Who Won’t Fight in Iraq?

US Defense Secretary Ashton Carter claimed that the Iraqi army, trained and equipped by the US for a decade or more, lacks the will to fight against the ISIS takeover of their country. The Iraqis and Iranians countered that the US is ineffective in its ten month...

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Iraq and Another Memorial Day

Iraq and Another Memorial Day

Iraq? On another Memorial Day, we’re still talking about Iraq? Remembering I attended the 2015 commencement ceremonies at Fordham University in New York. The otherwise typical ritual (future, global, passion, do what you love, you’ll never forget this place) began...

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New Evidence US Backed ISIS

Thanks to a lawsuit by Judicial Watch, a 2012 Defense Intelligence Agency assessment has been released, in heavily redacted form, that indicates the US Intelligence Community knew from the beginning that its regime change policy in Syria would boost al-Qaeda and ISIS....

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