Is Trump Risking His Life with Russia and Ukraine?

by | Feb 21, 2025

If you want to get a sense of what President Kennedy was up against with his Peace Speech at American University a few months before he was taken out, just look at the reaction to President Trump’s friendly overtures toward Russia in the last few days. The mainstream media is up in arms over Trump’s actions. Multiply that reaction by about 1,000 and you’ll get a sense of what Kennedy was facing with his attempt to move America in a similar direction.

The first thing everyone should be aware of is that Russia must always be considered to be America’s premier official enemy. That’s because that’s the principal way to justify not only the enormously large amount of taxpayer-funded largess that flows into the “defense” establishment but, more important, keeps America as a national-security state rather than have its original, founding governmental structure of a limited-government republic restored.

That’s what the entire Cold War racket was all about. When the Nazis were defeated at the end of World War II, the giant military-intelligence establishment that had been formed as part of the war was not about to let go of its power. Without skipping a beat, it immediately converted the Soviet Union (i.e., Russia) from America’s wartime partner and ally into America’s new official enemy.

The Russians are coming! The Russians are coming! The Reds were everywhere. North Korea. Vietnam. Cuba. Hollywood. The army. The State Department. Latin America. China. Congress. Martin Luther King. The civil-rights movement. Some even claimed that President Eisenhower was an agent of the Reds.

Through it all, the minds of Americans were imbued with the notion that it was better to be dead than Red. From the first grade in the public (i.e., government) schools to which their parents were forced to send them, American children received deep indoctrination and fear of the worldwide communist conspiracy to take over the world — a conspiracy that was supposedly centered in Moscow. It was an indoctrination that would last a lifetime.

Then along comes John F. Kennedy, who came into office as pretty much a standard Cold Warrior but who then achieved one of the most remarkable breakthroughs in history. Beginning with the Bay of Pigs disaster, followed by Pentagon exhortations to launch a surprise nuclear attack on Russia, followed by Operation Northwoods, and followed by the Cuban Missile Crisis, Kennedy came to the realization that the Cold War was one great big dangerous and deadly racket.

That’s when he committed himself to bringing an end to the deep, ongoing, perpetual anti-Russia mentality with which the American people had been imbued. It was time for America to move in a different direction — one based on peaceful, friendly coexistence with Russia. That’s what JFK’s Peace Speech at American University was all about.

The speech was broadcast all across Russia, the first time that had ever happened. The Russian people were ecstatic to see the distinct possibility of friendly relations between the two nations. I couldn’t help but think about that when I read an article yesterday in the New York Times about a similar reaction among Russian citizens to the possibility of a normalization of relations between Russia and the United States.

As detailed in FFF’s book JFK’s War with the National Security Establishment: Why Kennedy Was Assassinated by Douglas Horne, who served on the staff of the Assassination Records Review Board, it was Kennedy’s decision to move America in a different direction from that desired by the Pentagon, the CIA, and the NSA that got him killed. As a result of what the all-powerful military-intelligence establishment viewed as weakness, incompetence, naiveté, treason, and cowardice, Kennedy had become a grave threat to “national security” and, therefore, had to be removed from power before it was too late.

After the Pentagon-CIA regime-change operation in Dallas, everything was restored to “normal.” The Russians and the Reds were, once again, America’s premier official enemy. They were still coming to get us. The Vietnam War got ramped up to keep the dominoes from falling. 58,000 American soldiers were sacrificed for nothing. The indoctrination in the public schools continued. Americans continued hating and fearing Russia.

Then came the great big unexpected shock when the Russians suddenly brought a end to the Cold War from 1989 to 1991. Everyone had figured that the Cold War racket, along with all the anti-Russia indoctrination, would go on forever.

The “defense” industry went into a panic. Suddenly people were talking about a “peace dividend,” which meant a drastic reduction in military-intelligence spending, a possibility that Trump himself recently mentioned. No one was yet talking about a total dismantling of the national-security state and a restoration of a limited-government republic but that almost certainly would have started entering people’s minds before too long.

The Pentagon, the CIA, and the NSA embarked on a desperate search for a new official enemy to replace Russia. One of the big things they mentioned was the drug war, which is precisely what they are doing today. That’s why the military and the CIA are becoming so embroiled in Mexico — to justify their existence.

For 11 years, the national-security establishment made Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein America’s new official enemy. Saddam is coming! Saddam is coming! He’s going to hit us with WMDs, just like Russia was going to do during the Cold War. But as scared as Americans became of Saddam, it just wasn’t the same as having Russia as the big official bugaboo.

And then the 9/11 attacks occurred as retaliation for the killings that the Pentagon and the CIA were wreaking in the Middle East. The national-security establishment was off to the races again, this time with a new official enemy — terrorism and, to a certain extent, Muslims and Islam. The terrorists are coming! The terrorists are coming! The centuries-old quest to establish a worldwide Islamic caliphate is upon us! Sharia law! The USA Patriot Act. Mass secret surveillance. Don’t be scared! We are keeping you safe!

But the national-security establishment was never willing to let go of Russia as America’s premier official enemy. The anti-Russia animus had been a big, perpetual cash cow for the Pentagon, the CIA, the NSA, and their ever-growing army of well-heeled “defense” contractors.

Thus, they began using NATO, the old Cold War dinosaur that had remained in existence after the end of the Cold War to restore Russia to its proper place as America’s premier official enemy. While NATO should have been put out to pasture with the end of the Cold War, it was instead used to begin absorbing former members of the Warsaw Pact, in violation of express promises that U.S. officials had made to Russia not to do that.

Knowing full-well what Russia’s reaction would be to such provocations, the Pentagon and the CIA kept NATO moving inexorably closer to Russia’s border. When they finally threatened to absorb Ukraine, they were certain that Russia would invade, just as the U.S. would invade Cuba if Russia were to re-install nuclear weapons in that nation. The U.S. provocations brought to mind National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski’s confession of having provoked Russia into invading Afghanistan in 1979 to give Russia its “own Vietnam.”

When Russia did invade Ukraine, the Pentagon, the CIA, and the NSA had their premier official enemy back. The Russians are coming, again! The Russians are coming, again! The fierce anti-Russia animus was back. The Russians were going to conquer Europe and then the world — sometime after they conquered Ukraine. The anti-Russia indoctrination in the public schools was restored. Everything was like it was before. The national-security state was back in control and the “defense” industry was back in high cotton with tons of taxpayer-funded largess flowing into their coffers.

Ever since, the U.S. mainstream media been exclaiming against Russia’s “unprovoked” war of aggression while, at the same time, remaining silent or supportive of the U.S. national-security establishment’s deadly and destructive invasion and unprovoked and undeclared war of aggression against the people of Iraq. No big deal. “Thank you for your service!”

And then along comes Trump, who is threatening to bring an end to the renewed Cold War racket. The mainstream media, which undoubtedly is still populated by Operation Mockingbird assets of the national-security establishment, is up in arms — the same way it was when Kennedy was moving America in a direction of ending the Cold War.

The question is: If Trump does attempt to move American in the same direction that JFK was moving America, will the national-security establishment let him get away with it? If it does take him out, like it did with Kennedy, it will be much more difficult to hide its role, given the fact that so many Americans have figured out that they took out Kennedy for doing the same thing.

But the Pentagon and the CIA also know that if they do take out Trump, there is absolutely nothing anyone can do about it, just as there was nothing that anyone could do about it when they took out Kennedy.

One thing is certain though: If they do succeed in taking out Trump, the mainstream media will participate in the official cover-up as quickly and completely as they did with the Kennedy assassination.

For more on the U.S. national-security establishment’s regime-change operation in 1963, read:

JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters by James K. Douglass

The Kennedy Autopsy by Jacob G. Hornberger

Inside the Assassination Records Review Board by Douglas P. Horne

JFK’s War with the National Security Establishment: Why Kennedy Was Assassinated by Douglas P. Horne

An Encounter with Evil: The Abraham Zapruder Story by Jacob G. Hornberger

Reprinted with permission from Future of Freedom Foundation.


  • Jacob G. Hornberger

    Jacob George Hornberger is an American attorney, author, and politician who was a Libertarian candidate for president in 2000 and 2020. He is the founder and president of the Future of Freedom Foundation.

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