Daniel McAdams

The War In Trump's Ear

A new book on Trump by Washington Post writers, "A Very Stable Genius," has tongues wagging and new accusations of the president's "instability." As usual, these politicized claims miss the target completely and also misunderstand the real war for Trump's ear. The...

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Guaido's Last Ride

Guaido's Last Ride

This article first appeared in an update sent exclusively to RPI subscribers. Be the first to get updates - subscribe here.Remember Juan Guaido? Just a year ago the Venezuelan politician, unknown even in his own country, was tapped by the US government to lead a coup...

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Guaido's Last Ride

Trump's Assassination Disaster

The below is from a free update sent to Ron Paul Institute subscribers. Sign up for free updates - we'll never sell, loan, or share your contact information.Is Trump yet ruing the day he lent his ear to the siren songs of the Iran-obsessed neocons? One can almost...

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Why Was Soleimani Assassinated?

President Trump and Mike Pompeo told us that Iranian Gen. Soleimani had to be assassinated when he was in Baghdad at the end of last week because he was on a mission to plan and implement attacks on US military and diplomatic personnel in the region. But their story...

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