I received a great questions from a German reader who also happens to be a journalist. He asked, “What would be a way and what would be the practical implications if Europe in general and Germany in particular were to break with the US in order to find a European...
Larry C. Johnson
Is the United States Facilitating its Own Death?
by Larry C. Johnson | Aug 17, 2022 | Featured Articles
After 8 years of arming and training Ukraine’s army and air force, spending billions of tax payer dollars, the United States no longer has a viable strategy to defeat the Russian forces and compel Vladimir Putin to accept a humiliating defeat. Yes, the US and NATO are...
Western Media and Military Analysts Still Dazed and Confused About the War in Ukraine
by Larry C. Johnson | Jul 14, 2022 | Featured Articles
If you were holding out hope that the media and military analysts predicting the imminent collapse of Russia because of the failed invasion of Ukraine would get a grip on reality, think again. I take the New York Times as the leading indicator of the establishment...
Americans Do Not Understand Their Own Military History
by Larry C. Johnson | Jun 30, 2022 | Featured Articles
I believe one of the reasons many Americans carry such negative feelings about the Russians is our collective failure to understand the price Russians paid to defeat Hitler. The sad truth is that most Americans have trouble identifying the warring parties in World War...
Understanding the NY Times Article on the CIA in Ukraine
by Larry C. Johnson | Jun 27, 2022 | Featured Articles
When you read some so-called bombshell report dishing the dirt on some Top Secret US operation in the New York Times or the Washington Post, you need to understand that this was not the result of some intrepid, eager beaver reporter who took the initiative and came up...
Western Military Analysts, Including the CIA, Dazed And Confused
by Larry C. Johnson | Jun 25, 2022 | Featured Articles
Are we witnessing the consequences of legalized marijuana causing contact highs among the intelligence community that surrounds Washington, DC? How else to explain the parade of political and military analysts now seized with angst over the growing gulf between what...
The Media and Pundits Are Lying: The Flynn Unmasking Was Uncommon and Unusual
by Larry C. Johnson | May 17, 2020 | Featured Articles
The Deep State propaganda machine is spinning at hyperdrive. You are being repeatedly told that unmasking is common. Nothin unusual here. Move along. Reminds me of the scene from the Naked Gun when faux detective Frank Drebin tried to tell people they were not seeing...
The Media and Pundits Are Lying: The Flynn Unmasking Was Uncommon and Unusual
by Larry C. Johnson | May 17, 2020 | The Liberty Report
The Deep State propaganda machine is spinning at hyperdrive. You are being repeatedly told that unmasking is common. Nothin unusual here. Move along. Reminds me of the scene from the Naked Gun when faux detective Frank Drebin tried to tell people they were not seeing...
Michael Flynn Did Not Lie, He Was Framed by The FBI
by Larry C. Johnson | May 6, 2020 | Featured Articles
Two and one-half years ago, Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller unveiled charges against Michael Flynn for "lying to Federal agents." At the time I gave Mueller the benefit of the doubt and assumed, incorrectly, that the investigation was fair and honest. We now know...
A Cornerstone of Russia Hacked the 2016 Election Collapses
by Larry C. Johnson | Mar 18, 2020 | Featured Articles
Big news Monday night. Buried amid the panic over the corona virus. Robert Mueller's prosecutors got the green light to flush down the toilet one of their major cases alleging that Russia hacked the 2016 US Presidential election -- US District Court Judge Dabney...
Hollywood Goes Full Blacklist and Fails to Grasp the Irony
by Larry C. Johnson | Feb 11, 2020 | Featured Articles
In the wake of the latest Hollywood buffoonery displayed at the Oscars, I think it is time for the American public to denounce in the strongest possible terms the rampant hypocrisy of sanctimonious cretins who make their living pretending to be someone other than...
The Facts About Iran and Terrorism
by Larry C. Johnson | Jan 10, 2020 | Featured Articles
When emotion rules the day facts do not matter. Sadly, that is the reality we confront when it comes to talking about Iran and terrorism. The US Government and almost all of the media continue to declare that Iran is the biggest sponsor of terrorism. That is not true....
The Fabricated ‘Predicate’ to Spy on the Trump Campaign
by Larry C. Johnson | Dec 11, 2019 | Featured Articles
While Inspector General Michael Horowitz did a pretty fair job of documenting the crimes of the FBI in getting the green light from a Federal Judge to spy on Carter Page as an ostensible agent of the Russians, he utterly failed to investigate the cornerstone (aka the...
Here is What the Horowitz Report Should Conclude
by Larry C. Johnson | Nov 25, 2019 | Featured Articles
You do not have to wait for the Horowitz report. I can give you a preview of what he should have found if he conducted an honest audit. The following is not my opinion. It is based on the flood of information that has come out over the past two and a half-years...
Growing Indicators of Brennan’s CIA Trump Task Force
by Larry C. Johnson | Nov 3, 2019 | Featured Articles
The average American has no idea how alarming is the news that former CIA Director John Brennan reportedly created and staffed a CIA Task Force in early 2016 that was named, Trump Task Force, and given the mission of spying on and carrying out covert actions against...
The Failed FBI Plot to Paint Trump Doing Deals with Putin
by Larry C. Johnson | Oct 31, 2019 | Featured Articles
Felix SaterTo appreciate the lies and corruption that are the foundation of the conspiracy to destroy the Presidency of Donald Trump by the FBI, the CIA and the DNI, one need only look at how Robert Mueller lied about FBI informants who were targeting the Trump team....
‘Understanding the Intel and Law Enforcement Plot to Destroy the Trump Presidency’
by Larry C. Johnson | Oct 26, 2019 | Featured Articles
Former CIA officer Larry C. Johnson breaks into detail the three year intelligence community plot to overturn the 2016 elections at the Ron Paul Institute's 2019 Washington Conference, "Breaking Washington's Addiction to War." This is among the best insider...
Barr Changes the Dynamic, The Threat of Obstruction of Justice
by Larry C. Johnson | Oct 25, 2019 | Featured Articles
I do not believe in coincidence. I do not believe that it is a mere coincidence that these three events occurred late last night:1. The investigation of the roots of the plot to destroy Donald Trump and his Presidency is now a criminal matter.2. A letter from...
FBI/DOJ Likely to Throw the CIA and Clapper Under the Bus
by Larry C. Johnson | Oct 21, 2019 | Featured Articles
Law Enforcement versus the Intel Community. That's the battle we will likely see unleashed when the Horowitz report comes out next week. The New York Times came out Saturday with info clearly leaked from DOJ that can be summarized simply--the FBI was relying on the...
Empty Desks at the NSC
by Larry C. Johnson | Oct 11, 2019 | Featured Articles
Looks like President Trump finally realizes that he is working in a snake pit. When he took office on January 20, 2017, he left an enormous cadre of Obama/Hillary sycophants in place. He could have (and should have) moved them out and reassigned them to the...
Recent Posts
- For Inauguration Day, Open Federal Files and Give Truth a Chanceby James Bovard
- Can Trump Fix Our Broken Foreign Policy?by Ron Paul
- When it Comes to Terrorism, Israel Beats Hamasby Larry C. Johnson
- Biden’s Sordid Legacy: Ravaged Rights and Libertiesby James Bovard
- Israel Against The World – With US Aidby Rep. John J. Duncan Jr.
- Trump Must Not Flunk His Litmus Testby Paul Craig Roberts
- Will Trump End Washington’s Democratic Foreign Policy Façade?by Ted Galen Carpenter
- A Switch in Time?by Andrew P. Napolitano
- Accepting the Truth About Ukrainian Casualties is the Only Real Path to Peaceby Christina Abbott
- Getting Russia Wrong: A Quarter Century of Putinby James Carden
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