Jacob G. Hornberger

What Does 'Unprovoked' Mean?

What Does 'Unprovoked' Mean?

Note the following sentence in a New York Times news story yesterday by Michael Schwirtz and Anton Troianovski about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine: “Mr. Putin’s attempt to put a veneer of nobility on an unprovoked invasion that has killed thousands of civilians and...

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The Anti-Russia Paranoia

The Anti-Russia Paranoia

Given the mid-term elections, the anti-Russia paranoia of US officials has been at a peak. The feds have been scouring the Internet to determine whether the Russians are improperly influencing American voters into supporting candidates who refuse to adopt the...

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Seven Days in May

Seven Days in May

Yesterday, the Los Angeles Times published an op-ed entitled, “Why Does the Pentagon Give a Helping Hand to Films Like ‘Top Gun’?” by Roger Stahl, a communication studies professor at the University of Georgia and director of the documentary film “Theaters of War: How...

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Biden’s Regime-Change Lie

Biden’s Regime-Change Lie

President Biden’s denial that the US government is committed to regime-change in Russia is a lie. Ever since its inception, the core mission of the US national-security establishment, specifically the Pentagon and the CIA, has been regime change. The goal has always...

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