RPI Event Alert: America in the Age of Trump 2.0. Click for Details.

Whether you are at the edge of your chair or pulling your hair out in despair, Trump 2.0 is disrupting the status quo.

Date and time: Saturday, March 22 · 8:30am – 1pm CDT

Location: Dow Academic Center, 500 College Boulevard Lake Jackson, TX 77566

Click Here For Ticket Information

The Liberty Report

Who Killed The Tea Party – How, Why, When?

Most in the liberty movement trace the birth of the “tea party” to the December, 2007 “money bomb” for Ron Paul’s presidential campaign, where that commemoration of the 234th anniversary of the Boston Tea Party raised $6 million for Paul and broke online fundraising records. But a more institutionalized “Tea Party” followed, with plenty of groups and politicians eager to jump on board with a movement combining grassroots excitement with fundraising prowess. But, as today’s Liberty Report guest Matt Kibbe has written, the Tea Party is not totally dead. So what happened? Where to in the future? Is something new emerging? Tune in to today’s Liberty Report:

‘Shock’ Poll: Most Americans Support Another Trump/Putin Summit…But Congress Says ‘No!’

According to a new poll by HarrisX Polling Company and The Hill newspaper, more than half of all Americans – and nearly 90 percent of Trump voters – support President Trump’s invitation to his Russian counterpart to the US for another meeting. Meanwhile, House Speaker Paul Ryan and his colleagues in Republican leadership are steadfastly opposed. What does it mean for Congressional leaders to be so out of step with Americans – and their president – on this issue? Tune in to today’s Liberty Report:

Free Speech Attack? Trump Eyes Pulling Obama-Era Security Clearances

President Trump is considering canceling the security clearances of certain senior intelligence officials extended as a courtesy when they retired. Former CIA chief John Brennan, who called Trump a traitor for meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin is reportedly top on the list, are highly political former officials like James Clapper and Susan Rice. Opponents of the move claim it is an attack on these officials’ “free speech” rights. Are they missing the point? Also, was the FISA process abused by FBI officers when they made the case to spy on Trump campaign volunteer Carter Page? Tune in to today’s Liberty Report:

‘Russiagate’ – Attack On Our Values Or Power Of War Propaganda?

Does it seem a bit surprising that just as the US intelligence agencies – including the FBI – seemed to be on the ropes over their role in the 2016 presidential campaign, 12 indictments were dropped on Russian intelligence agents and a Trump-Putin meeting was decried as an act of treason by Obama intelligence appointees? Does it seem almost as if the US intelligence agencies – or at least some elements of them – are fighting back with a disinfo and propaganda campaign of their own to divert attention from the ignoble role played by some of the most political of appointees like Comey, Brennan, Clapper, Mike Morrell, Mueller, and others? Even Trump had to do a 180 degree turn and bow down to the “intelligence community.” Who runs things? Tune in to today’s Liberty Report:

Trump-Putin Fallout: Bipartisan Hysteria Against Peace

Former CIA director John Brennan thinks President Trump’s meeting with Russian president Putin is “treasonous” and he — disturbingly — warns him to “stop it.” Rep. Steve Cohen (D-TN) actually calls for the military to move against its commander in chief, who he claims is “in the hands of our enemy.” Others have called the Trump-Putin meeting “another Pearl Harbor.” The mainstream media churns out exactly the same headline: Trump threw the intelligence community under the bus” by meeting with Putin and expressing skepticism over claims that the Russians hacked the 2016 US presidential election. What’s behind the hysteria? Tune in to today’s Liberty Report:

Trump-Putin Summit Success: Neocons Furious!

Presidents Trump and Putin have just concluded a press conference where although there remained some serious points of contention — specifically, Iran — both leaders agreed that their summit was a great start to restoring good relations between the US and Russia. The neocons — on both the Left and Right — are furious. Former CIA chief John Brennan called the meeting “treason.” What are we to make of the meeting? Tune in to today’s Liberty Report:

Legalized Groping: Court Grants TSA The Right To Assault You

A US appeals court has just ruled that we Americans have no recourse when an aggressive Transportation Security Administration (TSA) screener commits an assault on us. The the 3rd US Circuit Court of Appeals in Philadelphia ruled that TSA officers were not “investigative or law enforcement officers,” and therefore were protected from liability under the Federal Tort Claims Act. What does it say about us that we allow the government to commit crimes against our bodies for the “privilege” of traveling inside our country? Is there a better way? Tune in to today’s Liberty Report:

Trump Hammers NATO. Good! Let’s Get Out!

President Trump is making waves as he arrives in Europe for the NATO summit. Chiding Germany for benefitting from US protection against Russia while buying billions of dollars worth of Russian oil, he has captured the duplicity of European leaders. But the solution is not to browbeat them to spend more on their militaries. It’s to shut down NATO once and for all. More in today’s Liberty Report:

Brett Kavanaugh: Triumph Of The ‘Radical Center’

Beltway Democrats and Republicans will mostly play their assigned role when it comes to supporting or opposing Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh as either a great threat or a great jurist. But Washington is home of the “radical center,” where policy differences are made to appear far greater than they are. Looking at the world from a different lens — pro-liberty or pro-authoritarian — gives us a very different view of someone like Kavanaugh. Please join us for such a look in today’s Liberty Report:

From North Korea To NATO – Diplomacy…Or More Deception?

Will President Trump tell his Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, to behave himself better with the North Koreans? Will he tell the Germans we’re no longer spending money defending them? US foreign policy under President Trump is hard to follow, but two opportunities for pro-America diplomacy are presenting themselves. Will he bite? Tune in to today’s Liberty Report:

CIA Plots Iran Coup – Partners With Terrorist Group

The Iranian (People’s Mojahedin) MeK had been on the US terrorism list for more than 15 years…until Secretary of State Hillary Clinton decided to remove them from the list in 2012. They’ve killed plenty of Americans, including high-ranking US military officers. Now the CIA, along with neoconservatives and many US politicians, has embraced the MeK as the best “democratic” alternative to Iran’s current government. Did you know the “former” terrorist MeK paid current Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao $50,000 for a five minute speech in 2015? Crazy? Her husband is the Senate Majority Leader. In Washington that’s money well-spent. The CIA’s incredibly stupid plan for Iranian regime change in today’s Liberty Report:

Happy Independence Day!

What did the Founders really mean with their Declaration of Independence? Ron Paul offers an important history lesson on the origins of our independence and what may be its future in this special edition of the Liberty Report:

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