RPI Event Alert: America in the Age of Trump 2.0. Click for Details.

Whether you are at the edge of your chair or pulling your hair out in despair, Trump 2.0 is disrupting the status quo.

Date and time: Saturday, March 22 · 8:30am – 1pm CDT

Location: Dow Academic Center, 500 College Boulevard Lake Jackson, TX 77566

Click Here For Ticket Information

The Liberty Report

Abolish The TSA As Soon As Possible. With Guest Jim Bovard

The Transportation Safety Administration gets away with what would be prosecuted as sexual assault if any of the rest of us did it. Yet Americans put up with the groping and downright punching of private parts because they still believe the TSA keeps them safe. And when the TSA’s own Inspector General tests how “safe” they keep us? Mock bombs get through 80-95 percent of the time. And when their miserable job performance becomes public? They demand even more money. In today’s Liberty Report — on the busiest travel day of the year — we demand the end of the anti-American TSA and a return to the Fourth Amendment of our Constitution!

Saudi Purges Explained, With Marwa Osman Live From Lebanon

To understand what’s really going on in the Middle East, the worst place to turn is the US mainstream media. Geopolitical analyst and Ph.D. candidate Marwa Osman joins today’s Liberty Report live from Beirut, Lebanon to tell us why the MSM refuses to explain what’s really behind the tragedy in Yemen. What’s behind the recent purges in Saudi Arabia? Is a new war between Israel and Lebanon about to break out? You might be surprised at some of her answers. Tune in…

DOD Conference Bill Passed…Yet We’re Less Safe & Poorer

Ron Paul breaks down the massive DoD spending bill Conference Report that has just passed Congress. More money for Ukraine? Israel’s missile defense? Lots of welfare for the military industrial complex? More money for the failed F-35? Lots of money for other countries to buy our weapons, to keep the military industrial complex rich while working Americans see their real income decline. How our militarism is strangling us…in today’s Liberty Report:

The Real Cost Of War: Three Times More Than The Government Admits

Imagine if the $5.6 trillion that it is now estimated to have been spent on 16 years of US global wars had been put to better use. Imagine how families would have been able to afford education if the value of the dollar had not been inflated away to fund the military industrial complex. In today’s Liberty Report we discuss a new Brown University study concluding that the endless wars have cost three times more than the Pentagon estimated:

War on ISIS – Whose Side Are We Really On?

On Sunday, Defense Secretary James Mattis said in a press conference that the US military would remain in Syria for the long haul, “as long as there are ISIS who want to fight” he said. He falsely claimed that the US operates in Syria with UN permission. According to a blockbuster BBC report, however, the US government was part of a secret deal to allow thousands of ISIS fighters and their families safe passage from Raqqa — with their weapons! What’s going on here? Join us for today’s Liberty Report:

Kochs Spend Big On Foreign Policy Realism…Should Neocons Be Worried?

The neocon interventionists run Washington foreign policy. Even a Donald Trump, whose foreign policy positions during the campaign infuriated the neocons, has had his administration infiltrated with neocons. According to recent press reports, the Koch Foundation plans to spend a few million dollars promoting the “realist” school of foreign policy at major US universities. While such a move is to be welcomed there is also danger, as “realism” and neocon interventionsm do not disagree fundamentally on principles but only on the application of those principles. Cautious optimism in today’s Liberty Report:

Is Trump Getting A Bad Rap On His Asia Trip?

The US media (and some neocon politicians) are furious that President Trump didn’t lecture Philippine President Duterte on human rights and that he dared speak with Russian President Putin. How dare he listen to Putin on meddling our elections and raise doubts about the US intelligence community’s conclusions! They would never lie to us…would they? All in all, however, there are more positives than negatives, as we discuss in today’s Liberty Report:

Saudi Escalation: Lebanon And Yemen In The Crosshairs

The Saudi crown prince is rumored to soon take over as king. He has moved against possible rivals within his own family and seized billions of dollars. Meanwhile he’s threatened Lebanon and his government has ordered Saudi citizens to leave Lebanon. This while blaming Iran for a Yemeni missile that hit near an airport in Riyadh. The US is backing Saudi moves against Yemen and Lebanon to the hilt. Is something big about to happen? We suspect it is. More today in the Liberty Report:

Deconstructing ‘Russia-Gate’

Both firms used to push the story that the Russians hacked the DNC and John Podesta’s emails were in the pay of the DNC. The FBI was blocked from examining the DNC servers that the Democrats claimed were hacked. The Russia-Gate story hinges on some very sketchy and highly compromised objective facts that a little mainstream media scrutiny would likely demolish in short order. But the MSM has no interest in looking for truth. Fortunately international correspondent Joe Lauria is not afraid of where his inquiries into Russia-Gate take him. He shares some astonishing information with us in today’s Liberty Report…

Ducks Lining Up: Saudi, Israeli, US Moves On Iran, Lebanon

Why has President Trump’s son-in-law/top advisor Jared Kushner been spending so much time with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Salman? Last month was his third trip this year? The visit occurred right before Bin Salman purged his political rivals, claimed that Lebanon had declared war on his country, and cited a Yemeni missile strike as a pretext to ramp up tensions with Iran. Are the US, Saudi Arabia, and Israel preparing for a major war with Iran, Lebanon, and Hezbollah? We look at the troubling trends in today’s Liberty Report:

Trump In Asia: Diplomacy Or Sabre-Rattling?

Will President Trump’s lengthy visit to Asia signal the beginning of a more diplomatic approach to Washington’s disputes in the region? Will President Trump have a face-to-face with Russian President Putin? Trump has signaled a willingness to sit down with North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un. Any chance that will take place? Our hopes and concerns so far in today’s Liberty Report:

Tragic Horrors…From New York To Yemen

Horrible events like yesterday’s attack in New York capture our attention. The mainstream media focuses non-stop on every imaginable aspect of such events. Unfortunately there is little attention to tragedies of a far greater magnitude in places like Yemen which are largely due to our interventionist foreign policy. The US government has partnered with Saudi Arabia to completely flatten Yemen, with thousands of innocents killed in the process. We should pay attention to tragedies at home, but also tragedies overseas that are being perpetrated by Washington in our name. More in today’s Liberty Report:

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