Russian president Vladimir Putin puts into words what most of the rest of the world is thinking about Obama’s mad dash to bomb Syria. Putin, like the rest of us, sees the absurdity in the US regime blatantly breaking international law and overtly violating the Nuremberg Principles prohibiting wars of aggression. The US government seeks to punish the Syrian government for violating “international norms” but in the process is itself breaking international law.
Observes Putin:
“[A]nything that is outside the U.N. Security Council is aggression, except self-defense. Now what Congress and the U.S. Senate are doing in essence is legitimizing aggression. This is inadmissible in principle.”
Putin also strikes to the heart of the lies fueling the Obama Administration’s case for war. While Members of the House Foreign Affairs Committee eagerly listened to Secretary of State John Kerry’s falsifications, Putin called out the lies in Kerry’s testimony:
“They lie beautifully, of course. I saw debates in Congress. A congressman asks Mr Kerry: ‘Is al Qaeda there?’ He says: ‘No, I am telling you responsibly that it is not.'” …
“Al Qaeda units are the main military echelon, and they (the US government) know this. It was unpleasant and surprising for me – we talk to them, we proceed from the assumption that they are decent people. But he is lying and knows he is lying. It’s sad.”
The G-20 Summit in St. Petersberg this week should be fun…