It is going to cost the US $3.4 billion, but Commander of NATO's European Command Gen. Philip Breedlove announced that the US will be sending thousands of additional troops to deploy on Russia's border in the Baltics, as well as in Poland, Romania, and Bulgaria. This...
Daniel McAdams
Japan Goes Neocon – Dumps Antiwar Constitution
by Daniel McAdams | Mar 30, 2016 | The Liberty Report
Last September the Japanese Diet (parliament) passed legislation "reinterpreting" the nearly 70 year old strictly antiwar constitution to allow for the Japanese military to take part in overseas military operations not directly tied to the defense of Japan. Tens of...
White House to Syrians: Don’t Dare Vote For Assad!
by Daniel McAdams | Mar 30, 2016 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
US backing for the overthrow of Syrian president Bashar al-Assad was supposed to be all about democracy. As Washington tells it, the people took to the street demanding democratic reforms and Assad did not listen, so he lost his legitimacy and needed to be overthrown....
Greatest Terror Attack In Modern History – Guess Where?
by Daniel McAdams | Mar 29, 2016 | The Liberty Report
The media focuses like a laser on terror attacks like we saw in Brussels last week. The endless news cycle pores over every detail, every angle. But what happens when US-backed Saudi jets bomb a market in Yemen, killing five times as many as died in Brussels? Silence....
No Matter How You Vote, The Insiders Decide
by Daniel McAdams | Mar 28, 2016 | The Liberty Report
We know for certain that the CIA and other elements of the "deep state" are deeply involved in rigging and influencing elections overseas. Decades of history have shown us this much. But how much might they be involved in our elections at home? And with the US telling...
In Syria, Assad Liberates Palmyra While CIA Battles the Pentagon
by Daniel McAdams | Mar 28, 2016 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
The big news out of Syria over the past couple of days has been that Syrian government forces with the help of the Russian military have taken back control of Palmyra from ISIS. The fall of Palmyra and subsequent destruction of the spectacular Roman ruins there by...
Should Europeans Sacrifice Liberty For Promises Of Security?
by Daniel McAdams | Mar 24, 2016 | The Liberty Report
No sooner had the smoke cleared in Brussels than the security "experts" began telling the Europeans they must sacrifice more of their liberty for the promise that their governments would keep them safe. Never mind that the big lesson from Brussels is that their...
Brussels – Unrelated to Interventionist Foreign Policy?
by Daniel McAdams | Mar 23, 2016 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
What is the meaning of the Brussels bombings? "Experts" will make endless self-serving suggestions about how to better fight terrorism -- these "solutions" will always include more jobs for these "experts." Meanwhile, none of the elites will for a minute consider the...
Trump vs. Clinton on Foreign Policy
by Daniel McAdams | Mar 23, 2016 | Featured Articles
Between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, whose foreign policy would most likely lead to war? Which one has a better track record in foreign policy? Are either of them any good? RPI Director Daniel McAdams finds himself in the middle between a Donald Trump supporter...
Breaking: Heckuva Job, Merkel – ISIS Terror Squads Swarm Europe
by Daniel McAdams | Mar 23, 2016 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
Here's the big -- really big -- story of the day: AP is reporting that ISIS has sent at least 400 fighters into Europe in semi-autonomous cells to rain down a wave of terror that may make the Brussels attacks earlier this week look like child's play. This underground...
Brussels Attack, Back To Iraq – What Would Reagan Do?
by Daniel McAdams | Mar 22, 2016 | Featured Articles
What does today's bombing in Brussels have to do with ISIS in Iraq? Both feed the usual calls for military escalation in response to a problem created by military escalation in the first place. If ISIS is in Iraq as a result of the ill-fated 2003 US military action in...
Obama in Cuba – Too Soon Or Too Late?
by Daniel McAdams | Mar 21, 2016 | The Liberty Report
President Obama's trip to Cuba is making history: it has been nearly a century since an American president set foot on Cuban soil. But if the trip is to lead to a real normalization in relations, both governments need to back off and let people-to-people diplomacy...
Syrians Free to Choose Future…As Long As Washington Likes Their Choice
by Daniel McAdams | Mar 18, 2016 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
Anyone wondering just how bad is US foreign policy need only turn to the daily press briefing by the US State Department for an answer. And let me tell you, the answer is it's really, really bad. Yesterday's briefing was at the same time one for the record books and...
Kurds Declare Autonomous Region: Self-Determination Or Foreign Mischief?
by Daniel McAdams | Mar 17, 2016 | The Liberty Report
Yesterday's surprising announcement by Syrian Kurds that they consider themselves in an autonomous region is either a bold move to solidify their self-determination before the fog of war clears, or perhaps it is John Kerry's "Plan B" to break up Syria if the US cannot...
Republicans Are The Big Spenders – Does Anybody Care?
by Daniel McAdams | Mar 16, 2016 | The Liberty Report
Beltway "conservatives" are a fraud. They pretend to be in favor of smaller government but are unwilling to cut a dime from the trillion dollar budget for the US empire. The current budget battle among Republicans ignores that big elephant in the room. More today in...
Comrade Michael Rubin Demands the Gulag for Col. Wilkerson
by Daniel McAdams | Mar 16, 2016 | Neocon Watch
As a committed and unapologetic neocon, Michael Rubin loves the idea of the old purges once common practice under his ideological forebears in the Soviet Union. The details of the infraction were unimportant -- and to even consider the need for details once the Party...
Russia Leaves Syria…When Do We?
by Daniel McAdams | Mar 15, 2016 | The Liberty Report
Yesterday's surprise announcement that Russia was beginning a military withdrawal from Syria caught Washington off guard, as usual. With a political process beginning in Geneva and ISIS and Nusra severely degraded, Russian president Putin announced that Russian...
Chicago Political Violence: Whose Fault?
by Daniel McAdams | Mar 14, 2016 | The Liberty Report
Violence and the threat of violence let Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump to cancel his scheduled rally in Chicago recently. Organized groups, some funded by "regime change" donor George Soros, have vowed to prevent Trump from holding rallies at all....
Conservatives Want More War Spending, The People Disagree
by Daniel McAdams | Mar 10, 2016 | The Liberty Report
Suggesting that hawk politicians are out of touch with the American people, a new non-partisan poll conducted by the University of Maryland showed that Americans would on average like to see the military budget decrease by $12 billion. Democrats and independents...
Could An American Soon Be Prime Minister of Ukraine?
by Daniel McAdams | Mar 9, 2016 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
With the impending fall of US handpicked prime minister of Ukraine, Arseniy Yatsenyuk, it looks as if the US is about to take an even more direct role in running the country whose government it helped overthrow two years ago. Former US State Department employee...
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