Dear Portlandia progressives: a federal government big enough to take care of you is a federal government big enough to "take care of you." Scary unidentifiable police, federal black sites, and procedureless snatching of individuals from the streets are the wholly...
Jeff Deist
Coronavirus Propaganda Mimics War Propaganda
by Jeff Deist | May 28, 2020 | Featured Articles
In the period leading up to the US invasion of Iraq in 2003, the Bush administration and its media accomplices waged a relentless propaganda campaign to win political support for what turned out to be one of the most disastrous foreign policy mistakes in American...
How Bad Is It?
by Jeff Deist | May 14, 2020 | Featured Articles
How bad is it? That is the question on everyone's mind as we come to grips with the economic carnage caused by global economic shutdowns, supply chain disruptions, and ongoing quarantines of million of people. Do we face another Great Depression, or simply a deep...
Will It Take Food Shortages to End Support for the Shutdown?
by Jeff Deist | Apr 28, 2020 | Featured Articles
Americans are uniquely privileged, to the point of simply imagining they can stay home for months and months without suffering severe economic hardship as a result. Our unique privilege is delusion, the mentality that America is rich and will remain rich without...
All Crises Are Local
by Jeff Deist | Apr 6, 2020 | Featured Articles
"South Dakota is not New York City." A seemingly innocuous statement, made last Wednesday by Governor Kristi Noem in response to calls for her to issue a coronavirus shutdown across a state with the motto "Under God the People Rule." South Dakota, after all, is one of...
Politics Drops Its Pretenses
by Jeff Deist | Oct 16, 2019 | Featured Articles
Can the increasing politicization of life in America be stopped, or even slowed? To be sure, average Americans do not want this. Most people prefer not to lead overly political lives, beyond perhaps voting once in a while and grumbling about taxes or potholes. Most...
‘They Shall Not Grow Old’ is a Superb Antiwar Film
by Jeff Deist | May 27, 2019 | Featured Articles
I recently saw the documentary They Shall Not Grow Old, an account by English soldiers of their experiences in the Great War of 1914-1918. Culled from hundreds of hours of colorized actual wartime footage, it's a beautiful and heart wrenching film. It's also a superb...
War Abroad, War at Home
by Jeff Deist | Aug 21, 2018 | Featured Articles
Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson, speaking at a Ron Paul Institute conference this past weekend, predicted US troops would remain in Afghanistan another 50 years — just as they have in Germany and Korea. He also termed the ongoing US-backed campaign in Yemen the "most...
Ron Paul: On War, Gold, and My Years in Congress
by Jeff Deist | May 30, 2018 | Featured Articles
Photo: Gage SkidmoreJEFF DEIST: What makes you optimistic, what makes you pessimistic about what you see in the US?RON PAUL: Well, if I look at the big picture including a long span of time, I would say conditions aren’t that bad, even though I often talk about all...
Meaningless Words Alert: Neoconservatives are Now ‘Classical Liberals
by Jeff Deist | Feb 27, 2018 | Neocon Watch
Mona Charen The term "classical liberal" always has been a misnomer, in that it presupposes an earlier or undiluted form of liberalism that must be distinguished semantically and temporally. and But the great historian Ralph Raico disabused us of this empty...
Silent Cal on “America First”
by Jeff Deist | Jan 18, 2018 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
The rise of Trump has dredged up old and bitter debates surrounding the concept of "America First," a position Trump frequently advocates almost unconsciously and using his own peculiar terms. Consider this tweet, from 2013, as an example of Trump expressing a...
Let Catalonia Decide
by Jeff Deist | Sep 20, 2017 | Featured Articles
Should Catalonia be independent?Surely Catalans, and nobody else, must answer that question. Some Catalans consider themselves Spanish and some don’t. Many Spaniards consider Catalonia part of Spain, while some don’t. But it’s clear that a significant number of...
What We Lost on September 11th
by Jeff Deist | Sep 11, 2017 | Featured Articles
The cliché is true: September 11, 2001 represents a defining American moment. Generation X and Millennials suddenly had their own day of infamy, just as their parents and grandparents had Pearl Harbor and the Kennedy assassination. 9/11 marked the end of a relatively...
The Wrong Narrative in Charlottesville
by Jeff Deist | Aug 14, 2017 | Featured Articles
The political violence in Charlottesville yesterday was as predictable as it was futile. One person was killed and dozens badly injured, marking a new low in the political and cultural wars that are as heated as any time since in America since the 1960s.This...
Peace Is Popular
by Jeff Deist | Jun 29, 2017 | Featured Articles
Capitalism is essentially a scheme for peaceful nations. What the incompatibility of war and capitalism really means is that war and high civilization are incompatible. — Ludwig von MisesPeace is popular.That was Ron Paul’s message to our audience in Texas earlier...
Truman Was Right About the CIA
by Jeff Deist | Mar 8, 2017 | Featured Articles
Say what you will about President Harry Truman, but at least he didn't leave the White House a suspiciously rich man. He also actuallywent home, to Independence Missouri, and moved into a modest house he didn't own. It was the same house belonging to his wife's family...
What Trump Could Do
by Jeff Deist | Jan 20, 2017 | Featured Articles
Today Donald Trump becomes the 45th president of the United States. American voters rejected the devil they know so well — Hillary Clinton — for the devil they don’t. Why they did so, and how Trump prevailed, is the biggest political story of our age. But the...
A Better Approach To Terrorism
by Jeff Deist | Mar 23, 2016 | Featured Articles
People of goodwill naturally attempt to make sense of terrible events like yesterday's bombings in Brussels, to help themselves address the psychological discomfort that occurs when seemingly incomprehensible violence occurs. We have a hard time processing a world...
Memorial Day and the Meaning of Freedom
by Jeff Deist | May 26, 2014 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
Memorial Day provides the political class countless opportunities to ruin an otherwise thoroughly enjoyable holiday weekend. Like clockwork, local congressmen, mayors, city council members, et al. materialize at parades, picnics, and churches to give speeches about...
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