Daniel McAdams

UN’s Syria Propaganda Stunt

What's going on in East Ghouta? The Syrian government forces are liberating the civilians held hostage by five main jihadist factions. But you wouldn't know it from the media coverage. It is portrayed as yet another example of Assad engaging in bloodsport. But they...

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Who Is The Aggressor In Syria?

It's been a couple of weeks of serious escalation in Syria. First, the US attacked and killed some 100 Syrian government-allied troops for launching an operation against a US-funded rebel force that seeks the overthrow of the Syrian government. Then some US-trained...

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Europe's Culture Wars

Neocon-dominated US foreign policy is despised throughout the world, bestselling Scandinavian writer Hanne Herland tells the Liberty Report today. At a time when European and Western values are under attack by cultural Marxists of the Frankfurt School, where can we...

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