California Governor Jerry Brown signed into law one of the nation's strongest mandatory vaccination laws. If a California resident does not agree to have her child jabbed some 48 times by school-age, the child cannot attend school. The exemption loopholes have been...
Daniel McAdams
New Embassy in Cuba – But Will Congress Kill the Deal?
by Daniel McAdams | Jul 1, 2015 | The Liberty Report
President Obama will officially restore full diplomatic relations with Cuba today, in what is one bright spot in his otherwise not very encouraging foreign policy. Talks with Iran are the other positive. But as always, the devil is in the details. State-to-state...
Are Neocons Embracing Al-Qaeda?
by Daniel McAdams | Jun 30, 2015 | The Liberty Report
With their plans for regime change in Syria not working out as planned, the neocons are desperately looking around for another hare-brained scheme to sell. From recently floated trial balloons, it looks like they are looking to push a tactical alliance with al-Qaeda...
Guess How Many ‘Moderate’ Syrian Rebels Have Been Trained With Congress-Approved $500 Million?
by Daniel McAdams | Jun 30, 2015 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
Nope, it's not a trick question. The number is zero. A year ago Congress granted a White House request for half a billion dollars to identify, train, and equip "moderate" Syrians to accomplish the dual US goal of defeating ISIS as well as overthrowing those fighting...
Armenia Color Revolution? Germany Urged to Build Up Military. Week in Review with McAdams and Taylor
by Daniel McAdams | Jun 28, 2015 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
Is a color revolution underway in Armenia? The US and EU have long wanted to break Armenia from its free trade agreement with Russia and it looks like US-sponsored NGOs are behind the protests in the capital. Plus, US Defense Secretary Ashton Carter urges Germany to...
NATO Hypes Russia Threat While NATO Members Reduce Military Spending
by Daniel McAdams | Jun 27, 2015 | Featured Articles
NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, a former prime minister of Norway, took the podium during last week's meeting of NATO defense ministers to hype the Russian threat to NATO while downplaying recent NATO military moves on Russia's border.While criticizing "a...
Battlefield America
by Daniel McAdams | Jun 26, 2015 | The Liberty Report
Our phones are tapped by the government, the police are militarized and viewing us as the targets, our free speech rights are being trampled daily. Is there any hope to return to a constitutional government that does not have the power to restrict our civil liberties?...
Greek Crisis: How Long Before a Fed Bailout?
by Daniel McAdams | Jun 25, 2015 | The Liberty Report
As the Greeks and the European bureaucrats and bankers continue wrestle over who is going to pay an unpayable debt, Ron Paul wonders just how long before the US Federal Reserve is called to put the US on the hook. After all, the Fed pumped trillions into Europe after...
US Spoiling for More Wars, But Why?
by Daniel McAdams | Jun 25, 2015 | The Liberty Report
This week US Defense Secretary Ashton Carter, who comes to the Pentagon straight from the military-industrial complex, announced that 40,000 NATO troops and untold heavy military equipment would be deployed on the Russian border to deter Russian "aggression."...
Shona Banda Drug Arrest: A Prime Case for Jury Nullification
by Daniel McAdams | Jun 23, 2015 | The Liberty Report
If there ever was a "poster child" for the absurdity of the drug war, the case of Shona Banda must be it. Suffering from an extreme case of Crohn's disease, the relief she found was from cannabis oil. When her 11-year old son made the mistake of mentioning in school...
One Person Dead, a Tragedy; A Million Dead, a Statistic
by Daniel McAdams | Jun 22, 2015 | The Liberty Report
Recent police killings of unarmed individuals and the recent tragedy in South Carolina are horrific and they result in obsessive 24/7 media coverage. Isn't it strange that the thousands killed and maimed as a result of our aggressive foreign policy worldwide do not...
Sec Def Carter to Russia: ‘Don’t Drag Us Back to the Past’
by Daniel McAdams | Jun 22, 2015 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
Defense Secretary Ashton Carter comes (back) to government service via the military-industrial complex. Whether in the "private" sector or in government military positions, Carter has made his fortune (and those of others) pushing an aggressive and interventionist US...
Macedonia Caves, Congress Slumbers, NATO Moves to Russia Border – McAdams and Taylor’s Week in Review
by Daniel McAdams | Jun 20, 2015 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
Did Congress finally discover that there were neo-Nazis fighting in Ukraine? Did the US/Soros coup in Macedonia succeed? Why doesn't Congress care that Obama fights an unauthorized and illegal war in Iraq and Syria? RPI's Daniel McAdams and Jay Taylor are back to look...
National Endowment for Democracy? Hardly!
by Daniel McAdams | Jun 19, 2015 | The Liberty Report
After covert CIA backing of Radio Free Europe and other organizations was exposed in the 1970s, a group of neoconservatives decided to create a new kind of CIA to do in the open that which had been done in secret: the National Endowment for Democracy. More than 30...
House Refuses to Curb Obama’s Middle East War
by Daniel McAdams | Jun 18, 2015 | The Liberty Report
Yesterday the House voted down H. Con. Res. 55, which would have forced President Obama to withdraw US troops from Iraq and Syria by year's end without Congressional authorization. Congressional leaders clearly have no interest in asserting their Constitutional...
Congress Blocks Nazi Training in Ukraine
by Daniel McAdams | Jun 16, 2015 | The Liberty Report
Not long ago anyone who suggested that neo-Nazis were involved in the US-backed government in Ukraine would be ridiculed as a conspiracy theorist. Then last week the US House voted to prohibit funding to the Azov Battalion because of its neo-Nazi ideology. As NATO...
Planet Jeb
by Daniel McAdams | Jun 16, 2015 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
Jeb Bush officially joined the 2016 White House race Monday. He promises to be an outsider -- "not just another member of the club." Don't dare call the third Bush coveting the presidency a blue-blood. He is not "among the pampered elites of Washington."His mission is...
The Magna Carta at 800 Years: Is it Still Alive?
by Daniel McAdams | Jun 15, 2015 | The Liberty Report
Born 800 years ago today, the magna carta was in essence the result of a rebellion against the unchecked power of the executive to take a country to war and then stick the citizens with the bill. What can we learn from that rebellion and how can we put it to use to...
Europeans Reject NATO’s War
by Daniel McAdams | Jun 12, 2015 | The Liberty Report
Despite the ongoing war propaganda and political leaders who seem desperate to do the bidding of Washington, a majority of the population in every European NATO member country would oppose going to war with Russia -- even if Russia attacked another NATO member...
Iraq in Chaos: An Excuse to Escalate?
by Daniel McAdams | Jun 11, 2015 | The Liberty Report
President Obama has admitted this week that he has no strategy for Iraq and Syria. But in the absence of a strategy the old familiar tactics are still at play: escalate, escalate, escalate. More US "trainers" to Iraq to perform a miracle: create an Iraqi army that can...
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- Who Is Lew Rockwell?by Norman Singleton
- America as Republic, Not as Empire – Europe’s ‘Sound and Fury’ After Jaw-Dropping Pivots in US Policyby Alastair Crooke
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