Daniel McAdams

More Weapons for the Yemen War

Washington announced this week that it is getting much more involved in the Saudi bombing of Yemen. The Saudis want to re-install ousted Yemeni president Hadi, who himself had taken power in a coup. US Deputy Secretary of State Anthony Blinken announced yesterday that...

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Yemen: The Stage is Set

As the US-backed Saudi attack on neighboring Yemen continues to expand, the biggest question is why and to what purpose? Is one of the least democratic countries on earth, Saudi Arabia, claiming to restore democracy in Yemen, where the president was elected with 99...

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McCain to Israel: Go Rogue!

McCain to Israel: Go Rogue!

With an Iran nuclear deal within striking distance in the P5+1 talks, John McCain is horrified to see the possibility of his longed-for US attack on Iran slowly slipping away. So, to retaliate, he took to the Senate Floor last week to urge Israel to undermine his own...

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Congress Demands War in Ukraine!

Congress Demands War in Ukraine!

US military vehicles in military exercises near Russia's border this week.Just weeks after a European-brokered ceasefire greatly reduced the violence in Ukraine, the US House of Representatives today takes a big step toward re-igniting -- and expanding -- the bloody...

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