America is breaking down. This breakdown—triggered by polarizing circus politics, media-fed mass hysteria, racism, classism, fascism, fear-mongering, political correctness, cultural sanitation, virtue signaling, a sense of hopelessness and powerlessness in the face of...
John W. And Nisha Whitehead
Tyrants of the Nanny State: When the Government Thinks It Knows Best
by John W. And Nisha Whitehead | Oct 13, 2021 | Featured Articles
“Whether the mask is labeled fascism, democracy, or dictatorship of the proletariat, our great adversary remains the apparatus—the bureaucracy, the police, the military.”—Simone Weil, philosopher and political activist We labor today under the weight of countless...
The Police State’s Reign of Terror Continues … With Help from the Supreme Court
by John W. And Nisha Whitehead | Oct 6, 2021 | Featured Articles
You think you’ve got rights? Think again.All of those freedoms we cherish—the ones enshrined in the Constitution, the ones that affirm our right to free speech and assembly, due process, privacy, bodily integrity, the right to not have police seize our property...
COVID-19 Detention Camps: Are Government Round-Ups of Resistors in Our Future?
by John W. And Nisha Whitehead | Sep 29, 2021 | Featured Articles
It’s no longer a question of whether the government will lock up Americans for defying its mandates but when. This is what we know: the government has the means, the muscle and the motivation to detain individuals who resist its orders and do not comply with its...
Freedom from Fear: Stop Playing the Government’s Mind Games
by John W. And Nisha Whitehead | Sep 22, 2021 | Featured Articles
America is in the midst of an epidemic of historic proportions. The contagion being spread like wildfire is turning communities into battlegrounds and setting Americans one against the other. Normally mild-mannered individuals caught up in the throes of this disease...
Constitution Day 2021: It’s Time to Make America Free Again
by John W. And Nisha Whitehead | Sep 14, 2021 | Featured Articles
The Constitution of the United States represents the classic solution to one of humankind’s greatest political problems: that is, how does a small group of states combine into a strong union without the states losing their individual powers and surrendering their...
20 Years of Government-Sponsored Tyranny: The Rise of the Security-Industrial Complex from 9/11 to COVID-19
by John W. And Nisha Whitehead | Sep 9, 2021 | Featured Articles
“I tell you, freedom and human rights in America are doomed. The U.S. government will lead the American people in — and the West in general — into an unbearable hell and a choking life.”—Osama bin Laden (October 2001), as reported by CNN What a strange and harrowing...
Bring All the Troops Home: Stop Policing the Globe and Put an End to Endless Wars
by John W. And Nisha Whitehead | Sep 1, 2021 | Featured Articles
It’s time to bring all our troops home. Bring them home from Somalia, Iraq and Syria. Bring them home from Germany, South Korea and Japan. Bring them home from Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Oman. Bring them home from Niger, Chad and Mali. Bring them home from Turkey, the...
The Dangers of Going Back to School After a Year of COVID-19 Lockdowns
by John W. And Nisha Whitehead | Aug 24, 2021 | Featured Articles
Once upon a time in America, parents breathed a sigh of relief when their kids went back to school after a summer’s hiatus, content in the knowledge that for a good portion of the day their kids would be gainfully occupied, out of harm’s way and out of trouble. Those...
The Right to Bodily Integrity: Nobody Wins and We All Lose in the COVID-19 Showdown
by John W. And Nisha Whitehead | Aug 19, 2021 | Featured Articles
The government has a history of shamelessly exploiting national emergencies for its own nefarious purposes. Terrorist attacks, mass shootings, civil unrest, economic instability, pandemics, natural disasters: the government has been taking advantage of such crises for...
T Is for Tyranny: How Freedom Dies from A to Z
by John W. And Nisha Whitehead | Aug 11, 2021 | Featured Articles
The COVID-19 pandemic continues to be a convenient, traumatic, devastating distraction. The American people, the permanent underclass in America, have allowed themselves to be so distracted and divided that they have failed to notice the building blocks of tyranny...
A New State of Segregation: Vaccine Cards Are Just the Beginning
by John W. And Nisha Whitehead | Aug 3, 2021 | Featured Articles
Imagine it: a national classification system that not only categorizes you according to your health status but also allows the government to sort you in a hundred other ways: by gender, orientation, wealth, medical condition, religious beliefs, political viewpoint,...
Authoritarians Drunk on Power: It Is Time to Recalibrate the Government
by John W. And Nisha Whitehead | Jul 28, 2021 | Featured Articles
It is time to recalibrate the government. For years now, we have suffered the injustices, cruelties, corruption and abuse of an entrenched government bureaucracy that has no regard for the Constitution or the rights of the citizenry. By “government,” I’m not referring...
The State of Our Nation: Still Divided, Enslaved & Locked Down
by John W. And Nisha Whitehead | Jul 21, 2021 | Featured Articles
History has a funny way of circling back on itself. The facts, figures, faces and technology may change from era to era, but the dangers remain the same. This year is no different, whatever the politicians and talking heads may say to the contrary. Sure, there’s a new...
The Right to Be Let Alone: What to Do When COVID Strike Force Teams Come Knocking
by John W. And Nisha Whitehead | Jul 14, 2021 | Featured Articles
“Experience teaches us to be most on our guard to protect liberty when the government’s purposes are beneficent.”—Supreme Court Justice Louis D. Brandeis A federal COVID-19 vaccination strike force may soon be knocking on your door, especially if you live in a...
The FBI’s Mafia-Style Justice: To Fight Crime, the FBI Sponsors 15 Crimes a Day
by John W. And Nisha Whitehead | Jun 21, 2021 | Featured Articles
“Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster.”— Friedrich Nietzsche Almost every tyranny being perpetrated by the US government against the citizenry—purportedly to keep us safe and the nation secure—has come about as a...
The War Over Genetic Privacy Is Just Beginning
by John W. And Nisha Whitehead | Jun 9, 2021 | Featured Articles
“When you upload your DNA, you’re potentially becoming a genetic informant on the rest of your family.”— Law professor Elizabeth Joh “Guilt by association” has taken on new connotations in the technological age. All of those fascinating, genealogical searches that...
Make Way for the Snitch State: The All-Seeing Fourth Branch of Government
by John W. And Nisha Whitehead | Jun 2, 2021 | Featured Articles
We’re being spied on by a domestic army of government snitches, spies and techno-warriors. This government of Peeping Toms is watching everything we do, reading everything we write, listening to everything we say, and monitoring everything we spend. Beware of what you...
Total Tyranny: We’ll All Be Targeted Under the Government’s New Precrime Program
by John W. And Nisha Whitehead | May 20, 2021 | Featured Articles
“There is now the capacity to make tyranny total in America.”― James Bamford It never fails. Just as we get a glimmer of hope that maybe, just maybe, there might be a chance of crawling out of this totalitarian cesspool in which we’ve been mired, we get kicked down...
The Global Deep State: A New World Order Brought to You by COVID-19
by John W. And Nisha Whitehead | Apr 27, 2021 | Featured Articles
For good or bad, COVID-19 has changed the way we navigate the world. It is also redrawing the boundaries of our world (and our freedoms) and altering the playing field faster than we can keep up. Owing in large part to the US government’s deep-seated and, in many...
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- Fire the Washington War Partyby Eric Margolis
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- How USAID Assisted the Corporate Takeover of Ukrainian Agricultureby John Klar
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