Yesterday’s meeting between US President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un was history in the making. By all accounts the meeting went well. Trump looks like a peacemaker and Kim looks to have delivered security to his people while continuing the process toward peace with his southern neighbor. Neocons and political opponents of Trump in the US are furious. Who wins from the meeting? Join us for today’s Liberty Report:
The Liberty Report
Trump/Kim Summit: Breakthrough or Publicity Stunt?
by Daniel McAdams | Jun 12, 2018 | The Liberty Report
What will be the long-lasting fallout from the Trump/Kim meeting? Peace? Or will the neocons and the Washington Post establishment publications manage to undermine any efforts to steer us away from total war? Tune in to the Liberty Report:
Six Against Trump: Who Wins At G-7 Summit?
by Daniel McAdams | Jun 7, 2018 | The Liberty Report
President Macron of France and German chancellor Angela Merkel are reportedly ready to read President Trump the riot act at the G7 Summit in Canada starting tomorrow. They are reportedly furious over Trump’s “go it alone” approach to climate change, the Iran deal, and more. Will they succeed in wrong-footing the former reality TV star US president, or will Trump actually relish the idea of sparring with feckless foreign leaders? Tune in to today’s Liberty Report:
New Report: War Crimes In Raqqa. Who’s Guilty?
by Daniel McAdams | Jun 6, 2018 | The Liberty Report
After a lengthy investigation, Amnesty International has just released a study finding that the US-led attack on Raqqa in Syria was so devastating to civilians and to the infrastructure that it may in fact constitute a war crime. Some have compared it to Dresden. And the irony is that after destroying the city to rid it of ISIS, the US turned a blind eye as hundreds of ISIS fighters escaped with their families…and their weapons! More in today’s Liberty Report:
Supremes Miss The Point On ‘Bake The Cake’ Ruling
by Daniel McAdams | Jun 5, 2018 | The Liberty Report
The Supreme Court ruled in favor of a Colorado baker who claimed his deeply-held religious views prevented him from baking a wedding cake for a same-sex couple. While many conservatives may cheer what appears to be a victory for their cause, the Supreme Court ruling missed the central point — property rights — in favor of a highly subjective “deeply held views” test. The decision is very shaky territory even for social conservatives — who gets to decide which views are “deeply-held”? — and it is little help at all for libertarians. We look at the pros and cons of the decision in today’s Liberty Report:
RPI Peace and Prosperity 2018 Conference: Media & War!
by Daniel McAdams | Jun 5, 2018 | The Liberty Report
On Saturday, August 18th, proponents of peace and prosperity will gather again in Washington, DC, to call for a change in our foreign policy, to get the latest on the war on the independent media, to hear thoughtful and inspiring speakers, and to make new acquaintances and re-connect with old ones. Yes, the Ron Paul Institute is coming back to town!
The third annual Ron Paul Institute Washington, DC, Peace and Prosperity Conference includes a special focus on the symbiosis between the mainstream media and the warfare state. How does the mainstream media promote war and how does the war machine promote the mainstream media? How do the militarist interventionists collude with the mainstream media to prevent alternative media from having a voice? Remember “PropOrNot”? The Atlancic Council? “Hamilton 68”? How does the US government misuse its citizens’ money to propgandize them into supporting endless, winless, pointless wars? To propagandize them into viewing any alternative media questioning the permanent warfare state as “unpatriotic” or even “agents of a foreign power”?
Keynote speaker will be retired US Representative and former three-time US presidential candidate Ron Paul.
And a great line-up of the most cutting-edge thinkers on the topic of media and war:
Nassim Nicholas Taleb: essayist, scholar, statistician, former trader, and risk analyst. Author of New York Times Bestselling books, The Black Swan (“one of the twelve most influential books since World War II”) and Skin in the Game, among others
Gerald Celente: World renowned trends forecaster and founder of the Trends Research Institute.
Col. Lawrence Wilkerson: former chief-of-staff to US Secretary of State Colin Powell. Professor, William and Mary University. Ron Paul Institute Board Member.
Col. Douglas Macgregor: A frequent guest on the top-ranked Tucker Carlson show, Col. Macgregor is a decorated combat veteran, Ph.D. and author of four books.
John W. Whitehead: founder and president of the non-profit, champion of civil liberties, Rutherford Institute.
James Jatras: Attorney, former US State Department official, and former US Senate senior staffer. View his article archive here.
Caitlin Johnstone: Self-described “rogue journalist” focusing on war, peace, coalition-building, ruffling establishment feathers.
Daniel McAdams: Former Ron Paul Congressional staffer. Ron Paul Institute executive director. Co-host, Ron Paul Liberty Report.
Paul-Martin Foss: Former Ron Paul Congressional staffer and US House Financial Services Committee staffer.
Adam Dick: Former Ron Paul Congressional staffer. Author, “A Tipping Point for Liberty: Exposing and Defeating Leviathan Government.” Senior Fellow, Ron Paul Institute.
Norman Singleton: Former Ron Paul Congressional staffer. President, Campaign for Liberty.
Chris Rossini: author, “Set Money Free: What Every American Needs To Know About The Federal Reserve.” Ron Paul Liberty Report co-host and webmaster.
Conference tickets include coffee and tea throughout the day as well as a full, hot lunch.
Are you traveling from out of town? We’ve managed to get a great room rate at the Marriott of just $89 per night – but rooms are limited and the offer ends on August 3rd so book yours right away. There is a link on the main conference ticket sales page to get your discounted room.
US Missiles To Germany – Defense Or Warmongering?
by Daniel McAdams | Jun 4, 2018 | The Liberty Report
Rumors continue to spread that the US is preparing to deploy its THAAD anti-missile system in Germany for the first time. What’s the threat? Iran, we are told. Particularly as the US pulling out of the deal has increased tensions. But is this really about defense of Europe, as the US military claims, or is it more about keeping the big US defense contractors fat and happy? Tune in to today’s Liberty Report:
US Commander in Europe: We Need More Troops to Fight The Russians
by Daniel McAdams | May 30, 2018 | The Liberty Report
US Commander of the Europe Command, Gen. Curtis M. Scaparrotti, has called for thousands more US troops to “deter Russian aggression” in Europe. He has even suggested that the US troops should be pulled off of counter-terrorism duty and sent to Europe. Meanwhile, the Pentagon announced a massive shipment of military equipment to Europe, including tanks and other tracked vehicles. Do US military officials really believe that Russia is about to invade western Europe? Are we back in the 1940s? Or is Washington’s military-industrial complex looking for new ways to justify an ever-expanding military budget? Tune in to today’s Liberty Report:
In Korea, Kim And Moon Embrace – No Need For Outsiders?
by Daniel McAdams | May 29, 2018 | The Liberty Report
It looks like the neocons may not succeed with their plot to blow up the Trump/Kim meeting next month. With Trump canceling the meeting at the end of last week, the North and South Korean leaders held an impromptu meeting on the border to look for a path ahead toward peace. President Trump has taken notice and plans are again underway for the historic meeting. Are neocons sidelined for now? Tune in to today’s Liberty Report:
Trump Yields To Bolton, Cancels Kim Summit
by Daniel McAdams | May 24, 2018 | The Liberty Report
After repeated references to the “Libya scenario” for North Korea — a point not lost on Pyongyang considering that the US destroyed Libya and killed its leader — the North Korean government finally struck back verbally, calling US Vice President Mike Pence a “dummy” for again warning that North Korea could end up like Libya. That was enough for President Trump to cancel next month’s historic summit meeting. Does following the neocons make Trump look tough…or weak? Tune in to today’s Liberty Report:
US Names 18th Afghan War Commander – Are We Turning The Corner Yet?
by Daniel McAdams | May 23, 2018 | The Liberty Report
As the US names its 18th military commander in the 17 year long war on Afghanistan, is there any reason to believe that victory is in sight? The latest reports by the Pentagon to Congress show that no progress has been made and another recent report by the Special Inspector General found that the Afghan army is losing soldiers at an alarming rate. Washington’s proxies in Afghanistan don’t want to fight. So why not just end the war? Tune in to today’s Liberty Report:
Pompeo’s Bombastic Iran Threats: A Sign Of Weakness?
by Daniel McAdams | May 22, 2018 | The Liberty Report
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo delivered a speech to the neoconservative Heritage Foundation in which he made 12 US demands of the Iranian government. The demands were in places laughably inaccurate — demanding Iran close a heavy water reactor that has been dismantled for years — that one wonders whether it was just incompetence or whether they simply don’t care. The US is backing itself into a corner over Iran, risking losing its European allies and further emboldening Russia and China. What’s next? Tune in to today’s Liberty Report:
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