Featured Articles

Don’t Spare the Billions

Don’t Spare the Billions

When I was a boy growing up in New York City I was taught – and re-taught – to always save half of my weekly allowance and never spend more than I had in savings. Too bad Joe Biden was not taught this useful Presbyterian virtue. Recently, Biden’s government has sought...

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Government and Death

Government and Death

When the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche proclaimed that God was dead, he didn’t mean it literally, as that would have been impossible. He meant that God’s creatures have so failed to acknowledge Him and relate to Him, it is as if He decided to end His own...

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Welfare for the Rich

Welfare for the Rich

(This article first appeared as an exclusive update to RPI subscribers. Subscribe for free here.) Why does the US military budget keep skyrocketing? The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for 2024 passed in December came in at a whopping $841.1 billion, and...

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The World’s Gyre

The World’s Gyre

The US is edging closer to war with Iraq’s Popular Mobilisation Forces, a state security agency composed of armed groups, some of which are close to Iran, but which for the main are Iraqi nationalists. The US carried out a drone strike in Baghdad, Wednesday that...

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