RPI Event Alert: America in the Age of Trump 2.0. Click for Details.

Whether you are at the edge of your chair or pulling your hair out in despair, Trump 2.0 is disrupting the status quo.

Date and time: Saturday, March 22 · 8:30am – 1pm CDT

Location: Dow Academic Center, 500 College Boulevard Lake Jackson, TX 77566

Click Here For Ticket Information

Venezuela: An 'Extraordinary Threat'?

by | Apr 14, 2015

President Obama recently issued an executive order declaring Venezuela an “extraordinary” threat to the United States. Both he and his officials knew this was not true, but the determination had to be made so that he could impose sanctions on the country. At almost the same time, the president attended an historic face-to-face meeting with Cuban leader Raul Castro. This is one (positive) step toward normalizing relations with the island. Why the schizophrenia? Meanwhile, recently-declared presidential candidate Marco Rubio pretends to bring fresh new ideas and policies to the race while demanding that the 50 year fruitless embargo of Cuba remain in place. Tune in to the Ron Paul Liberty Report for Ron Paul’s take:
