“The year is 2025. The population is 325 million, and the FBI has the DNA profiles of all of them. Unlike fingerprints, these profiles reveal vital medical information. The universal database arrived surreptitiously. First, the Department of Defense's repository of...
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War as a Crime Against Civilization
by Butler Shaffer | Mar 9, 2015 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
“The real complaining party at the bar in this courtroom is civilization.” – Judge Dan Haywood, Judgment at Nuremberg In her current article at Antiwar.com, Lucy Steigerwald reminds us that, while the deaths of tens of millions of innocent men, women, and children...

Don’t Be Fooled by the Federal Reserve’s Anti-Audit Propaganda
by Ron Paul | Mar 8, 2015 | Featured Articles
In recent weeks, the Federal Reserve and its apologists in Congress and the media have launched numerous attacks on the Audit the Fed legislation. These attacks amount to nothing more than distortions about the effects and intent of the audit bill. Fed apologists...