Former Vice President Dick Cheney told an audience recently that Russia may have committed an “act of war” by interfering in our recent presidential election, though he also claims that Donald Trump was legitimately elected. What exactly is Russia guilty of? He doesn’t say, but it begs the question: if interfering in other countries’ elections is an act of war, what about the estimated 80-plus elections the US is said to have interfered in? We discuss in today’s Liberty Report:
The Liberty Report
Game of Thorns: Revelations From The 2016 Campaign
by Daniel McAdams | Mar 27, 2017 | The Liberty Report
Why did Trump win? Presidential historian joins today’s Liberty Report to discuss his new book on the very strange 2016 presidential race between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.
Comey Lied? Trump Vindicated? Nobody’s Safe From PATRIOT Act
by Daniel McAdams | Mar 23, 2017 | The Liberty Report
House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-CA) dropped a bombshell yesterday when he revealed that members of the Trump campaign staff — possibly including Trump himself — had their communications intercepted by US intelligence. The surveillance was likely undertaken under expanded spying permission granted by section 702 of the post-9/11 FISA amendments. This provision enables the NSA to listen in to and keep information from phone calls of US citizens as long as the person on the other end is believed to be a non-US citizen overseas. The possibilities for abusing this expanded authority for political or other gain are endless and this may be what is behind the latest revelations. Politicians don’t mind when we are spied on by the government, but they scream loudest when they are the victims. What’s the solution? Tune in to today’s Liberty Report:
House Russia Hearing: Revelations Or More Speculation?
by Daniel McAdams | Mar 21, 2017 | The Liberty Report
To Rep. Jackie Speier (D-CA), Russian President Vladimir Putin is a tarantula spinning a web to trap the United States. Rigging the election in Trump’s favor was just the start of his plan of conquest. In yesterday’s House Intelligence Committee hearing on Russian influence in the Trump Administration and campaign, Ranking Member Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) read from the discredited opposition research dossier on Trump and noted that it might not be true…but then again it might. So more investigations are needed. In the end, nothing new was revealed, only speculation on the part of the Members and of witness, FBI Director James Comey. It was a classic Washington dog and pony show. We look at the distraction of the House hearing in today’s Liberty Report:
Neocons Strike Back: Kagan Family On The Warpath (Again)
by Daniel McAdams | Mar 20, 2017 | The Liberty Report
The neocons may have backed Hillary Clinton for the presidency, but that doesn’t stop them from demanding the right to define our foreign policy in the Trump Administration. They get their money from the military-industrial complex and unlimited mainstream media exposure as the “experts” — even though they are always wrong. The first family of neoconservatism, the Kagans, have recently regrouped after the election and have taken to the media to demand more war footing against Russia and a return to the policy of “regime change” in Syria. It appears they are making inroads in the Trump Administration. We discuss the neocon phoenix in today’s Liberty Report:
Fed Hikes Rate – Stagflation Ahead?
by Daniel McAdams | Mar 16, 2017 | The Liberty Report
What does Federal Reserve Chairman Janet Yellen’s decision to raise the interest rates .25 percent mean for the US economy? The budget? What about debt versus GDP growth? We take a look at the continuing disaster of creating money out of thin air in today’s Liberty Report:
Trump/Saudi Collusion: Laying Plans For More War In The Middle East
by Daniel McAdams | Mar 15, 2017 | The Liberty Report
President Trump’s visit with the Saudi Crown Prince seemed to have gone very well yesterday. Despite being solidly behind Hillary in the campaign — at least in their donations to the Clinton Foundation — Saudi Arabia’s millions spent on lobbying in Washington seem to keep paying dividends. The two seemed to agree on Syria no-fly zones, on the Saudi war on Yemen, the need for a hard line toward Iran, and more. All the items on the Saudi agenda. But what about America first? We discuss in today’s Liberty Report:
US Practices ‘Taking Out’ Kim Jong-Un — What Will Be The Consequences?
by Daniel McAdams | Mar 14, 2017 | The Liberty Report
The Trump Administration seems determined to provoke North Korea. Washington is sending over SEAL Team 6, Delta Forces, B-52s and B-1s, F-35s and more for a series of military exercises that will include preparing for “regime change” and for taking out Kim Jong-Un. The North Korean leader may be a paranoid, but wouldn’t such a massive show of force on anyone’s border produce some paranoia? Where is all of this headed? We discuss in today’s Liberty Report:
New Rules Of Engagement: More Authority To The Generals
by Daniel McAdams | Mar 13, 2017 | The Liberty Report
President Trump has reportedly expanded the authority of military officers to approve drone strikes across the many countries where the US military is engaged. This is an escalation in the pace of US military actions overseas where the recent troop increases are an increase in scope. What is the endgame of President Trump’s escalations? What will victory look like? Will this newest “surge” work where it has failed repeatedly in the past? Our view in today’s Liberty Report:
Race For Raqqa: Major US Escalation In Syria
by Daniel McAdams | Mar 9, 2017 | The Liberty Report
US boots are on the ground in Syria. Nearly 1,000 to be exact. Not counting CIA or contractors. President Trump has ordered several hundred US Marines onto Syrian soil (without permission) to participate in the attack on Raqqa, and he has sent several dozen Army Rangers to Manbij to try to prevent US-backed forces and Turkish-backed forces from killing each other instead of killing ISIS. The Russians have also sent troops to Manbij — at the request of the US-backed YPG forces! Is Trump’s Syria to just take all that was wrong with Obama’s Syria and double it? We discuss in today’s Liberty Report:
Trump’s Global Hot Spots – Is He Losing Control?
by Daniel McAdams | Mar 8, 2017 | The Liberty Report
What is the libertarian response to the Trump era? Is it about building a “movement” or about fighting in the battle of ideas? Have the neocons been put on their back heel by the new Administration or are they still riding high? What’s our next move? Mises Institute President Jeff Deist joins today’s Liberty Report to discuss where we are in relation to the new US Administration — and to invite our viewers to continue the conversation with us at our symposium on War and Peace in the Age of Trump taking place next month in Lake Jackson, TX:
New TSA Rules — More Aggressive Pat-Downs!
by Daniel McAdams | Mar 7, 2017 | The Liberty Report
The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has consistently failed miserably when tested on detecting contraband coming into airports. So what’s the government solution to a broken system? Double down! TSA has announced that it will begin taking its failures out on us, with far more aggressive and invasive pat-downs. You will notice the difference, said the TSA of its new procedures. It does not have to be this way. There is an alternative. And it’s time for Americans to stand up to these dangerous government agents who are hell-bent on depriving us of our Constitutional protections! For more on what we can do, tune in to today’s Liberty Report:
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