In the early days of the COVID-19 panic—about three weeks ago—it was common to hear both of these phrases often repeated: - "The fatality rate of this virus is very high!" - "There are far more cases of this out there than we know about!" The strategy of insisting...
Ryan McMaken
As of Late March, Weekly Mortality Data Has Yet to Show a Surge
by Ryan McMaken | Apr 16, 2020 | The Liberty Report
Information on total deaths through March 28 shows no indication of a general surge in deaths in the United States. It's quite possible we'll see April's total mortality begin to show levels well above normal, but the weekly data we have so far show no indication of...
As of Late March, Weekly Mortality Data Has Yet to Show a Surge
by Ryan McMaken | Apr 16, 2020 | The Liberty Report
Information on total deaths through March 28 shows no indication of a general surge in deaths in the United States. It's quite possible we'll see April's total mortality begin to show levels well above normal, but the weekly data we have so far show no indication of...
As of Late March, Weekly Mortality Data Has Yet to Show a Surge
by Ryan McMaken | Apr 16, 2020 | Featured Articles
Information on total deaths through March 28 shows no indication of a general surge in deaths in the United States. It's quite possible we'll see April's total mortality begin to show levels well above normal, but the weekly data we have so far show no indication of...
As of Late March, Weekly Mortality Data Has Yet to Show a Surge
by Ryan McMaken | Apr 16, 2020 | The Liberty Report
Information on total deaths through March 28 shows no indication of a general surge in deaths in the United States. It's quite possible we'll see April's total mortality begin to show levels well above normal, but the weekly data we have so far show no indication of...
In March, US Deaths from COVID-19 Totaled Less Than 2 Percent of All Deaths
by Ryan McMaken | Apr 13, 2020 | Featured Articles
About 2.9 million people die in the United States each year from all causes. Monthly this total ranges from around 220,000 in the summertime to more than 280,000 in winter. In recent decades, flu season has often peaked sometime from January to March, and this is a...
In March, US Deaths from COVID-19 Totaled Less Than 2 Percent of All Deaths
by Ryan McMaken | Apr 13, 2020 | The Liberty Report
About 2.9 million people die in the United States each year from all causes. Monthly this total ranges from around 220,000 in the summertime to more than 280,000 in winter. In recent decades, flu season has often peaked sometime from January to March, and this is a...
The COVID-19 'Lockdowns' Are What Twenty-First-Century Mob Rule Looks Like
by Ryan McMaken | Apr 8, 2020 | Featured Articles
As of April 6, forty-one states have statewide "stay-at-home" decrees in place. These orders vary widely from place to place. In some states, there are long lists of exempted industries including marijuana dispensaries, liquor stores, hardware stores, and of course,...
George Bush’s Wars Set the Stage for 25 Years of Endless War
by Ryan McMaken | Dec 8, 2019 | Featured Articles
By 1989, it had become apparent to all — everyone except the CIA, of course — that the Soviet economy, and thus the Soviet state was in very deep trouble. In November 1989, the Berlin Wall came down in the face of Soviet impotence. And, with the Cold-War corpse not...
A White House Press Pass Has Nothing to do with the First Amendment
by Ryan McMaken | Nov 17, 2018 | Featured Articles
A federal judge this week ruled the White House must temporarily re-instate the press pass of CNN reporter Jim Acosta's, who had been barred after an argument with Donald Trump in the press room. The judge ruled the White House had violated due process by banning...
US Sanctions Against Venezuela Will Hurt Americans
by Ryan McMaken | Sep 20, 2017 | Featured Articles
After fifty years of imposing embargoes and other sanctions, the United States never managed to topple Cuba's communist regime. After forty years of the same in Iran, the US met with similar amounts of success. Ongoing sanctions against North Korea have not toppled to...
NATO Weakens As Old Alliances Break Down
by Ryan McMaken | Feb 27, 2016 | Featured Articles
Last week, I suggested that since Turkey seems intent on starting a war with the Russians, NATO might be wise to dump Turkey, or face war with Russia over a part of the world that is not European. This suggestion came out of no special animosity for the Turkish state,...
Ron Paul, Richard Cobden, and the Risks of Opposing War
by Ryan McMaken | Mar 31, 2014 | Featured Articles
Since at least as early as the eighteen century, classical liberalism, and its modern variant libertarianism, have opposed warfare except in cases of obvious self-defense. We see this anti-war position clearly among the anti-federalists of eighteenth-century America...
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