RPI Event Alert: America in the Age of Trump 2.0. Click for Details.

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Date and time: Saturday, March 22 · 8:30am – 1pm CDT

Location: Dow Academic Center, 500 College Boulevard Lake Jackson, TX 77566

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‘US Democrats and Neocons Need Some Anti-Psychotic Medication Over Trump’

by | Mar 21, 2017


Washington insiders are attempting to undermine the presidency by having a continual investigation, and it’s unbelievably irresponsible, Daniel McAdams, executive director at Ron Paul Institute told RT.

FBI Director James Comey has admitted the agency is investigating suspected collusion between President Trump and Russia, something which had not been publicly confirmed until now.

Comey and other intelligence chiefs testified before Congress on Monday about claims Russia meddled in last year’s US presidential election.

Asked whether alleged Russian influence changed vote tallies in key states, both the FBI and NSA chiefs said “no.”

McAdams said it seems like Washington has been gripped by “a collective hysteria” and most noticeably among “Democrats and their new best buddies – the neocons.”

The executive director of the Ron Paul Institute posed the rhetorical question: “What are the Russians accused of doing?”

“We know now that they didn’t hack, they didn’t change any votes, they didn’t hack the voting machines, they didn’t go and switch the votes,” he continued.

“What did they do?”

McAdams provided the answer to his own question: “They exposed the fact that Hillary Clinton cheated Bernie Sanders out of a bunch of votes. Supposedly, that is what Russian hacks revealed, but of course we found out from WikiLeaks subsequently that the US intelligence agencies have the ability to put false flags in hackings. So, was it a CIA false flag? Who knows.”

McAdams said, “We are perfectly willing to accept this possibility” that Russia somehow helped Trump win the elections, but said providing evidence of such serious allegations is essential.

Then, with a thinly veiled swipe at the US intelligence agency’s well-known spying capabilities, McAdams requested some evidence: “Coming from the world champion-meddler in other people’s elections, I think we deserve to have at least a little bit more proof than has been given.”

McAdams continued:

Hopefully the Democrats and the neocons in Washington will take some anti-psychotic medication and come back down to earth. Look at Adam Schiff (US Representative for California’s 28th congressional district). His performance in this hearing was unbelievable. He cited over and over again the fake news dossier that some strange, murky British intelligence agent put together about all of these ties between Trump. So much of it has already been proven false.

[Schiff] puts all of these things out there in a crazed Rachel Maddow style, and then he says: ‘Are these coincidences? Maybe. But then again, maybe not. That’s why we need more investigations.’ And that’s what it’s all about. Continuing to investigate. Don’t criticize Trump for the things that he is doing wrong, but try to undermine the presidency by having a perpetual investigation of the presidency, and it’s unbelievably irresponsible.

Reprinted with permission from RT.


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