Prior to arrest of a suspect of a crime, “The officer is free to ask questions before an arrest, but must inform the suspect that the questioning is voluntary and that he or she is free to leave at any time.” “After placing the suspect under arrest, the officer will...
Michael S. Rozeff
Building the Information Control Highway
by Michael S. Rozeff | Jan 25, 2019 | Featured Articles
With the rise of internet social media, patronized by multi-millions of receptive people and supplied by a small number of companies that have achieved dominance, a path way to information control was cleared.To complete the highway, all that was required was its...
Trump Is Seeding War Clouds Over Iran
by Michael S. Rozeff | Jul 12, 2018 | Featured Articles
Trump and Pompeo are squeezing Iran where it hurts. They are trying to prevent Iran from selling oil internationally. They are applying maximum pressure upon Iran. This is overt. It is announced policy. For example, the State Department says: Very broadly, Saudi...
The Right to 100 Percent Security?
by Michael S. Rozeff | May 7, 2018 | Neocon Watch
The basic fault in the Bush Doctrine and in Norman Podhoretz’s praise of it is that they both assume a state’s or people’s right to perfect security or 100 percent safety. This is impossible, because not everyone can simultaneously have such a right and still remain...
Memo to Lindsey Graham on Syria
by Michael S. Rozeff | Apr 2, 2018 | Neocon Watch
Senator Graham: Your recent views on Syria, expressed here, are mistaken and confused. If we withdrew our troops anytime soon ISIS would come back… This prediction is mistaken. If ISIS reconstitutes, the Syrian coalition (Syria, Syrian Kurds, Hezbollah, Iran and...
Why 55 US Senators Voted for Genocide in Yemen
by Michael S. Rozeff | Mar 24, 2018 | Congress Alert
That's the headline of a blog. It’s a good question. There are six factors involved: Iran, sales of arms, Israel, the CIA, indifferent cruelty, and the system of empire. These are all bad reasons that shouldn’t persuade right-thinking and honorable US senators, but...
Nikki Haley’s Compulsion Flouts the Law of Nations
by Michael S. Rozeff | Mar 13, 2018 | Neocon Watch
Flip Wilson had a comedy routine “The Devil Made Me Do It”. Nikki Haley is far from funny when she uses the same kind of excuse, telling us that the US is prepared to attack Syria again. Why? Compulsion, or the devil made me do it. In her words: “…there are times when...
Rex Tillerson: Neocon
by Michael S. Rozeff | Jan 27, 2018 | Neocon Watch
In case it is not clear, the Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, is a neocon. Strong evidence of this unfortunate fact is his speech on January 17, 2018 at Stanford’s Hoover Institute. After warmly acknowledging his debt to Dr. Condoleezza Rice and George Shultz,...
US Builds Forces inside Syria
by Michael S. Rozeff | Jan 15, 2018 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
“On Sunday, the US-led coalition said it was working with its Syrian militia allies, the mainly Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), to set up a new 30,000-strong border force. The force would operate along the borders with Turkey and Iraq, as well as within...
Trump Buys into Terrorist Safe Haven Myth as Justification for Wars
by Michael S. Rozeff | Jan 4, 2018 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
Obama declared that the Afghanistan War was over, but Trump has renewed it. For the past 4 years, Trump made all sorts of strong unambiguous statements against being in this war. He favored hitting the exits and getting out of it. He’s now changed his mind, which...
Trump and Haley: Shut Up About Iran
by Michael S. Rozeff | Jan 3, 2018 | Neocon Watch
The US government has chosen to be against Iran’s government. Neocon Elliott Abrams says “We should be expressing support” for protests. Given his record and views, we therefore can be quite sure that this is exactly what should not be done. Mere support sounds...
Mogadishu Attack Was Revenge for Murderous US-Somali Raid
by Michael S. Rozeff | Oct 20, 2017 | Featured Articles
On August 25, 2017, a raid involving Somali and U.S. forces took the lives of 10 civilians, including 3 children. Last Saturday (October 14, 2017), in an apparent revenge attack in Mogadishu, two truck bombs killed at least 300 people and injured about an equal...
Will the FBI Spy on the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity? It Wouldn’t Surprise Me
by Michael S. Rozeff | Apr 24, 2017 | Featured Articles
Carter Page is an FBI target of investigation, and he shouldn’t be. He has been under surveillance for years, and he shouldn’t be. The FBI’s reasons are his associations with Russians, built through business and financial matters, and his views on U.S. foreign policy...
Will Trump Win?
by Michael S. Rozeff | Apr 13, 2017 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
At Trump’s command, the US military is adding forces and use of force everywhere: Somalia, Yemen, Syria, Afghanistan and Korea. Victory is ill-defined in all these places, but the question remains. Will Trump win?I predict that he will lose, and so America will lose....
Raqqa and Manjib Not Central to Assad
by Michael S. Rozeff | Mar 11, 2017 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
The Syrian military strategy of President Assad is well-known. It is explained here, and here. This strategy has succeeded. The Assad coalition of forces is defeating his opponents. They are continuing steadily to clear remaining opposition forces from Syria.Raqqa has...
Trump and Haley’s Uncoordinated and Contradictory Syria Paths
by Michael S. Rozeff | Feb 27, 2017 | Featured Articles
Trump has stated in no uncertain terms that he’s against ISIS. He’s awaiting a military review due on Feb. 28 that provides him with options. In addition: ’The president has been very clear that he’s going to work with any country that shares our interest in defeating...
You Are Forbidden to Talk with Russians!
by Michael S. Rozeff | Feb 16, 2017 | Featured Articles
A New York Times article says “The agency’s [FBI’s] investigation of Mr. Manafort began last spring as an outgrowth of a criminal investigation into his work for a pro-Russian political party in Ukraine and for the country’s former president, Viktor F. Yanukovych. It...
Abolish the CIA
by Michael S. Rozeff | Jan 16, 2017 | Featured Articles
Every American who looks at the CIA objectively or in a balanced way and judges it by any number of criteria, such as moral, legal and pragmatic, should reach the conclusion that the CIA should be abolished. JFK wanted to break it into a million pieces. Trump is right...
PropOrNot Doesn’t Identify Russian Propaganda
by Michael S. Rozeff | Dec 6, 2016 | Featured Articles
PropOrNot is the outfit that produced “The List” of 200 “Russian propaganda outlets.” The strange thing is that their published materials do not identify and prove a single vital case of Russian propaganda that actually had a vital effect on a matter of vital foreign...
The Best Iran Deal Is Unilateral Hands-Off Iran
by Michael S. Rozeff | Nov 16, 2016 | Featured Articles
Trump wants to renegotiate the Iran nuclear deal and/or “dismantle” it. Why? What good does this do Americans? Why not continue to follow the path of peaceful trade and cultural exchange? Why not continue to build mutual respect and understanding with this historic...
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