundreds of thousands seeking a better life in relatively rich Europe. Brussels is demanding that all EU Member states take in tens of thousands of migrants to share the burden equally. Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban is resisting such demands and has called a referendum to let Hungarians decide if they want to take in migrants. Brussels is furious. Will this migrant crisis be the final undoing of the European Union? Tune in to today’s Liberty Report:

Guantanamo Travesty: A Consequence Of Unconstitutional War

President Obama has made his final effort to fulfill a campaign promise to close down the US detention facility at the Guantanamo naval base in Cuba, sending Congress a plan that would see a new facility constructed in the US to house those of the 91 remaining prisoners who were not cleared for release. The plan is dead in the water in Congress, however, as Republicans in charge of the House and Senate have signaled a refusal to even work with the president on the issue. But this political tussle over the facility is in reality just a sideshow. Neither side wants to bring up the flawed and anti-American nature of Guantanamo and the undeclared and vague “war on terror” that prompted its creation. On the Liberty Report, however, that is precisely what we are interested in:

Syria Ceasefire: More War Or Chance For Peace?

Washington’s hawks are already trashing the Syria ceasefire deal that the US and Russia presented yesterday. The Russians will never honor their agreement, they argue. Nevertheless the agreement offers some slight hope that the five year war might be coming to a close — but only if some of the dangerous ambiguities in the agreement are spelled out properly. What else will have to change if this deal has any chance? Tune in to the Liberty Report to find out:

CIA Sends Torture Report Down Memory Hole

Why is the Justice Department trying to keep the Senate report on CIA torture under wraps? The same reason the CIA officer in charge of the torture program gave when he ordered the torture tapes destroyed: “the heat from destroying [the torture videos] is nothing compared to what it would be if the tapes ever got into the public domain.” As it stands, not even government officials with the required security clearances are allowed to read the report. So much for oversight! More on this travesty on today’s Liberty Report:

FBI vs. Apple: Is Liberty At Stake?

The FBI wants Apple to create software that will allow the Feds to break into the latest iPhones. Ironically, Apple upgraded its iPhone encryption as a result of the Snowden revelations about government spying on innocent Americans. The pretext for the government’s demand is that the San Bernardino attackers used iPhones and the FBI needs to see their data. The mainstream media, as usual, takes the side of government and along with officials like Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) is demonizing Apple for resisting what amounts to forced conscription of Apple engineers for the US government. What is really at stake? Another government grab at our Constitutional liberties under the guise of “keeping us safe.” How many terrorist plots has the FBI foiled through the use of surveillance on the rest of us? Zero. More today on the Liberty Report:

Supreme Court – The Soft Tyranny Of Judicial Review

Preservation of our civil liberties are very much tied up in the Constitutional separation of powers. We see daily in both the Legislative and Executive Branches the distortion and dysfunction of this important concept, where presidents legislate by Executive Order and Congress ignores its obligations regarding the use of military force. In the Judicial Branch this distortion of separation of powers occurs under the concept of “judicial review,” which is the misguided idea that the courts somehow have veto power on actions by the other branches of government. What should the Supreme Court really look like if we are to preserve our liberties? Today’s Liberty Report takes a look:

Turkey Bombing Syria – The Start Of Something Big?

After four days of bombing US allies in Syria — the Kurdish YPG militia — the Turkish government is now requesting that the US begin a ground invasion of Syria. Saudi fighter jets have reportedly arrived in Turkey to take part in the invasion if the US agrees. Meanwhile, the US has asked the Turks to stop bombing Washington’s Kurd allies. And Turkey is also bombing Russian-backed Syrian government forces. We try to unravel this all in today’s Liberty Report:

Presidents Day 2016: Who Was Best? Who Was Worst?

Today is the day we are supposed to celebrate the unitary executive — well not exactly, but unfortunately the celebration of Presidents Day has come to mean the iconization of the strong leader who takes the country into wars and takes charge of the economy. But might there be a better way to measure the greatness of a US president? How about their dedication to the Constitutional separation of powers and their promotion of peace, prosperity, and freedom? Today’s Liberty Report takes a look at the US presidents through the prism of Ivan Eland’s great book, Recarving Rushmore: Ranking the Presidents on Peace, Prosperity, and Liberty:

Drafting Women – Equality Or Equal Slavery?

With the opening of all military combat roles to women, establishment voices like the New York Times are proclaiming that the next fight for equality is to force women to join men in registering for the draft. In what way is it a triumph of rights to have the threat of slavery, which is what the military draft really is, hanging over both men and women? Today’s Liberty Report is joined by retired US Air Force Lt. Col. Karen Kwiatkowski to discuss the role of women in the military, the role of the military, and the role she played in blowing the whistle on the neocons who lied us into war with Iraq:

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