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Location: Dow Academic Center, 500 College Boulevard Lake Jackson, TX 77566

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Two-Faced Democrats Move to Prevent Trump’s Iran War

by | Jul 14, 2019


House Democrats and a few Republicans have approved an amendment to the fiscal 2020 National Defense Authorization Act that they say will prevent President Trump from violating the Constitution by bombing the daylight out of Iran without approval from Congress.

The attempt to prevent Trump from engaging in the same illegal behavior as his predecessors was championed by the so-called Congressional Progressive Caucus.

You have to wonder where these guys were when Obama was sending his drones to kill women and children, assisting the venal Saudis in producing one of the largest humanitarian crises in modern history in Yemen, overseeing the destruction of Libya and the murder of its leader, and maintaining for eight years interventions in seven countries, as Paul Craig Roberts noted on the eve of Trump’s ascension to the imperial presidency throne.

Dr. Roberts hoped Trump would be different and live up to his campaign promise to end the wars and bring the troops home. We know how that turned out.

Now we’re told Trump didn’t dump the Iran deal at the behest of a cabal of vicious neocons, but rather to get back at Obama.

In other words, Iran isn’t about the desire of Israel to annihilate—starve, sabotage, murder—the competition, but rather a reflection of Trump’s opprobrious ego and his desire to take down by crude tweet attack anyone who disses him.

No doubt this is true, but it completely avoids the larger issue—the Israel-first neocons exploited Trump’s pathology to get him to attack Iran for the Zionist cause. Trump, at the last moment, backed down, no doubt after realizing this would really screw up his image and place in history.

As the late Justin Raimondo and others noted a decade ago, the progressives are only progressive when a Republican is bombing innocents. Obama and crew—later including the entirely reprehensible Hillary Clinton—did a fine job of destroying what remained of the antiwar movement formed during Republican Bush’s neocon-infested reign as Constitution violator.

“The entire 11-member leadership of the US Congressional Progressive Caucus has voted in favor of a House resolution that calls for isolation of Russia, urges the shipment of military weapons to the Ukrainian government, and encourages the United States and NATO to step up preparations for military confrontation with Russia,” critical commentary on the Progressive Caucus website points out.

Missing from the Congressional resolution is the background of NATO expansion eastward to Russia’s border in violation of the promise the United States made to Russia in 1989, as well as the US support for a coup government in Ukraine and the attacks of that government’s militias on ethnic Russians.

H. Res 758 denounces Russia for purchasing weapons, arming dictatorships, and allegedly invading sovereign nations—all actions in which the United States routinely engages.

The resolution calls on President Obama “to provide the Government of Ukraine with lethal and non-lethal defense articles, services, and training,” and demands that NATO prepare for war in defense of Ukraine as a NATO member. Ukraine is not a NATO member, but NATO is pushing hard for its inclusion.

Arming ethno-fascists in Ukraine and flirting with a nuclear war capable of ending life on planet earth is now “progressive.”

The CPC and establishment liberals are not opposed to war, they merely want a Democrat to do the bombing and killing, not boastfully as the intellectual tree stump currently planted in the White House does, but smoothly and suavely like Obama the ruling elite groomed teleprompter reader.

Reprinted with permission from KurtNimmo.blog.
