RPI Event Alert: America in the Age of Trump 2.0. Click for Details.

Whether you are at the edge of your chair or pulling your hair out in despair, Trump 2.0 is disrupting the status quo.

Date and time: Saturday, March 22 · 8:30am – 1pm CDT

Location: Dow Academic Center, 500 College Boulevard Lake Jackson, TX 77566

Click Here For Ticket Information

The Liberty Report

Syria Gas Attack and Russian Election Hacking…Debunking Fake News With Scott Ritter

Former Marine intelligence officer and UN Chief Weapons Inspector for Iraq, Scott Ritter, joins the Ron Paul Liberty Report today to shed light on the phony “17 intelligence agencies agree on Russian election hacking” story and to explain why in his vast intelligence and WMD experience why the UN “investigation” into the April “sarin gas” attack in Syria was deeply flawed and should not be believed. Also don’t miss Ritter’s fascinating explanation of the real purpose of the so-called “White Helmets” in Syria!

40,000 Civilian Dead In Mosul?

Writing in The Independent, veteran journalist Patrick Cockburn reports that as many as 40,000 civilians were killed in the nine month siege of Mosul. That is tens of thousands more than the Pentagon is reporting. The reason for the high figure, Cockburn explains, is that bombs flattened multi-story housing structures, smashing everyone inside. The photos from Mosul are jarring. Who won? Watch today’s Liberty Report:

RPI’s Peace and Prosperity 2017 Conference: ‘Where We’re Going and How We’ll Get There!’


Announced Speakers
: Former Rep. Ron Paul, Mises Institute Founder Lew Rockwell, US Rep. Walter Jones, Jr. (R-NC), fmr CIA officer and whistleblower John Kiriakou, fmr State Department official and whistleblower Peter Van Buren. A special roundtable discussion of former Ron Paul Congressional staff on how the Hill works and how we can make it work for us. More announcements to come soon.
Luncheon will be served, as will coffee and tea.

Get your tickets here!

We are witnessing a fascinating phenomenon that may signal that the neoconservative movement is nearing its “sell-by” date. As Glenn Greenwald documents in a recent article, there is a mass migration of neoconservative leaders back to the Democratic Party they left in the early 1970s. Why did they leave in the first place? The McGovernite peaceniks were destroying their party and they saw much potential in a Republican Party that had swung back and forth from the non-interventionism of the Taft wing to the big government, national-security-state Republicanism of the Buckleyites and others.

What does all of this mean for us? Opportunity.

The interest in Ron Paul’s foreign policy of non-intervention in the affairs of others, a defense of this nation, and an end to the trillion dollar military empire overseas is growing daily. The readership at the Ron Paul Institute website is up and the viewership of our Ron Paul Liberty Report continues to rapidly increase.

Did you know the United States spends twelve times more per person on its military than China? And next year’s military budget is getting a huge bump-up from Congress. Something is clearly wrong.

It’s great to sit in front of our computers reading important articles and watching informative videos, but we also need to connect with other like-minded people. We need to hear from those who are out there in the front lines. Their insights are so valuable. A movement is built on human contact and connections.

And we also need to show the world that there is a great interest in a foreign policy of minding our own business. Nothing gets that message across like a packed conference in Washington, DC!

On September 9th at the Washington Dulles Airport Marriott we will again make history, as the Ron Paul Institute holds its second major foreign policy conference. Last year’s sold out event was also seen by millions on CSPAN and enjoyed by so many who came out to join us.

Last year’s attendees urged us through the year to do it again and we have listened to them!

What’s on the agenda this year? Well there is much we are still working on but I can let you know that Ron Paul and Lew Rockwell will be on the stage in September. It is always so amazing to have them both in a room and I can’t wait to see them together again.

Dr. Paul will have much to say on his new book — which takes a penetrating look at his Liberty Movement ten years on — and much to say about where we need to focus for the future. Likewise we are so grateful to Lew Rockwell for again joining us and providing us with his words of wisdom.

I am super excited about a whistleblowers’ roundtable that we are organizing for the event. The truth will set us free and it is whistleblowers who risk their lives and careers to bring us the truth! You are going to be surprised at who will join us for this.

This year we want to focus particularly on two things: making connections and taking action. The reason we get together is of course to hear the brilliant insights of our speakers. But we also need to build our own networks and coordinate ways to take action to promote our Peace and Prosperity agenda.

I really want to encourage you to get your tickets to this exciting conference early, as the venue has a limited capacity, we have reserved the entire ballroom, and we expect to sell out far in advance of the conference date! We would really hate to see you miss the event of the year for those of us who believe in peace and prosperity.

Did you already buy your tickets? Get an amazing rate at the hotel especially for conference-goers!

So what are you waiting for? Get your tickets and join hundreds of other friends of peace and liberty in Washington, DC, this September!

New Survey: Americans Afraid Of Major War. Whose Fault?

According to a new NBC News survey, some 76 percent of Americans are afraid of being drawn into a major war. That is a ten percent increase from just February. What’s behind this increased fear? The country that Americans feel most threatened by is North Korea, which has a GDP half the size of the US state of Vermont (which has the smallest GDP in the union). Who’s responsible for making Americans so afraid of relatively minor threats? The media? Neocons? Tune in to today’s Liberty Report:

Jeff Sessions Declares War On Liberty

US Attorney General Jeff Sessions delivered a fiery speech yesterday to the National District Attorneys Association. Unfortunately his fire was all directed at our civil liberties. He wants to crack down on guns, ramp up the drug war (including more harassment of doctors), lengthen prison sentences and reduce sentencing flexibility, and expand the government theft of private property known as “asset forfeiture.” Sessions’ speech was pure authoritarianism from top to bottom. Endless wars overseas expand a war mentality at home, which governments love to exploit. More on Sessions’ war declaration in today’s Liberty Report:

Four Major Famines – Unintended Consequences Of US Foreign Policy

The UN has identified four countries where the threat of major famine — with potentially millions dead — is becoming reality. Though there are many factors contributing to famine, including bad economic policies, weather disturbances, and so one, in fact these four countries all have one thing in common: US military intervention. From Sudan to Somalia to Yemen to Nigeria, US foreign policy produces famine and death rather than destabilization overseas. We break it down in today’s Liberty Report:

Can Tillerson Referee The Qatar/Saudi Crisis?

US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson walked away from the Middle East empty-handed this week, as his efforts to mediate the Qatar/Saudi crisis failed to bear fruit. The dispute is the most serious between the two sides in some time, but how much of it was brought on by the meeting in May between a new and very aggressive heir to the Saudi throne and President Donald Trump? Both are very aggressive toward Iran, and the conflict is being framed in pro- versus anti-Iran terms. Where do things go? Tune in to today’s Liberty Report:

Mosul: Another ‘Mission Accomplished’

From February to June, an estimated 5,800 civilians have been killed in Mosul by US coalition airstrikes, a significant escalation in civilian deaths over the previous US Administration. With Mosul now “liberated” by US and Iraqi military forces, there is virtually nothing left of the city. Now we are told that we have to spend more billions of dollars rebuilding the city that we just destroyed, and once again training new Iraqi military forces to make up for all those killed in this campaign. Does this sound like a sensible US foreign policy? Tune in to today’s Liberty Report:

Back To Benghazi – Are More US Troops The Answer?

The Obama Administration’s lies (crafted mostly by Hillary Clinton) to “justify” a US attack on Libya were grotesque and the “liberation” of that country created a living hell on earth for the very citizens we were supposed to be saving. After six years of chaos and a 2012 attack on a US installation in Benghazi, the Trump Administration is reportedly preparing a policy shift on Libya that will bring permanently-stationed US troops into the country. How does yet another overseas US military mission square with President Trump’s campaign promise to put America first? We discuss in today’s Liberty Report:

Partial Syria Ceasefire (Again). Who’s Winning, Trump Or Putin?

There is plenty to be positive about coming from last week’s face-to-face meeting between Presidents Trump and Putin. One indicator of how important/well the meeting went was the fact that the mainstream media immediately reverted to its “Russia hacked the election” obsession, even as the pillars of that absurd assertion fall, one by one. The agreement on ceasefire zones in parts of southwest Syria are also a positive sign if it means the US and Russia are taking a step back from direct confrontation in that country. However, there are pitfalls. Will it mean more US military involvement in Syria, guarding these new zones? And one simple trick Trump can use to get the “Russia hacked the election” off his back. This and more in today’s Liberty Report:

Trump Meets Putin – Who Has the Upper Hand?

Today, just one day before his long-anticipated meeting with Russian president Vladimir Putin, President Trump has given a fiery speech in Poland denouncing Russian “meddling” in Ukraine and Russian support for the Syrian government. He also affirmed that the US would “stand firmly behind” NATO’s Article 5 on mutual defense. What might this mean for tomorrow’s meeting? Tune in to today’s Liberty Report:

Let South Korea Be South Korea

President Trump has taken to Twitter again to condemn North Korea’s July 4th ballistic missile test and to chide China for not “putting a heavy move” on North Korea. China has blasted back that tensions are liable to spin out of control if all parties are not more careful. Meanwhile, South Koreans have a new president who claims to be more in favor of dialogue with the North than confrontation. Why won’t the US let him give diplomacy a chance? If, as polls show, 80 percent of South Koreans want more dialogue with the North, why should we get in the way? Tune in today’s Liberty Report:

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