Kentucky Rep. Thomas Massie walks the walk. He built his home with his own hands - totally off the grid. In today's program we get his thoughts on the coronavirus, his colleagues on Capitol Hill, impeachment, his surprise Republican primary opponent...and much more....
Daniel McAdams
Iowa Caucus Fiasco: Something New, Or Deja Vu?
by Daniel McAdams | Feb 4, 2020 | The Liberty Report
Last night's Iowa Democratic Caucus has devolved into a poster child for how NOT to conduct an election. This is nothing new. Conspiracy, incompetence, and group-think have perhaps all come together to deliver a huge political present to President Trump. Maybe...
Coronavirus – Are The Chinese Telling The Truth?
by Daniel McAdams | Feb 3, 2020 | The Liberty Report
The latest coronavirus outbreak, originating from the Wuhan Province, is causing increasing panic in the public health and the financial markets. The Chinese are building hospitals at the speed of light in attempt to contain the virus, while putting millions under...
Stumbling into Catastrophe
by Daniel McAdams | Feb 1, 2020 | Featured Articles
This is reprinted from an exclusive update provided to RPI subscribers. Subscribe for free here.There is a real danger for foreign policy advisors and analysts – and especially those they serve – when they are in a bubble, an echo chamber, and all of their conclusions...
House Vote Today: Can Congress Prevent War On Iran?
by Daniel McAdams | Jan 30, 2020 | The Liberty Report
Today the US House of Representatives will take up two bills designed to head off war on Iran. Are the measures appropriate? Do they do as they are advertised? Should they be supported? Or is it more smoke and mirrors? Heavy legislative analysis in today's Liberty...
'Deal Of The Century' For Israel/Palestine…Or Dud Of The Century?
by Daniel McAdams | Jan 29, 2020 | The Liberty Report
President Trump rolled out his "deal of the century" for Israel/Palestine peace and as could be predicted it was dead on arrival as far as the Palestinian side was concerned. Was it designed to fail? Was it designed to boost Bibi? Is endless involvement in...
More Bombs Than Ever! Trump Escalates Obama's 'Good War' In Afghanistan.
by Daniel McAdams | Jan 28, 2020 | The Liberty Report
President Trump dropped more bombs on Afghanistan last year than in any of the past ten years. Yet "victory" is further away than ever. Aside from the riches being reaped by the bombmakers, what are we achieving in this 19 year war? Watch today's Liberty Report:
US Embassy Hit In Iraq – Does This Mean War?
by Daniel McAdams | Jan 27, 2020 | The Liberty Report
As anti-US protests raged across Baghdad, rockets were fired into the green zone with at least one hitting the US embassy complex. The neocons will surely blame Iran (again) and argue for a military escalation. Will this mean the hot war is back on the menu? Watch...
The Unbearable Hypocrisy of US Sanctions on Iran
by Daniel McAdams | Jan 26, 2020 | Featured Articles
On November 22nd of last year, the US government announced it would impose sanctions on Iran's information minister for his alleged role in limiting domestic Internet access while protests raged in that country over increases in gas prices. At the time, US Treasury...
US Torture Policy: Part Of 'American Exceptionalism'?
by Daniel McAdams | Jan 23, 2020 | The Liberty Report
One of the architects of the CIA's post-9/11 torture program was in court this week to testify in the pre-trial proceedings of several Guantanamo detainees. His justification for designing and practicing some of the most inhuman practices on earth should give pause to...
Truth Comes Out: New Evidence Syria Gas Attack Report Falsified
by Daniel McAdams | Jan 22, 2020 | The Liberty Report
Former OPCW inspector Ian Henderson testified to the UN Security Council this week that his team's report on the April 2018 alleged gas attack in Douma, Syria, had been falsified at the orders of senior management and perhaps under pressure from the US government. The...
Rich Liberals Protected By Guns…Why Not The Rest Of Us?
by Daniel McAdams | Jan 21, 2020 | The Liberty Report
Yesterday's Virginia pro-Second Amendment rally shocked the elites to their core. Propagandized by the mainstream media, they expected out-of-control white supremacists but found a peaceful group of all races and orientations. More importantly, the local government...
The War In Trump's Ear
by Daniel McAdams | Jan 20, 2020 | The Liberty Report
A new book on Trump by Washington Post writers, "A Very Stable Genius," has tongues wagging and new accusations of the president's "instability." As usual, these politicized claims miss the target completely and also misunderstand the real war for Trump's ear. The...
Guaido's Last Ride
by Daniel McAdams | Jan 20, 2020 | Featured Articles
This article first appeared in an update sent exclusively to RPI subscribers. Be the first to get updates - subscribe here.Remember Juan Guaido? Just a year ago the Venezuelan politician, unknown even in his own country, was tapped by the US government to lead a coup...
Trump Trial Begins – Guilty As Charged?
by Daniel McAdams | Jan 16, 2020 | The Liberty Report
After a bizarre pause in the impeachment proceedings, House Speaker Pelosi has finally decided to send the House-passed articles of impeachment over to the Senate for trial. Constitutional duty...or political grandstanding? And are they missing the whole point on...
Lapdog Europeans Join Trump To Kill Iran Deal
by Daniel McAdams | Jan 15, 2020 | The Liberty Report
The European partners of the JCPOA Iran nuclear deal have handed a big gift to the neocons and warmongers, announcing that they have trigged a mechanism within the agreement that will effectively kill the agreement in weeks. So say goodbye to peace and trade and hello...
17 Years After 'Liberation,' Iraq Again Designated US 'Enemy'
by Daniel McAdams | Jan 14, 2020 | The Liberty Report
After the Iraqi parliament vote to end US troop presence, the US is in no mood to discuss abiding by the wishes of the Iraqi government. When Prime Minister Mahdi called Pompeo to discuss terms for US withdrawal, the Trump Administration threatened to seize billions...
Assassination-gate! Trump Officials Say No 'Imminent Threat.' With Phil Giraldi
by Daniel McAdams | Jan 13, 2020 | The Liberty Report
Trump officials - including Trump himself today - have been steadily pulling back from initial claims after the January 3rd assassination of Iranian top general Soleimani that he was killed because of "imminent threats" of attack led by the Iranian. New evidence is...
Pompeo: I Lied About Soleimani ‘Imminent Attacks’
by Daniel McAdams | Jan 10, 2020 | Neocon Watch
Trump's neoconservative Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, is a man unafraid to admit to being a liar. In fact he seems to revel in his ability to lie to the American people. Remember just a week ago when Pompeo told us that the US absolutely HAD to send in a drone to...
Too Little Too Late? House Vote Today On Iran 'War Powers'
by Daniel McAdams | Jan 9, 2020 | The Liberty Report
The US House will vote today on a Democrat-introduced resolution limiting the President's ability to wage war on Iran without Congressional approval. Is this finally a sign that the Legislative Branch is taking up its Constitutional obligations? Or is this just more...
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