Daniel McAdams of the Ron Paul Institute joins News.Views.Hughes to discuss Trump’s apparent 180 degree turn on NATO. While once he was outspoken in his criticism, President Trump now wants to expand the alliance by bringing Brazil into the fold. He argues that Trump...
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Was UK Paying White Helmets to Produce Syria ‘Chemical Weapon’ PR as Cover for Jaish Al Islam?
by Vanessa Beeley | Mar 20, 2019 | Featured Articles
Life returns to normal in Douma after SAA liberation. Photo © Vanessa Beeley.As controversy rages over the alleged April 2018 Douma “chemical weapon attacks” that signaled the end of Jaish Al Islam’s occupation, life in the Syrian city gradually returns to peace and...
Trump Wants Brazil In NATO…To Help Oust Maduro?
by Daniel McAdams | Mar 20, 2019 | The Liberty Report
Less than a month after Brazil made it clear that it wants no part in a military invasion of neighboring Venezuela, its president, Jair Bolsonaro, is in Washington this week to be feted by Trump and his neocon advisors. First stop was an unprecedented visit to the CIA...